I am in good spirits

Chapter 175 Manager of All Souls Society

Chapter 175 Manager of All Souls Society

"She's a chimeric twin."

She said the word without haste, looked at Mengqi and said with regret: "This is an extremely rare congenital disease. Simply put, it means that the mother was actually twins when she was pregnant, but it may be due to insufficient nutrition. Or for various reasons, the two fetuses began to devour each other and cannibalize each other in the mother's womb."

"Young fellow Daoist seems to be one person, but in fact, she has a similar but different destiny in her body. Yuxueqing owns eight tenths of one body, and the other two points belong to another child."

The disease mentioned by Zhizhi is actually not uncommon. In the world of cultivation, there is also a special name "fetus disappearance syndrome".

But Yuxueqing's situation is rare. She has two fates in her body, that is, her twin sister or younger sister is not absorbed, but a new life is born into the world with Yuxueqing.

The water spirit she summoned is actually the will of her older sister or younger sister sleeping in her body.

"Two shots in one shot?"

Shi Feiyan was taken aback when she heard the words, and after thinking carefully, a word popped out of her mouth to choke Zhizhi, and Meng Qi punched Gambling Dog's head with an angry face: "There is nothing in your head except Bo Xi and rubbish. Anything else?"


Shi Feiyan covered her head and muttered with dissatisfaction on her face: "I'm just stating the facts."

I was the one who found Xiaobai, but the tigress licked it first, relying on his strength, and now there are so many coquettish women running around the street, what should I do?
Obviously. I came first!


"That's it? Are you embarrassed about the Nascent Soul Stage? If I were you, I would crush the Nascent Soul on the spot."

Bai Jin was full of joy and opened his mouth to taunt, surrounded by golden core stage monsters, and even a half-step Nascent Soul stage female fox demon hugged Bai Jin's thigh, begging him not to make himself bloom, what did she do? Are willing to do.

The leading cultivator of the Spirit Beast Sect almost lost his breath. He had never seen such a monstrous Golden Core cultivator.

No matter what monster he summoned, his neck would be broken by the shovel or he would be turned into ashes. When colorful flowers bloomed, his life would wither.

The trunk of the tree broke through the ground, and the vines growing on the tree bound the monster's thorns and pierced thousands of holes.

This frightened the leading monk, wondering if he had cultivated a fake Nascent Soul.

"Your expression is really strange."

Bai Jin kicked the leading monk, picked up the shovel and beat him several times with "bang bang bang" until his head was bleeding.

The leading monk didn't know anything about Bai Jin. If he could defeat Bai Jin in this way, it would be a huge insult to Old Devil Zizai and Sui Mingxing. He would defy the sky.

Bai Jin belonged to the first-time killing monks, and the Acacia Sect produced all kinds of strange spells. In addition, Sui Ming Xing had trained Bai Jin's physique in a targeted manner.

They can lose in this way, Bai Jin is ashamed of the cultivation of his own old devil, and the hand-in-hand training of Sui Mingxing.

"lose you."

Bai Jin dragged the Nascent Soul stage monks, threw them directly into the still-running formation, touched the dog's head that was squatting on the ground to protect the rain, snow, clear water, and said: "Wake up your master, we are about to take refuge elsewhere, here Later, the whole mansion will be blown up into the sky."


Shui Ling patted Bai Jin away and touched his hand, and it slowly turned into a ball of clear water and dissipated. The sound-proof protective film covering Yu Xueqing's body disappeared. Getting up with blushing cheeks: "I'm sorry, I'm too weak to hold everyone back, huh?"

Yu Xueqing bowed her head and apologized, when she saw the footsteps of Hong Jiang from the Spirit Beast Gate, she screamed, and was so frightened that the fried hair danced and wanted to shake off the red liquid on the shoes, tears welled up in her eyes.

".nice view."

Seeing the advanced senior sister bouncing around, Bai Jin clasped his hands together with respect and expressed his gratitude: "Thank you senior sister for the gift."

"Get lost! Bullying Senior Sister again!"

Zhu Fuheng stood in front of Bai Jin, blocking Xiaoqing's tofu-eating random glances: "And then what? We've already beaten up the monks in the tutelary mansion, who should we talk to about the total eclipse market now. "

Seeing the red tablet, Bai Jin instantly returned from thanking you to normal, and said: "If you want to be angry at the inaction of the Spirit Beast Sect, of course you have to talk to the real manager here."

"Hey Brother Jin, Brother Wei, come here, it's very dangerous outside now."

Bai Jin asked his friends to come back, and at the same time raised his hand to pinch Yinjue to spread the array, extending a restricted area for everyone to stand inside.

Explosive explosions make no difference between the enemy and the enemy. If you don't find a place to hide, you won't be able to pay for any number of lives.


Bai Jin clapped his hands together eleven times, and the pitch-black formation on the ground stopped wriggling, and began to reject outside auras or objects thrown into it, and the whole building began to fold itself like a curtain, shrinking continuously and gradually showing a trace of light. Silky white light.

Zhu Fu stared at the formation with wide eyes. After she learned from Zhizhi that the secret method of Bai Jin's hometown in front of her was of the fire attribute, she had been curious about it and wanted to see how powerful it was.

"Brother Bai, I'm a little uneasy." Jinlin said with a vortex in the bandage on his face, "Should we not blow up something from the sky?"


Before Bai Jin could speak, the explosive formation was folded in half 37 times, and when it was folded eight times to No.30, the dazzling light enveloped the entire All Souls Society, followed by a vibrating explosion that spread dozens of miles away Long overdue.

The spiraling air wave spread outwards, and all the buildings passing by were lifted into the sky, forming a blooming light blue happy skull mushroom cloud, and slowly exhaled a smoke ring that turned into a hurricane and expanded outward.

"My Home"

Shi Feiyan looked at Boxi Street, which was blown into the sky, her eyes widened and her face was horrified: "One of my blessed cultivation places, Wanling Boxi Building, was blown into the sky!?"

"Did you mean it?"

"Profit with profit!" Bai Jin hummed through voice transmission.

"Woooooooo little brother Bai."

Shi Feiyan's body softened, her cheek bumped against her junior brother's back and she whimpered to protest his rudeness, Meng Qi lowered her head and glanced at Shi Feiyan's face, she stood up straight with disgust and ignored the bastard who wasted human feelings.

"That's great too!"

Looking at the smog-shrouded tutelary mansion, Zhu Fu couldn't help showing surprise on his face. Such a powerful flame spell can be made by a golden core monk?Wouldn't it be great if you could learn it yourself?
"tremble with fear."

Jin Lin clutched his violently throbbing chest and kept nodding his head up and down, as if looking at something.

"call out"

A fairy boat that was mostly blown up fell straight from a high altitude into the tutelary mansion, but it didn't fall into the deep pit created by the explosion and hovered in midair. A violent breath erupted from the ground, shaking the surrounding area. The thick smoke and black mist were all dispelled.

A tattered Taoist was lying in the pit, on his exposed chest, and a wound caused by an unknown object was slowly bleeding, making the middle-aged Taoist lying on the ground look particularly miserable and unlucky.

But his body is majestic, making Brother Jin feel as if he has returned to the country of great displeasure to face the big fox hundreds of meters away.

"This time it's a ground-air attack," Jin Lin muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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