I am in good spirits

Chapter 201 Well done, don't do it next time

Chapter 201 Well done, don't do it next time

"Ah this."

Hai Ling'er looked at all this with a dull face, watched Bai Jin walk down the steps from the door, watched him trample on the unconscious fellow practitioner Wu's blessing bag, the force was so great that she felt a phantom pain, subconsciously slightly bend over.

Bai Jin's things didn't stop, he kicked Tongxiu Wu in the face who was screaming and covering his crotch with his hands, he took out a shovel from the storage ring, wrapped it with light blue spiritual power, and slapped Tongxiu Wu against the wall, Two wooden walls and several main beams collapsed.

"And you are disrespectful there, aren't you?"

Bai Jin cleaned up the guy on the sperm, looked at the old man with white hair and a goatee, raised his foot and kicked down fellow practitioner Wu's half-ice sculpture, and reprimanded impatiently: "It's a lot of age, you don't care about it!" Damn, at the age when half of your body is buried in the soil, if you don’t practice hard, fight for promotion and live happily for a few years, do you still want to show some face when you come to help a grandson rob a woman?”

"Your grandson is a eunuch? You have to ask your grandfather to serve you in person when you are looking for a woman. Do you want to cover the rice?"

Bai Jin's words were so harsh that even the old city lord couldn't help but poke his head and want to speak. A map cannon accurately covered all the spirit sword sect's earth immortals present. The juniors are jealous of you. Not sensible?

"The four pillars of righteousness have done all the good things. Everyone is working hard to maintain the order in the cultivation world. I never imagined that your Spirit Sword Sect would produce such a shameless person. If it spreads out, it will only make the demon cultivators laugh."

"Only hot blood can wash away the stains. Brother Bai folded up their grandparents!" Bai Jin sang the words of justice quickly with a serious face, buckling hats on the head of the old man of the Spirit Sword Sect, and at the end, he just showed his face!

"The Fold of Innocence."

Bai Yongshou clapped his hands with a smile on his face, and Tongxiu Wu and his immortal grandpa began to fold, twisting a little bit from the human-shaped object, making a crisp bone cracking sound, and finally turned into two square metals and fell to the ground.

Swallowing's natal art is extremely unique, no matter what supernatural power the enemy is cultivating, as long as she sees through it, she can completely ignore all the enemy's defenses, twist and gnaw into a cube with only magic skills remaining through innocent bending and devouring.

Innocent Bite combined with Wangtianjiao's talent to keep watch is simply a magical skill for leapfrog massacres.

It's very simple to crack, but it's definitely not something the monks imprisoned by the ruthless fairy phantom in front of them can resist.

Blood splattered all over the ice sculptures. In the square cage, there was a Nascent Soul struggling crazily. His face was full of rage and he wanted to break through the shackles of the seal, but all his attempts now were in vain. The innocence of drinking is unfamiliar.

The first kill of the Hehuan Sect was not in vain.


Seeing Wu Songping's sudden death, the elder Hai surnamed from Spirit Sword Sect frantically winked at the old city master of Yuhai City, asking him to stop the hanging man from Xingluo Xianmen in front of him.This kid knew at a glance that he was a murderous hangman, and Haining had no doubt that Bai Jin might kill himself in the next second.

The other young elder was dumbfounded. He was just an earth immortal who had just stepped into the fusion stage. He came to Yuhai City just to expand his contacts. He never thought that he would sacrifice his life for nothing because of childlike playfulness.

Earth Immortals. It takes hundreds of thousands of years for monks with excellent talents to reach them. Earth Immortals in the refining period like Elder Wu Songping are the treasures of the sect. They have not been damaged for nearly a thousand years, but now they are

The old city lord whose scalp was numb from being looked at, looked at the cause of everything, his precious granddaughter, and hoped that she could say something based on her friendship, Xingluo Xianmen has always done things without leaving any traces.

