I am in good spirits

Chapter 184 Ruthless Immortal: "...There is kindness!"

Chapter 184 The Ruthless Immortal ".has kind!"

"Is there really no need to negotiate?"

On the way to the restaurant, Zhu Fu still asked without giving up, Bai Jin shook his head like a rattle.

The issue involved here is not whether to teach or not, but whether Ying Huo Xing can beat me to death, whether I can raise a knife with Wuqingxian, and whether Master can pull me back from the underworld.

There is nothing wrong with teaching you, but I am afraid that you will sacrifice the enemy with one palm, so that the power of the blasting secret method will be improved from a normal monk to a demon cultivator!
The essence of the 'explosive style' is flame and sacrifice, and the two complement each other and are indispensable, so this technique can burst out the power of the technique far surpassing the monks of the same realm. Ordinary pyro spells don't make any difference.

If Zhu Fu becomes a demon cultivator, there will undoubtedly be a large-scale family ethics drama in Xingluo Xianmen.

Thinking of Wuqingxian's singing, Bai Jin's heart shuddered.

"Brother Bai, you should hurry up!"

Seeing Zhu Fu and Bai Jin walking slowly, Wei Benliang, who was so hungry that his chest was on his back, couldn't help but urge him, and then continued to look at the barbecue feast made by his own puppets on the table.

Although the fairy boat does not contain any ingredients, when the housekeeping puppets bought it, they gave away kitchen utensils and condiments. Wei Benliang came back with a buffalo on his back, and the puppets made the carcass of the buffalo into grilled steaks and steaks and served them to the table .

“The roast beef is pretty good.”

Looking at the exquisite grilled ribs on the table, and the dry dipping saucer placed beside him, Bai Jin sat down and smelled the scent of the dishes and praised, then looked at the wooden puppets who were busy serving the dishes: "It's very delicious!" Yes, come to my dormitory tonight, and I will give you some oil."

Because of the hostility to the Puppet Hall, Bai Jin had never bought a self-made puppet. Now that he saw it, he immediately thought it was really good. No wonder those rubber guys hugged their puppets all day long.

Although Bai Jin hadn't bought it himself, he had seen those local tyrants and evil gentry use it, and he had also dismantled many higher-level puppets with supernatural powers, so he roughly understood the internal structure of those housekeeping puppets.

Replace it with a set of new energy cores, and replace some junk parts picked up from the shop in the Hall of Puppets, and you should be able to piece together some interesting puppets.

"By the way, Brother Zhi asked me to hand over some gifts to you before leaving, saying that it is a little care from the seniors for the younger generations. I hope we all don't dislike it."

Bai Jin who was eating seemed to think of something, took out something from the storage ring, and threw it to his friend.

"Hey what?"

Zhu Fu subconsciously picked up what Bai Jin threw, and when he took a closer look, he found that it was a red pupil, which seemed to reflect his own face as if he was dying.

The frightened Zhu Fu quickly shook his hand, and flung the one-eyed red vertical pupil back to Bai Jin.

"I don't know what, the things that the seniors kindly gave you, you just take them honestly!"

"I don't want to be ugly." Zhu Fufei smashed Chi Tong back to Bai Jin with a powerful smash.

"It's all yours!"

Bai Jin raised his hand and pushed Chitong up, like playing beach volleyball, and beat Chitong back to Zhu Fu.


The irritated Zhu Fu began to kick with his feet, Wei Benliang didn't see it the whole time, occasionally swaying his body to avoid the flying red pupils with spiritual power, grabbing a cow's leg with both hands While chewing, he did not move the jade slip that Zhizhi gave him for the time being.

"Strange book"

Yuxueqing got under the table, holding the book presented by Zhizhi in her hand and looking at it, she was confused by the contents recorded in it, all of them were doll books without any annotations and fonts at all, just some pictures.

Judging from the pattern of the person above, it seems to be a strange collection of sword skills, but how can a normal person have eight arms? This should be the sword skill of the monster race
Yuxueqing couldn't understand the contents of the book, but she still put the book in the storage bracelet very rare. This is something given to her by her predecessors. Even if she doesn't need it, she can't just throw it away casually to spoil other people's wishes.



Xingluo Xianmen Taiyi Palace.

