I am in good spirits

Chapter 185 Thank you for the first kill rewarded by the veteran of the Puppet Hall

Chapter 185 Thank you for the first kill rewarded by the veteran of the Puppet Hall
Bai Jin didn't know that the danger was approaching, so he left Xianzhou's restaurant with a satisfied face. There was a sumptuous roast beef meal that he could eat at will, and after the meal, he would play volleyball with his energetic senior sister to help digestion.

The most important thing is that all of this is free, and you can also enjoy the grievances of the senior sister gnashing her teeth. Bai Jin thinks that returning to the dormitory and eating some turbid spirit fruits will improve her level.

"Huh? Brother Jin is so lonely by himself?"

Before returning to the dormitory, Bai Jin walked to the bathtub along the way to take a bath to relieve fatigue, and to wash off the sweat from playing ball with Zhu Fu just now. When he stepped into the bathtub wrapped in a bath towel, Bai Jin saw Notice the golden scales that don't match the color of the bath.

In the antique and full anti-corrosion wood bath, there is a white thing huddled in the corner, it is really hard not to attract the attention of others.

"Brother Bai?"

Jin Lin stopped his movements, looked back at Bai Jin swaggeringly wrapped in a small bath towel with a face full of surprise: "Why did you come to the bath?"

"I also want to ask you what are you doing here in the bath instead of lying on the bed and sleeping?"

Bai Jin looked at Brother Jin with great interest. He was sitting cross-legged in front of the shower pipe, holding a brush made of unknown bristles in his hand, and meticulously scrubbing the dusty wood shaving bandages on his body.

"If you want to take a bath and change clothes, why don't you come to me and shout at me, and I will wash you in 3 minutes." Bai Jin recalled the washing machine for Brother Jin with a funny smile on his face.

First catch a weather girl to make a trickle, quickly soak the golden scales, and then cry the weather girl can summon a hot dryer, and within 10 minutes, the bandages on the golden scale will be as polished as polished .

"Drowning doesn't feel good, and I don't like bothering other people with nothing."

Jin Lin stabilized his frightened thoughts slightly, and responded to Bai Jin lightly: "The simple cleansing technique and washing the bandages on the body are not troublesome, and it can be resolved in half an hour."

"Then do as you like!"

Bai Jin showed a slightly disappointed expression, regretting that he didn't see the washing machine in the cultivation world again, quite disappointed, twisted his waist and put a cleansing technique on his body, and walked to the artificial hot spring pool to enjoy the massage effect of the spiritual pool.

The Xianzhou hot spring is condensed by formations, and contains a little spiritual power in it, which can relieve physical fatigue very well.

Apart from the fact that it is more expensive for daily maintenance and it is ineffective for high-ranking monks, there are not many disadvantages. Expensiveness may not be considered a disadvantage of the fairy boat.

Only the war fairy boat is a practical product, and the other fairy boats are all high-end gadgets that were castrated from above by the Qizong to cut the wallets of the clan's big boys and buddies.

"Brother Bai."

After hesitating for a moment, Jin Lin finally got up and walked into the bathing pool, sat down beside Bai Jin who was lying on his back on the water with his head resting on the wooden steps, and said, "I'm sorry for causing so many troubles for everyone in the All Souls Society. "

What happened in the All Souls Society seems to have nothing to do with Jinlin, but Jinlin himself understands that if he hadn't been guided by spirituality to come to the All Souls Society to practice, everyone would never be involved in the internal struggle of the Spirit Beast Sect, and there is no need to go through that An extremely dangerous punishment from heaven.

Jinlin felt very guilty about this, the place she chose to practice almost hurt everyone.

"It doesn't matter. As the so-called seeking wealth and danger, cultivating immortals is going against the sky, and it's normal to die halfway." Bai Jin said with a smile on his face: "We... are the best bad friends of Xingluo Xianmen. Didn't they cheat each other?"

"Where are we going now, the Myriad Souls Society and Heaven's Punishment are nothing but death, as long as we can't be killed, we will become stronger next time!"

Bai Jin is very free and easy about the things he encounters, and there is nothing he can't get through, as long as he enjoys and feels happy and joyful during the process.

