I am in good spirits

Chapter 207 The First Meeting of the Righteous and Evil Unlucky Ghosts

Chapter 207 The First Meeting of the Righteous and Evil Unlucky Ghosts
"Talk slowly, I'm going to work"

After breakfast in the White Mansion, Ye Lin gave Bai Yongshou a gentle hug as usual, nodded to the Doctor Fairy with her usual expression, then left the White Mansion and walked to the street where she worked.

Although the Ye family is an aristocratic family, it is not a big clan, and she has to work on weekdays. Even if Ye Lin doesn't like the family business, as a monk who is better than the blue of the Ye family, she needs to sit in the shop to prevent Something unexpected happened.

Bai Yongshou also explained everything about the medical fairy to Ye Lin, letting her know that Sui Mingxing's apprentice in front of him was the ruthless fairy who had specially explained it, and that outsiders should not intervene too much in the grievances that Bai Jin should solve alone.

And this matter cannot be told to Sui Mingxing, otherwise no one can predict what will happen.

Although Ye Lin, who knew the inside story, was sorry, she also knew the murderous and crazy character of Wuqingxian, so it was as if nothing happened, and there was no special difference in treating the medical fairy as the apprentice of the fate star.

"Why don't you let us in?"

When Ye Lin walked to the junction of the market and the residence, she saw several beggars arguing with the guards. She stopped to take a look and continued to work, not feeling any problem.

Since Yuhai City was ransacked by the Acacia Sect last time, as long as the local tyrants agree to move, transfer the already crowded land in the city center, and move it to the suburbs, the old city lords will agree to borrow money, and send city guards to garrison and make accidents happen. The City Lord's Mansion was dispatched immediately.

The area where the White Mansion is located is said to be the most affluent area at present. If you throw a spirit stone at someone, the opposite side may throw a bag at it. Physically, your head will be broken and bleeding.
It's not surprising that there are beggars who want to enter to beg for food, and shops around the suburbs have also opened up. I believe that this place will become a bustling area soon.


The beggar threw away the broken bowl in his hand, wiped off the dust and dust on his face to reveal a fair face, sat down on the steps by the side of the road with a full face of aggrievedness, took out a broken book from his arms, and fanned his face desperately to get rid of the deep feelings in his heart. Angry: "Dignified star counts, in short, I am very aggrieved!"

The slightly older beggar smiled and said, "Normal. After all, what we need to deal with is the chief disciple. They are all geniuses blessed with good fortune. If they can really be entrapped at will, it would be too wasteful."

"However. There is no way to connect close, which is something I didn't expect at all."

The monks of the Taiyi Palace set off late, and they did not start to act until the experienced disciples adapted to the outside world.

Although the chief disciples are not arrogance, but as dragons and phoenixes among human beings, they are all protected by luck, so the elder monk is ready for a protracted battle. He has also heard that when the seniors of Taiyi Palace cheated the chief disciple, they encountered Some risks and crises.

Taiyi Palace disciples and experience disciples can be said to be a two-way experience, and the master let them mix in a pile to fight wits and bravery
But Bai Jin and his party are really outrageous. They just couldn't catch up before, but when they stopped in Yuhai City. The entrances and exits are all high-end places. As soon as they enter the door, they will be charged as much as the Lingshi tea fee. The minimum consumption is How much can you get out of the house.

At first they were able to follow them, but as time passed, they had nothing left on them, and they hadn't found a chance to attack. The damn Yuhai City law enforcement team followed them every day like private soldiers, and the city lord's daughter Not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

Nascent Soul, Transformation God start at every turn, these Golden Core Stages are really just a stinky younger brother.

The three Taiyigong monks were also convinced, the only one who could get close to them, a cold wave swept across the world, directly freezing them in place for a long time, and Bai Jin and his party had disappeared long after they recovered.

"Brother, I'm hungry, do you have any dry food?"

The only junior sister in the group of three felt her hungry stomach, and said with aggrieved face: "... Let's find a place to do part-time jobs to earn some money! Otherwise, I'm really afraid that we will go to them before we get close to them." Starved to death in the streets."

Mingming and Bai Jin are close at hand, but they can't touch it as if they are separated by thousands of miles. She is extremely wronged.

"You guys take it to eat!"

A spirit stone drew an arc and fell into the bowl of an elderly monk in Taiyi Palace with a ding. A female nun with a slightly baby face in white clothes and twin ponytails heard a beggar from a distance shouting that she was hungry. Out of good intentions, he threw a Lingshi to them for dinner.

The three of them looked at the spirit stones in the bowl, and at the baby face who seemed to be humiliating them, and saw that the long-standing resentment in her heart, which had reached the stage of becoming a god, turned into fists of gratitude.
A penny stumps a hero, and a bad guy with poor quality can't be fierce because he can't reveal his identity.

The three Taiyigong monks seem to have changed the direction of their training with their training disciples.

"Hey, if there is another time, I will say nothing about being the sect master."

Seeing the desolate but debt-free three monks in the Qi-refinement period leave, Chi Wei couldn't help feeling a little bit envious.

Although she is now dressed gorgeously, she is deeply trapped in the whirlpool and cannot escape. Now she has to take the initiative to dedicate herself to step into the magic cave to accept the order of the Hehuan Sect demon head. There is no place for her.

A killing order with the emblem of the Hehuan Sect can make her die.

Now she doesn't even dare to reveal her true face. Chi Wei's current attire has been changed. How can people who grow up by the sea have such fair and smooth skin? She painted all the wheat-colored skin white, and her face was bulging Become a baby face to make yourself look more tender and younger.

She has always heard that the mental state of the Demon Cultivators in the Hehuan Sect is actually not very stable, they are all a group of crazy monks who seem to be possessed by demons, and there is no need to feel strange about what they do.
Like torture only comes from the body, don't pollute your spirit. If possible, it would be the best if you can mix it with "Blood Martial Arts".

"I hope it's just whipping those. I should feel quite fulfilled when I dress up and whip now."

Chiwei sighed again, stepped into the residential area of ​​the local tyrants and evil gentry in Yuhai City, walked towards the Baifu with a heavy face, and looked around, wanting to see if there were any people who encountered difficulties, and she wanted to accumulate virtue temporarily.

But it's a pity that the streets are clean and tidy, and the blue bricks and stones on the ground are so smooth that her skirt can be reflected.

"bang bang bang"

Chi Wei pulled up the door knocker and knocked on the door cautiously, for fear of disturbing Tun Yin and others, causing them to get angry and beat her up, or make herself do some irresistible perverted things.

"I should be able to lick the upper of the shoe." Chi Wei secretly estimated her size in her heart.

"excuse me, you are."

A vulture opened the door, and looked at the obedient female cultivator who stood in front of the door with a puzzled face.

"Excuse me. Is Mr. Bai in there? I'm here to practice repaying kindness." Chi Wei also said politely, "It's Mr. Bai Jin."

"Repaying kindness?" Qing Ya asked, "Are you in the form of some kind of monster?"

She has heard of monsters repaying favors, but don't human monks always come to revenge?
"Please come in! Young Master Bai is currently exercising martial arts with my master"

"It's the master or the adoptive mother! Not the master!"

The voice of the Fairy Doctor came from a distance, tirelessly correcting Qing Ya's eternally unrighteous adjective.


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(End of this chapter)

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