I am in good spirits

Chapter 208 Bai Jin: "What, I've become a husband?!"

Chapter 208 Bai Jin "What, I've become a husband?!"

Although the baby-faced female cultivator behaved strangely, the vulture Qingya did not stop her, and still led her through the garden naturally. Anyway, the two earth immortals in the garden were sitting there. Now I'm just afraid of the ruthless fairy.

I just hope that the master will stop messing around, and go his separate ways after renewing with his junior brother and giving them reinforcements.

Xingluo Xianmen really can't be provoked.
"Master Bai is inside"

Qing Ya stopped in front of the garden arch and let nun Chiwei enter by herself, she didn't want to see the monks from the Xingluo Immortal Gate.When she saw them, Qingya could think of how she and Fairy Yi died and how miserable they were.

"One can't tell the cultivation level, and the other can't tell the gender. I don't want to go in either."

Standing at the gate of the garden and taking a glance, Chi Wei saw her former husband, but she couldn't tell whether her husband was a man or a woman for the time being, and the other female cultivator couldn't see her cultivation level at all.

Obviously, the female cultivator who was fighting with Bai Jin should be a big boss above the Earth Immortal.

Chiwei's heart trembled when she saw the scenery this time, that woman is definitely a monk from a decent family, her head won't be blown off as a witch, right?


Raising her hand to block Bai Jin's heavy punch, the medical fairy looked at the female cultivator standing at the gate of the garden, and said, "Fellow Daoist Bai, is she here to look for you?"

"do not know."

Bai Yongshou, who was sitting in the gazebo reading a book, glanced at Chi Wei and shook his head.

Of course she knew Chiwei, and she could even describe her tenderness and past experiences in detail, but she knew that Chiwei didn't come here for her pleasure, so she responded bluntly and said that it had nothing to do with her.

"I'm here to find Mr. Bai."

Chi Wei, who was stared at by the medical fairy with a frown, raised her finger to Bai Jin obediently: "I have something to do with him."

"So he was looking for Junior Brother Bai." Fairy Yi slapped his forehead suddenly, usually he almost forgot that Junior Brother's surname was Bai, and the visitor said that Mr. Bai was referring to Junior Junior Brother.

Knowing the identity of the female cultivator Xingluo Xianmen in front of her, Chi Wei's heart skipped a beat.

"You are."

Panting heavily, Bai Jin glanced at Chi Wei and asked suspiciously, "Where did we meet?"

"Reporting to Mr. Bai, we haven't met each other. I came to take care of you under the order of the master."

Chi Wei took a deep breath, stabilized her mind and started her nonsense: "Once the master learned that you came out of Xingluo Xianmen to practice, he asked me to stop you and take you back home."


After being beaten to the ground by the medical fairy, Zhu Fu, Jin Lin, Yu Xueqing, and Wei Benliang, who were neatly lined up on the blanket, barely held up their heads, turning back and forth on the strange baby-faced woman and Bai Jin with curiosity on their faces. .

Bai Jin's life experience has always been very mysterious. When he was in Xingluo Xianmen, he had no father or mother. It wasn't until he came out to practice not long ago that they knew that Bai Jin had gone through the investigation process of Xingluo Xianmen's household registration and successfully found him who had been lost for many years. parents.

What is the situation of Bai Jin's parents, the friends are still at a loss, the only thing they know is that there must be more than one mine vein in this guy's family, and spending money like water seems to be a word tailored for Bai Jin.

Now there is another female cultivator with a high level of cultivation, how to make them not curious about Bai Jin's life experience.

"Then tell me my birthday first! I'm not sure about your identity." Bai Jin responded, and began to excuse Chi Wei. He had shared some information about his identity through Yu Jian and Chi Wei.

Chiwei is also a big black ass, so I can choose to come here when the medical fairy is around. If I don't excuse Chiwei as soon as possible, the secretarial talent I finally found will die very wrongly.

"Say it here?"

Chi Wei looked embarrassed, and said: "Birth is too private, I have another thing here to prove my identity, Grand Master Bai sent me here to tell you."

As she spoke, she took out a whole body of pure black embroidered blood thread from the storage ring, and she knew it was not a serious document: "Your father has arranged a marriage for you. I am here to take care of you. You, another task is to bring you home, this is a very important marriage that cannot be refused."

"Bring it to me to see."

The doctor fairy was full of curiosity, she grabbed the document and opened it to look at the contents, but the more she looked at her, the weirder her face became, while reading the contents of the document, she looked at Bai Jin who was sitting on the ground: "It's so strange, wait Sister, let me take another look at the content."

".It's still weird."

She originally took the document just out of curiosity, wanting to gossip about the little junior brother's love affair, who is he engaged to need to use a country's document.

National documents cannot be forged, nor can they be changed. They contain the power of a country's luck, and any changes will be countered by the power of the country's luck, which is equivalent to the existence of an imperial decree.

When the medical fairy read the content, the gossip in her heart not only did not decrease, but even became more intense.

"Engaged? I just jumped up and refused!"

Bai Jin took the document without looking at what was on it, and scolded Chi Wei with a sullen face: "I am now a cultivator of the Xingluo Xianmen, and I only want to seek the Tao for a long life. My daughter's daily trivial matters will only delay I pursue the journey of immortality and immortality.”

Bai Jin was more and more satisfied with Chiwei, he just left some basic information for her, and asked her to pretend to be the maid photographed by his parents, but he didn't expect that this guy could find the specific content along the basic information.

Although checking my own information made me very uncomfortable, Chi Wei can also prove that she is careful and understands the principle of knowing oneself, knowing the enemy and winning every battle, unlike other demon cultivators who only know how to be reckless.

"I don't understand, I don't understand"

The medical fairy looked at Bai Jin who was drifting away, and the baby-faced maid, with both hands in their arms, full of puzzlement and gossip.

"Senior Sister, what is written in that book? Who is Bai Jin engaged to?" Zhu Fu was full of curiosity, and asked beside the strange-looking Fairy Yi.

"Um and Princess No. 16 of Feng Yu." The medical fairy replied subconsciously, but soon came back to her senses and waved her hands to disperse the younger generations who surrounded her, and said angrily: "Then why gossip, I want to know Just ask your brother yourself."

"Are you talking about me? Does the eldest sister know that she is like a mother? I only care about the children's marriage and important matters!"

The medical fairy replied convincingly to the juniors, trying to prove that she was not a gossip.



In the secret room of the White House.

"Very good! Know how to prepare props"

Bai Jin sat on the bench, weighed the document in his hand and threw it casually, and said with a smile: "I've already started. I kind of like your serious attitude in doing things. It should take a lot of money to make a forged document and inquire about information. money?"

"Thanks to Mr. Bai, the slave family only spent the spirit stones to inquire about information, and the money for ordering someone to copy a document in Fengyu Emperor. It is the blessing of the slave family to be able to serve as Mr. Bai." Chi Wei responded with a bow. road.

"You just said. Transcribe?"

The smile on Bai Jin's face gradually disappeared. If he didn't misread the meaning of copying, he should be able to understand it as copying from the original version!
Isn't this document fake? !

"I'm engaged to something?!" Bai Jin quickly picked up the desktop paperwork and looked at it in detail.

".You don't know yet?" Chi Wei's face showed a slightly surprised expression.

"I know what the hell, my parents' letters are all sent to the Hehuan Sect, I'm all in Xingluo Xianmen now, so I don't have time to contact them!" Bai Jin said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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