Even if you have to run away if you can't win, as long as you maintain an optimistic attitude, you can enjoy the hardships.

"Brother Bai. Good!"

Jin Lin took a deep breath, and was touched by Bai Jin's words of "best friend" and said: "Jin is not good at hypocritical words. If you have something to say in the future, I will definitely support you with all my strength!"

For an autistic child who is not good at words, Jin Lin's words are already extremely serious, but whenever everyone asks her for something, Jin Lin will definitely rush to the front.

Having such a confidant in life made Jinlin feel enough.


Bai Jin waved his hand in an extremely perfunctory manner, and if his identity was leaked, Jin Lin rushed to the front and roared angrily: "The demon returns to my brother Bai." Or drew his sword with a face full of disappointment: "I didn't expect you to fall so far. ", and then draw the sword to stab yourself, thank God.

"I'm serious!" Jin Lin said dissatisfied.

"Next time Wanhua Pavilion invites me to book the venue, it's fine to be a cow or a horse. There used to be a male fox who told me that in his next life he would dedicate his body and mind to the slave family!"


Jin Lin left the bathing pool with a depressed face, the emotion in his heart disappeared without a trace, and Bai Jin's perfunctory attitude made him want to hit him with all his strength on the chest, turning his disgusted face into a painful bloody face.

Although he was a little depressed, Jin Lin didn't take it too seriously, Brother Bai had a bad temper.

If one day it becomes serious, Jinlin may not be able to accept it in three to fifty years.

"Washing in vain, really comfortable"

Bai Jin threw the change of clothes to the self-made puppet, changed into white pajamas and wiped his head with a towel, and walked to the dormitory with a happy face, preparing for a busy and fulfilling day after the bombing of the All Souls Meeting.


When Bai Jin pushed open the dormitory door, he felt a trace of resistance behind the door, with a puzzled look on his face, he kicked open the blocked door by himself, staring at the garbage piled up in front of the door and the "murder scene" with astonishment on his face : "I just came back after eating a meal, what about you?"

The table in the dormitory has shifted, and what blocked the door just now was the wreckage of the magical puppet, and a large amount of dark green unknown liquid was scattered on the ground in the living room, making the dormitory smell of blood.

Although Bai Jin was not at the scene, judging from the traces on the ground, the fragments of the fairy artifact that fell on the ground, and the disappeared ground fairy of the Puppet Hall, it is not difficult to guess what happened in his dormitory just now.

Bai Jin took out the fairy boat compass from the storage ring, mobilized the self-propelled puppet to clean it, raised his left hand with a face full of surprise and covered it with a layer of light blue gauntlet, and reached out to pick up the fragments of the bronze chime bell on the ground. Dou's weapon spirit did not attack him, as if there was no weapon spirit in the bronze chime.

But Bai Jin knew that there was something in it, so he didn't know why he was honest now.

"I think the old man of Puppet Palace, I am afraid that he was not dismembered by the soul and thrown into the outside world." Bai Jin looked at the sleeping soul, who was more than one meter tall and had barbs growing out of his back, and raised his right hand Take it back into your body and feel the changes in your soul.

After devouring some of the souls of the Earth Immortal, the body showed advanced development and began to feed back Bai Jin.

The previous soul was big and thick, and its muscles swelled as if it was going to explode, but after devouring part of the earth fairy, it turned from a bodybuilder to a bodybuilder, and its body became more streamlined and aggressive, with its arms extending to the knees s position.

"Can't you spit it out first?"

Feeling the surge of mana, as if something was about to burst out of his body, Bai Jin raised his right hand and slowly closed his five fingers together, a different dark green spiritual fruit emerged in his palm.

The turbid spirit fruit is all pure spiritual energy, but part of the body of the earth fairy has been integrated into the five elements, no matter how the soul is purified, it can only purify the pure spiritual energy of the five elements.

The dark green spiritual fruit in front of him is wood attribute aura.

If the soul eats it, it can immediately explode and kill, but if Bai Jin eats it, it can immediately explode and die.

It contains an extremely huge spiritual energy, almost equivalent to a newly promoted earth immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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