I am in good spirits

Chapter 209 Rain, Snow and Sunny Chance!

Chapter 209 Rain, Snow and Sunny Chance!

(This chapter says that it is under construction)
"I'm engaged to Princess No.16? Huh? I'm afraid my old man is crazy?!"

Bai Jin read the contents of the document, and tore the document vigorously to confirm the authenticity.

There is really only one copy of the national document, but as long as the original content is copied verbatim, the other attachments will point to the fact that the original document has a part of national destiny, and it is a special secret method to facilitate distribution to officials across the country.

After confirming the authenticity of the document in front of him, Bai Jin's face gradually became irritable, and he had no idea what was going on in his parents' heads in this life.

"Young master, are you okay?"

Seeing that Bai Jin's mana leaked out, and the flame-like mana appeared in the void with distorted human figures, Chi Wei was terrified by the strange vision, and quickly spoke to appease Bai Jin, lest he would whip herself for no reason.

"It's okay, I'm just suspecting that my old man has advanced dementia or has taken the wrong medicine."

Bai Jin threw the document with a speechless face, and the document was thrown in an arc, and fell into the trash can with precision: "Although I left Feng Yu to seek immortality when I was young, I could often hear a nursery rhyme when I was a child, and a song sung by the princess their proud nursery rhymes."

Although Bai Jin has never left his home, when the maids at home have nothing to do, they will often sit together to discuss outside gossip matters. The emperor of Fengyu Kingdom is definitely a villain among many villains. From the eldest princess to the No. 16 children are all daughters body, no son.

Every princess in Feng Yu Kingdom is arrogant and reckless, her evil deeds are obvious and heinous, and she can put the reins on the horse for the son-in-law to ride in public.There are even rumors that the second princess saw a long whip in the Jianbao Pavilion, and decided to test the power of the weapon with the horse.

When he was young, Bai Jin couldn't walk out of his courtyard because of his short legs and lack of cultivation, but he could hear about the atrocities committed by the princesses. One can imagine the attitude of Feng Yu folks towards the princesses
"Being a son-in-law in Feng Yu is not as good as a dog. People think that being a dog is the treatment of Feng Yu's son-in-law, so I can't understand the old man's decision at all. Is it because he thinks that his grand master is too idle to seek excitement and wants to be scolded?" Bai Jin couldn't figure it out.

Bai Jin's father is a first-rank grand master, commonly known as the head of the three masters, but anyone who knows a little about Feng Yu's official position will know that the three masters are just empty positions, and they are useless like mascots. Only ancestor Yu Yin can get into the position.

But in terms of reputation, he is a first-rank official in the court, and has been mixed with the end of the emperor's relatives. The prince's son-in-law is just a vain position with no rights of the third rank, and he can't even go to the court.

Therefore, Bai Jin couldn't understand at all whether his old man was drunk with flower wine, or the cold medicine from the imperial doctor was given psychedelic powder by the emperor, so that he could make such a rebellious, unscrupulous, and unconscionable decision.

"No.16 Princess Gushi? Go eat shit!"

Bai Jin thought about it for a while and sneered at this, and next time he returned to Feng Yu, he directly carried his fiancée and took her to Wanhua Pavilion.

No. Let's go to Goulan, it's more risqué there.

Put me to death if you have the ability, if you don't die, I will be your father!

"Master, drink tea to calm down."

Chiwei was quite frightened by Bai Jin's uncertain weather, she sat on the ground tremblingly holding a cup of tea, trying to keep her figure as low as possible to show humility by the bench.




In the Baifu garden.

After Bai Jin and Chi Wei left, Fairy Yi knew that today's special training was coming to an end when she saw that everyone was lying still.Although she has the ability to remove the pain on their bodies, she didn't take action, and planned to help them remove the pain in a special training tomorrow.

After all, the ones in front of them are all the treasures of the first seat. How can they have suffered too much on weekdays? It is good for them to get used to the pain, so that they will not be screaming there every time they fight with other monks.

"This is the end of today's practice. You guys should rest and don't run around. I'll go buy some medicinal materials."

The medical fairy smiled and looked at the row of chief disciples lying flat and basking in the sun, and said: "I promise that tomorrow's cultivation will be more exciting and last longer. You have to be careful, after all, senior sister is worried about you!"

"Are you a monster?" Lie Ping's group of four looked sideways at the doctor's eyes gradually widening, and a sentence emerged in their hearts.


The fox Qingya greeted him politely, quickly stepped up to the pace of his master, left the White Mansion and flew away towards the sea in a streamer.

Bai Yongshou glanced at the flying medical fairy, then continued to turn his gaze back to the book, ignoring her.

Another person sent a sound transmission to the medical fairy!

"Xiaoqing, come and drink some water."

Hai Ling'er, who just arrived not long ago, stepped forward as soon as she saw the doctor fairy leave, took out the exquisite glass water bottle from the storage ring and sat on the ground sideways, moved Yuxueqing's head to her lap, carefully and full of breath. Distressed to feed his good Jiyou water.


Yuxueqing wailed, bit the hollow bamboo branch in the water cup and drank water to replenish water, lying upright for so long almost dried her up: "Thank you, Linger, I was so thirsty just now that I almost turned into a small dried fish."

"Isn't your senior sister too strict? Going out to experience the world of mortals, you don't want to take a high position as soon as you go back, so as to practice such a chassis?" Hai Linger complained to Yu Xueqing in a dissatisfied voice.

"No, these are as they should be"

Jin Lin's chest hurts a bit from lying on the ground for too long, he turned around naturally, looked at the blue sky and white clouds and said, "We are disciples of the Xingluo Immortal Sect, and enemies are everywhere, we must always be vigilant and not slack off! "

The endless death guys in the Puppet Hall, as well as the bad luck of the gods who sometimes fail to work, are a threat!
Now there is a reliable senior, and there is another temporarily reliable senior to protect, it is like staying in the safe house to strengthen special training, and even the cultivation level has almost broken through the foundation establishment to the mid-term Jinlin is extremely satisfied with this.

"How can there be so many enemies, and you don't have any treasures of heaven and earth." Hai Ling'er rolled her eyes at Jinlin, who was rigid and serious, and said, "Come to my house for dinner! My family specially invited everyone to have a meal today. We are sorry for what happened."

The Hailin House incident was originally a matter of their family, but the person who persuaded the fight was beaten, and it also displeased Immortal Wuqing and Lord Chizhen.

Everyone in the Hai family felt very speechless about this, so they specially held a banquet to resolve the previous conflict.The old city lord doesn't have much lifespan at present, and Yuhai City will have to rely more on Bai Yongshou in the future, so it's not appropriate to make enemies.

Otherwise, once the old city lord leaves, his son's prestige will not be able to overwhelm the families and foreign monks at all. The elders of the Spirit Sword Sect can only sit in the town and cannot personally participate in the management. The old city lord is currently placing his hopes on Hai Ling'er.

"So close, what are you talking about?" Bai Jin with a normal face came in from the garden, and beside him was Chi Wei with a cute and sensible face.

"The city lord intends to invite us to dinner again." Jinlin responded concisely.

 Damn it. After cleaning in the morning and having lunch, I slept until nearly ten o'clock in the evening before getting up.Stay up tonight and write another two and a half chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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