"Report to Master Teacher, there is an urgent matter on the way"

In the main meeting hall, Wuqingxian sat on the main seat, and the chiefs sat around the round table. On the table were scattered books, maps, and shaking sand tables.

Everyone is observing the deduction sand table, and they are cracking the mutation-restricted corpse river at the core of the corpse mountain forbidden area.

But an urgent call came from outside the door, interrupting the discussion between the chief seat of Xingluo Xianmen and the head teacher.

"What is there to report?"

Seeing the postman rushing in, Wuqingxian frowned slightly and said: "Pay attention to your image, what is the appearance of entering the Taiyi Palace with disheveled clothes, even if the sky falls, it is not your turn to worry about it."

"I'm very sorry, Master Master"

The post envoy of Xingluo Xianmen looked at the first seats, carefully moved to the side of the main seat with a full face, and handed over a jade slip with a respectful face for the head teacher to browse the contents inside.


After reading the information in the Jade Slips, Wuqing Xian's body was even more chilly, and even the ground of the Taiyi Palace began to appear icy and frosty: "Good! Good! Good!"

"Did something happen? Headmaster?"

Seeing Wuqingxian's fury, Suimingxing couldn't help but care about his junior sister who has always acted impulsively.

"There was a conflict between the Spiritual Beast Sect and the Hehuan Sect. We asked our Xingluo Xianmen to compensate for the loss. It is said that someone witnessed the chief disciples leading the Hehuan Sect demon cultivator to the tutelary mansion."

"It eventually led to the fall of heaven's punishment, and the destruction of the All Souls Society under the jurisdiction of the Spirit Beast Sect." Wuqingxian slowly got up from the high-back chair: "They are going to come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, and it is ridiculous to frame us for colluding with the Demon Sect to deal with the Spirit Beast Sect!"

"Chief Disciple, All Souls Society, Heaven's Punishment?!"

The first seats gasped, Sui Mingxing and Ying Huo Xing disappeared instantly without saying a word, not knowing what they were running for, and the faces of the rest of the first seats also changed drastically.

They don't care about the false accusation of the Spirit Beast Sect at all, they are all worried about the safety of their disciples. This year's chief disciples are all exceptionally talented, and they are all geniuses with strange fates.
If all of it falls on the Heavenly Punishment of the All Souls Society, it will be the most serious loss to Xingluo Xianmen.

"The endless evil causes, the endless evil consequences."

Immortal Wuqing looked at the head seat who was about to leave and said, "You stay in the Xingluo Immortal Sect. The disciples are all fine, but the people from the Spirit Beast Sect are jumping up and down there, trying to make us compensate for the losses caused by the dog biting the dog in the door."

Wuqingxian stepped into the gap in the space, and pulled the two chiefs running towards their respective hills with indifference: "Your apprentices are all fine, but the matter of the Spirit Beast Sect is serious now!"

Every disciple of Xingluo Xianmen has a nameplate with the master. The nameplate will be broken when the disciple dies, and the place of death will be marked for the master to collect the body.

Ying Huo Xing and Sui Ming Xing ran out in such a hurry to see if the nameplate was still there, and if not, where did their precious disciple die.

The Spirit Beast Sect may not have connected with the Wuqingxian, and they don't know what kind of person she is. Maybe they just want to use this matter to rob some of the country's fortune. From the background of the Xingluo Immortal Sect, the fortune is enough to suppress one side.

It doesn't hurt that some countries ship it.

But Wuqingxian is extremely afraid of trouble, no matter what level of trouble she doesn't want to get involved in, as long as the trouble spreads to her, there will only be one word of death.

Bai Jin's troubles were not taken lightly, and the self-destruct of the Spirit Beast Sect also implicated him.

Wuqingxian told him time and time again, don't cause trouble if you have nothing to do, and remember to clean up the traces or witnesses immediately if you really cause trouble.

After poking through the sky, he informed Shimen, but it was obvious that Bai Jin had completely forgotten about it.

This time Wuqingxian can hang Bai Jin from the beam and smash his ass

ask for votes
 In the past few days, many of my friends have come back from other places, and I have been playing with them all over the city. There is no eunuch or anything. I am updating every day, so why am I called a eunuch?

(End of this chapter)

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