Now being watched by the ruthless fairy Xuying, these old fellows dare not move at all. If they move, they will be struck by the thunder of heaven and earth, and they will be knocked out of their wits.

After being reminded by her grandfather, Hai Linger recovered from her dull face, raised her hand and asked cautiously: "Senior Brother Xiaobai, can you stop? Brother Xiaojin may need your treatment now"

"It's useless for you to tell me!"

Bai Jin was taken aback by the question, waved his hand and pointed behind him with a thumbs up, "Didn't I tell everyone at the beginning? If you want to explain, go and talk to my head teacher. I'm just in charge of looking for insults." The bastards of our Xingluo Immortal Sect disabled come out."

Hai Ling'er took a sneak peek at Wuqing Xianxuying, and a shivering chill rushed straight to her forehead, causing a cold and stinging feeling in her head. She quickly looked away, not daring to look directly at Wuqing Xianxuying again.

".Let 'Chi Zhenjun' give me an explanation." Wuqingxian's phantom glanced at everyone flatly, and said indifferently: "Bai Jin, Zhu Fu, Jin Lin, Wei Benliang, and Yu Xueqing are currently in the In Yuhai City, I hope they can leave Haining and Hairen in Yuhai City safely."

The breath of extreme cold gradually stopped, Wuqing Xianxuying raised his hand and swept away all the old things in front of him, only the juniors of Xingluo Xianmen and Hai Linger, an outsider, were here.

Wuqing Xianxuying waved to Bai Jin, and Bai Jin came to Wuqingxian with a face full of embarrassment, and said, "Master Headmaster, do you have anything else to tell me?"

"Good job, don't do it next time"

Immortal Wuqing was not angry, on the contrary, she showed a very rare smile, stretched out her hand to press Bai Jin's head and rubbed it, showing the kindness of the elders.

Wuqingxian is very pleased to see that the coward stood up for his senior brother without the slightest fear, screaming and killing, and didn't get inside his skirt. It seems that the trial in the nursery class was not in vain.

"You know the specific reason." Wuqing Xianxuying let go of the hand that was holding Bai Jin's head and said: "I will hold Chizhenjun responsible for not being strict in discipline, and you don't need to worry about other things and just concentrate on training."

Immortal Wuqing had already told his allies that there were ruthless people behind the scenes who were sowing dissension, and repeatedly told the disciples in the sect that no matter what enmity or grievance they had, they would endure this period of time before letting them understand their grievances.

The result is obvious, some people just can't understand people's words and they have to kill some as a warning.

The Xingluo Immortal Sect has reason for this matter, and the Wuqing Immortal will use this matter to pursue the lord of the Spirit Sword Sect, Chi Zhenjun.


Wuqingxian gave Bai Jin a meaningful look, and the phantom slowly dissipated in the first floor of Hailin Building.

Remember what you promised me, don't let my mind wander, I'm not so twisted!

Now, the medical fairy is outside, stab her to death!

The Ruthless Immortal obviously only said two words, but it was translated into a long sentence in Bai Jin's ears. Bai Jin was stunned when he heard the words, and he could clearly hear from the Wuqingxian translation dictionary in his mind, Master Zhang seems to be in a pretty good mood right now.


A thunderous muffled sound came from outside the door, and the sound of the explosion echoed in the ice-sealed Hailin Building. The monks whose cultivation level was not at the foundation-building stage might lose their lives amidst the explosion.


The second explosion sounded, and the entire Hailin Tower and its foundation showed signs of movement. The ice layer made by Wuqingxian was still solid and undamaged, but when the third explosion sound came, the beams from the building fall off.

The beeping was non-stop, and the three beeps sounded almost one after the other.

"Damn it. The building is about to collapse, and those old ice masters are about to fall!" Bai Jin screamed and hid behind Bai Yongshou, afraid of being seriously injured by the ice.

Master Teacher's ice is such a terrible thing that even a Jindan cultivator can freeze it if he licks it.

(End of this chapter)

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