I am in good spirits

Chapter 202 Wild Senior Sister

Chapter 202 Wild Senior Sister (for Subscription)

The hundred-year-old Hailin Building collapsed.

The six-story building with an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters on the first floor was shifted tens of meters back as a whole, crushing the shops in the next street. All this was caused by a girl with white hair in front of Hailin Building. He looked at the scenery in front of him with an unusually serious face.

"The Colossus of Flora!"

As soon as the medical fairy raised her hand, a large number of plant roots burst out of the ground and condensed into a giant plant statue, which stood in the center of Yuhai City and let out a roar. The giant palm, which was bigger than the main body of Hailin Tower, pressed down from the sky and held it. The Ruthless Immortal chilled the frozen ice layer, and lifted it up violently.

"Where is Junior Brother Bai Jin? Today? Past?"

The medical fairy rushed into the ruins of Hailin Building, and asked the stunned crowd loudly and anxiously.

She doesn't know what her junior looks like, but just now when she was wandering around in Yuhai City, she heard from the surrounding monks that the Spirit Sword Sect was bullying the Xingluo Xianmen, and even the apprentice of the Sui Mingxing was blocked by the monks of the Spirit Sword Sect. Now he is trapped in Hailin Tower.

The medical fairy resisted the cold wave and came, and saw the completely frozen Hailin Tower, which couldn't break through the ice even with triple kicks, so she had to use wood skills to rescue the little brother in the crowded disturbance.

Compared with hurting innocent people, she cares more about her juniors. The production volume of her master, the star of life, has not been able to formally educate a disciple for hundreds of years. The medical fairy doesn't want the only junior in hundreds of years to be beaten on the ground. Like a pig's head.


Seeing the majestic white-haired Valkyrie, Bai Jin's eyelids twitched slightly after hiding behind Tunyin, and looking at the giant plant statue that was more than [-] meters away, he could already imagine the scene when the wood falling and withering technique slaughtered the city, and secretly slandered ruthlessly in his heart Master Xian thinks too highly of himself
Can this monster be defeated by himself?

"Senior brother!"

Seeing Bai Jin who raised his hand, and the emerald green dress of Wenyao Peak on his body, the doctor fairy flashed excitedly to Bai Jin's side and hugged him tightly, and complained directly to Bai Jin: "I don't want to talk to my senior sister when I come out. Contact, Senior Sister heard that you were in the All Souls Society, and when you ran over, you happened to encounter Heaven's Punishment, massacre and cleansing the ground."

"I don't even know how to explain it to Master. Fortunately, you survived the punishment of God. Come on, tell Senior Sister what Spirit Sword Sect bullied you just now? Don't be afraid!"

The medical fairy hugged Bai Jin and turned around, rubbing his cheeks with a happy face, then regained her seriousness and looked at the monks of the Spirit Sword Sect buried in the ruins. Reiki wraps around the strong feet.

If the colossal statue of the Flower God stepped down, Yuhai City would be reduced to ruins today.

The medical fairy not only has a lot of attainments in medical skills, but also has reached a very high level in woodwork.


The fox person Qing Ya who was following behind, looked at Bai Jin who was being protected by the medical fairy, and sighed helplessly.

"The monks who bully me are everywhere."

Seeing that the medical fairy started to go crazy, Bai Jin immediately opened her mouth to calm her emotions. After all, the lady in front of her is a lunatic who is insane. It is best not to provoke her: "The grievances here are settled by yourself. Under the watchful eyes of the selfless elders of the Spirit Sword Sect, one-on-one Pick a solution."

"The old city lord and Bai Yongshou as witnesses"

"Is that so?" The medical fairy was taken aback, looking at the blood splattered in the ruins of Hailin Tower, and said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, seniors, I'm really sorry that Siqi hurt innocent just now on impulse, I Heal all fellow Taoists now."

"What about Master Sui Mingxing?"

Everyone who was stunned came back to their senses, Wei Benliang looked at Fairy Yi with a face full of surprise, and wanted to ask Brother Bai, isn't it just you who is the only seedling?How come there is another senior sister who knows it is not simple at first glance.

But before Wei Benliang could say anything, Zhu Fu had already interrupted all his words with an elbow, and then Bai Jin also covered his mouth with his palm, making him swallow all his doubts in his throat .

Bai Jin and Zhu Fu looked at each other, they were full of surprise when they looked at each other, they didn't expect their movements to be so consistent.

After Zhu Fu ran away from Wei Benliang, he withdrew his gaze from Bai Jin, and a series of question marks appeared in his heart.

She didn't know why she acted, but she just felt that Wei Benliang couldn't finish his sentence, otherwise something extremely terrifying would happen, and if she was a little careless, all the people in the group might be trapped in Yuhai City.

The monks of the Spirit Sword Sect were all silent, and they were in a daze. The experience in Hailin Building was like a nightmare to them. Before them, there was a powerful and ruthless fairy phantom, and after that, Bai Yongshou and Bai Jin is a pair of brothers surnamed Bai who are not soft on killing people.
In the end, an Earth Immortal-level Wooden Cultivator of unknown realm rushed in.

An incident of jealousy among juniors can lead to the arrival of a celestial being and the death of one of the six earth celestial beings.

These are some nonsense!

"Xiao Qing, are you okay?"

Hai Ling'er didn't care about her father, nor her grandpa who was almost scared out of a heart attack, she held Yu Xueqing's reddened palm with a worried face and rubbed it to relieve Yu Xueqing's physical discomfort.

As a monk made of water, he is more likely to be injured in a cold environment, and his strength will also be reduced.

Although Hai Ling'er is also a water mage cultivator, it's no big deal if she can resist with her cultivation base, but Yu Xueqing is only a foundation-building stage cultivator, can she withstand it?
"Well, I'm fine. The Master Teacher intentionally avoided us when he released the cold air." Yu Xueqing shook hands with Hai Ling'er without any warning, and said with a smile: "My hand was when I lifted Junior Brother Jin just now. Adjust the position and press it on the ground for too long to turn red, it’s fine.”

"My junior brother's medical skills are very good, maybe I will hug my senior sister later and wish my senior sister Nuannuan and everything will be fine."

The pink atmosphere is spreading, and the friendship between the nuns makes it impossible for others to understand.

"Everyone, don't move around, my treatment will be fast."

The medical fairy spoke earnestly, asking all the injured and patients to sit obediently, and the towering statue of the flower god squatted down and slowly opened its palms, and the light green dew scattered from the palms of the palms without any haste.

The dew, which contains powerful growth power, is scattered on the wounded around. All skin wounds are healed in an instant, and the fast-healing muscle tissue even squeezes out the dirt on the wound. Even debridement and other things can Don't do it.

Bai Jin watched the whole process in a daze, completely unaware of the origin of the medical fairy.

I didn't learn the woodwork that I agreed to, but I just learned some medical skills. Master, you old man, come down from the tree and open your eyes to look at the giant statue of the flower god in front of you!
And master teacher, my wild senior sister, I'm going to lose my whole body with one punch!Hello!

"Hello, Young Master Bai, I'm Qing Ya, the servant in charge of taking care of the medical fairy. Hello." The fox man Qing Ya looked at Bai Jin and Bai Yongshou expressionlessly, and said.

"Don't listen to her nonsense, she is the little apprentice I picked up and saw that she is very talented, so I brought it with me." Fairy Yi smiled and refuted Qing Ya, looking at the white, tender and super cute little junior, she said: "It's really worthy of me. Master raised you, white and tender. She must have raised you like a flower, right?"

"I haven't been back for hundreds of years, tell me about Master's recent situation?"

(End of this chapter)

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