I am in good spirits

Chapter 205 Fairy Doctor: "This little junior... dear!"

Chapter 205 Fairy Doctor "This little junior brother, my dear!"

"Aren't you afraid of being attacked by sea beasts?"

When they came to the restaurant that the medical fairy said, Bai Jin admired their courage. The restaurant that the medical fairy said was a bamboo raft floating on the sea. A large number of thick bamboos were tied into a raft. other restaurants.

This kind of bamboo raft restaurant Baijin had passed by before, but it was on the river in his previous life. In the realm of comprehension, he really didn't know that there was such an exciting thing on the sea.

"Hey, hey, why don't you dare to make money?"

The fierce-looking boatman, who was big and thick, grinned when he heard Bai Jin's doubts, and said: "Our restaurant is just a side job, and the main job is salvage. Every day, there are some stupid people who can't make it in diving. Being able to open the storage ring allows us to rob it!"

There are diving projects outside Yuhai City. Many people want to explore the treasures of the seabed, or salvage sea animals to sell them as refining and array materials. There are also some rich children who like to explore the monster caves on the seabed.

Bamboo raft restaurants are not selling seafood, but high-priced rescue services and shelter businesses.

Whenever monks ask them for help when they are in trouble, they are always the ones who open their mouths. They dare to sell a hundred spirit stones for a bowl of rice.

Of course, for Bai Jin and others who just come to eat, the price is the normal price, and they justifiably ask for shelter and rescue fees. Bai Jin and the others don’t need to send out monks to rescue them by themselves, so naturally they don’t multiply by ten and then ten. service charge.

"Let's see what to eat."

The medical fairy waved to everyone, took them to the front of the fish pond with a smile on his face, and said: "The food here is mainly fish, because there are basically no roasted meals because of the sea, and the ingredients here are all fresh. It's the freshest."

"Old witch! Come down and fight me if you have the ability!"

The medical fairy introduced the special dishes of the restaurant to everyone, and there was always a small goldfish in the fish pond, yelling at everyone arrogantly: "hetui~ eat so much raw food, I curse you to vomit and diarrhea and then fall into the cesspit. Eat shit!"

The pure golden little fish is arrogant and domineering, and does not take everyone seriously. No matter who it is, as long as it comes to the fish pond, it will scold everyone to vent its aggrieved heart, especially when it sees all the people in front of it. The guy who came here and said he wanted to eat raw fish would be ashamed of his dragon majesty if he didn't scold them until they flew into a rage.

The reason why the little goldfish can be so arrogant is because it has a price of [-] spirit stones per catty written on it.

As a dragon species qualified to leap to the dragon gate, the price of the little golden fish is reasonable, because it is not an ingredient but sold as a spiritual pet.

10,000+ spirit stones are not too expensive to buy a dragon bloodline that can leap over the dragon gate and may turn into a flood dragon.

"Boss, pack this little goldfish." Bai Yongshou squatted in front of the fish pond, looked at the smelly fish spitting water at him, his eyes lit up slightly, and he beckoned to the boatman who cast the net and told him to pack it.

"Buy me? Believe it or not, if I drink a few catties of seawater, your rabbit's storage ring will go bankrupt!" Goldfish showed his own price without any panic, with a deadly look on his face.


Bai Jin swallowed a mouthful of saliva, glanced at the small goldfish and the washbasin-sized shells and conch, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, after Bai Yongshou paid the bill for the cheap little goldfish alone, he ordered the store to open up all the fat crustaceans, and glanced at himself as if there was nothing there.

The medical fairy chose a white-fleshed sea prawn and an arm-thick almost transparent sea prawn, and said: "The fish meat is made of raw fish, and the rest can be used to cook fish pot! Did you choose one over there? Remember to explain the method to the store, Otherwise, they will throw it on the table after scraping off the scales."

"Fully cooked!" Jin Lin gave the eel to the shopkeeper with a serious expression on his face, "After it is cooked, charcoal roast the dried fish to make it [-]% ripe."

She ate raw food and had no problems at Yuming Peak, even if she fell into the cesspit, it would be no problem if no one cleaned it, but if she had diarrhea now, she would face death in society, and brother Bai would die of shame.

The matter is of great importance and Jinlin dare not act recklessly.

Zhu Fu and Yu Xueqing looked at the [-]-jin big fish that the medical fairy let people salvage from the fish pond, and felt almost full in their hearts, so they didn't choose anything to eat.

Wei Benliang also just took some of each, planning to taste all of them now, and buy according to the style in the future.

After choosing the dishes, everyone entered the courtyard, sat in the wing room and waited for the store to prepare special seafood.

Fairy Yi and Bai Yongshou hadn't come in yet, and the restaurant was customary to check out before eating, so they went to check out with the shopkeeper.

As soon as Bai Jin sat down, he took out the jade slip of thousands of miles, and directly sent a group message, sharing the information he found out with his friends, telling the taboo of words.

Don't question the identity of the medical fairy, she is indeed one of Sui Mingxing's former apprentices, but she just went crazy.

Don't talk about any wooden techniques, and absolutely don't say "flowers bloom in an instant", this thing is the core wooden technique of Wen Yaofeng, there is absolutely no possibility for the medical fairy to come into contact with it, and we will be in bad luck if we talk about this thing.

There is nothing else, you can treat her as a normal senior of the same family.

After sending the group messages, Bai Jin turned his eyes to Qing Ya, who was glaring at him sullenly, and silently expressed his helplessness by shrugging his shoulders and spreading his hands.

What can I do, I'm so desperate!

Sandwiched between Suimingxing and Wuqingxian, why is it so difficult for my apprentice, whether to kill or not to kill.

What's more, killing may not be enough to kill, and it is only reasonable to find the head teacher to come out for a cup of tea when he has time.

"Thump, thump, fine wine contributed by Fellow Daoist Bai."

There was no sound in the box, and the medical fairy came in with a smile on her face, carrying a jar of wine, and said: "When eating raw fish, you'd better drink a small cup to relieve the tiredness, so that you can eat the deliciousness of the fish. Don't talk about being respectful or disrespectful among us. , we came here to taste the food.”

"It doesn't count, I'm sorry, I'll let the medical fairy spend money." Bai Yongshou was carrying a glazed tank, in which was a goldfish with its mouth blocked by a wooden cork and its fins tied backwards.

"It's good to have fun as much as you want, money is just something outside of me." The medical fairy went to the side of the brocade and uncorked the wine, and the slightly medicinal smell of the wine immediately filled the private room, making people intoxicated.

"Well, it's a great tonic wine. It is indeed a fine wine for the newlywed husband." After taking a sniff, the medical fairy identified the medicinal materials and efficacy soaked in the spirit wine, and laughed and teased Bai Yongshou: "But that's fine, my little one." Junior brother, you need to drink more later."

"?" Bai Jin slowly put out a question mark.

"Why do you have such weird expressions? I invited you to this dinner." The medical fairy showed a strange expression and smiled: "As a senior of the same school, I will give you a special training in the next few days. Otherwise, you are now With this level of cultivation, you won’t be able to go far in the world of cultivation!”

"Juniors, tremble! My training is very strict!"

(End of this chapter)

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