I am in good spirits

Chapter 204 Justify Yourself

Chapter 204 Justify Yourself
"I'll leave these things to you! Remember to say hello to Master for me"

The medical fairy took out beautifully packaged wooden boxes from the storage bracelet, which contained a large number of exotic ingredients and rare plant seeds in the cultivation world.

She knows that Master Sui Mingxing is greedy for food, and also knows that Master likes to grow exotic flowers and plants, so when she is on the journey of perfecting the art of changing fate against the sky, whenever she sees precious ingredients and seeds, she will spend a lot of money to buy them. Then go to Xingluo Xianmen Station and send it to Suimingxing.

Seeing Junior Brother Bai Jin now, Fairy Yi gave him the food and seeds he had collected recently, and asked him to hand them over to Suimingxing instead. .

Maybe when Bai Jin returned home after training, the package might have stayed in the post station and not been sent.

"This is for you."

The medical fairy took out another wooden box, pushed it in front of Bai Jin, looked at him with a smile, and said, "Open it and see if you like it! I think it should suit you."

"what is this?"

Bai Jin pushed open the cover of the wooden box, and seeing the bulging brocade pouch inside, he looked curiously at the smiling Fairy Doctor with some doubts.

"The seeds of Jade Dream Grass."

The medical fairy looked at Bai Jin and said with a smile: "Senior sister thinks your temperament is very suitable for it. If you can cultivate it, it should be a wonderful thing."

Although the name of Jade Dream Grass is common, but the plant of Jade Dream Grass once gave birth to a demon king, who was able to fend off enemies just by virtue of its strange fragrance, making people fall asleep for a thousand years and be intoxicated in a dreamland, unwilling to wake up.

The fruit of Yumengcao is an excellent product for wine making, and you can have a sweet dream after drinking it.If he drank the wine made from the fruit of the Dream Demon King, he would even be able to achieve enlightenment in a dream, and obtain a great fortune that ordinary monks can't even dream of in their dreams.

The medical fairy really thinks that Baijin is a good match for it. No matter where it looks, it is sweet. If he can cultivate the jade dream grass to refine the life plant, he will definitely be able to make people dream for 3000 years and make the enemy Don't even know how he died.

"Thank you for the generous gift, senior sister. I am ashamed to have given such an expensive gift to my junior brother when we met for the first time. Junior brother was not able to prepare a gift in return." Bai Jin put the wooden box back on the tea table and poured tea for the medical fairy.

"That's the elder sister's love for the younger generation. You just entered the cultivation world, don't waste your money on buying things that are not practical. It is the right way to use the spirit stones on yourself." Bai Jin said with a smile on his smooth forehead: "If you really want to repay your senior sister, you should work hard to improve your cultivation. If you have nothing to do, come and make a pot of tea for senior sister and discuss with each other."

"Your tea is really good."

"Master said the same thing." Bai Jin said with a smile on his face, "It's better to obey orders than to be respectful."

Bai Jin's tea art is specially studied. When the Acacia Sect was doing nothing, I learned a tea art from the widowed old man Zhizhi to pass the time. Different tea types have different soaking utensils and water temperatures, and even the pouring techniques are different. Special attention.

What Bai Jin drinks is not ordinary tea, but spiritual tea made by Ling Zhi. It takes superb tea art to stimulate the spiritual power and fragrance sealed inside, which is why other people like to drink the tea steeped by him.

These spiritual teas are all custom-made, and they are sold at a uniform price of [-] spiritual stones per catty.

There are really very few who are willing to drink, that is, Bai Jin can only get it for free if he is a junior.The entrance is slightly numb, and the bitterness is accompanied by a strong aftertaste aroma until it goes down the stomach. When the slight numbness is relieved in the mouth, there is a surge of spiritual energy, and the top forehead makes people energetic all the time.

After drinking two rounds of tea, Bai Jin finally found out about Fairy Yi's background, and probably knew her specific situation, so she put down her worries a little.

The reality is that Fairy Yi chose to leave without saying goodbye after seeing Suimingxing's cruel wood method, and she had already successfully retired from Xingluo Xianmen, and since then she has forgotten each other with Xingluo Xianmen.

But in the memory of the medical fairy, she was not allowed by the head teacher to withdraw from the Xingluo Xianmen. The reason was that she had eaten the rice of the Xingluo Xianmen, and she was obliged to shoulder the responsibility of the Xingluo Xianmen to stand in the world. .

Immortal Wuqing talked to her a lot that day, and let her understand that the so-called peaceful and prosperous times were all based on the expeditions of Xingluo Xianmen, Lingjianzong, Lingbeastmen, and Zhenmo Mansion. Today's world of comprehension is a world where blood rain, mutant monsters are rampant.

There is no such thing as cruelty in the five elements yin and yang technique, only whether it is worth performing.

If it's really a critical moment, it doesn't matter even if it's magic. As long as the thing you want to protect is worth it, go and give it a go.

In the false memory, the doctor fairy was persuaded by the head teacher, and returned to Suimingxing to practice until she encountered a bottleneck.

The medical fairy has been justifying herself, and her illness or heart demons have been justifying herself through her understanding of the outside world, forming an impeccable memory logic.

This is the information that Bai Jin detected, which made Bai Jin feel a sense of creepiness.

The inner demon is so terrifying that it can even distort itself so that it no longer resembles itself. After the medical fairy really quit the Xingluo Xianmen, she still mistakenly thought that she was still the direct disciple of Sui Mingxing, and she was working hard for the Xingluo Xianmen. Using an unknown technique.

The semi-finished art of changing fate against the sky should be the perfect fusion of the bodies of the human race and the monster race seen by Tun Yin, allowing the monks of the human race to use the fused monster race body to display the supernatural powers of the monster race while ensuring their own purity.

This is indeed an art of changing fate against the sky. Human monks progress rapidly, but they do not have innate supernatural powers. They need hard practice and comprehension to learn, unless they are the second generation of immortals.

In the case of maintaining the cultivation speed of the human race, it can also integrate countless monster race supernatural powers, and can form new and more powerful supernatural powers through re-matching. Terrifying.

This made Bai Jin think of the half-immortal puppet in Puppet Hall.

Suimingxing's second apprentice is truly a genius in medical skills

Bai Jin's recreational boat sailed away from Yuhai City, ascended to an altitude of thousands of miles, and drove slowly towards the ocean.

Yuhai City has been completely frozen, and it is not a suitable place for reminiscing about the past, so Fairy Yi led everyone to a bamboo raft that she liked very much, intending to clean up the dust for the juniors of the same school, and play for a few days.

The medical fairy stopped her work and went to the All Souls Society just to see her little junior brother. Now that her wish was fulfilled, she was about to embark on the journey again to continue her medical research and save the suffering.

Little Junior Brother. It’s different from what she imagined. Fairy Yi thought she was a nerd. After all, she was taught by Sui Mingxing. It’s not necessarily true that the eyes are thousands of degrees shortsighted in one bedroom and one bedroom. I can remember them all.

Unexpectedly, Bai Jin turned out to be such an interesting witty ghost, and the medical fairy was very satisfied with the little junior brother!

It's a pity that the secret technique is not yet complete, otherwise he could be given a big gift directly, so that the characteristics of the jade dream grass can be directly transferred and transplanted to him, so that the junior brother can use spiritual power to display the supernatural power of the dream millennium.


Ask for tickets, ask for this chapter.

 Let's talk about this chapter, this chapter is the motivation for the author's code words

  (I kind of want to copy book reviews. Funny.)
(End of this chapter)

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