I am in good spirits

Chapter 210 The Self-Cultivation of the Bai Family Bookboy

Chapter 210 The Self-Cultivation of the Bai Family Bookboy

"The city lord's mansion invited us to a banquet"

Jin Lin answered Bai Jin's question casually, then turned around and asked, "Brother Bai. We all heard Fairy Yi just now, what kind of princess are you engaged to?"

It's normal for a male college to marry a female college student, but Jinlin doesn't want Bai Jin to slip away so quickly. The collapse of a group often starts when the first member leaves the team.

From the Academy to the Taiyi Mountains, the Great Nation, and the All Souls Society not long ago to the current Yuhai City, Bai Jin has gradually become the backbone of the team. His decision may not be right, but it is definitely the most beneficial of!
Jin Lin, who likes the happy atmosphere of the team, doesn't want Bai Jin to be disbanded because of the transfer of his newlywed experience, so he is the first to ask for information, which is extremely contrary to the human design.

As long as it's someone with an ordinary relationship, Jin Lin doesn't bother to care whether they are married or they are newlyweds, and it's none of her business to fight on the wedding night.

"I don't know what kind of princess it is. It may be that my dead ghost father found out that I was not dead, and was so anxious to hug his grandson to give me a marriage that was specially arranged for me."

Bai Jin waved his hands with a face full of disgust, and said: "The engagement with the princess above is whoever likes to get engaged. Anyway, I'm not interested in those savage, arrogant, and spicy things. When I return to Feng Yu in the future, I will directly take that girl to the Goulan. Let's see if this marriage can be settled!"


Zhu Fu, who was sitting cross-legged and muttering, frowned as he watched Bai Jin, who had a set of short words, put out a question mark.

"You and I are brothers, Resby!"

Being stared at by Zhu Fu, Bai Jin was taken aback for a moment, then with a bright smile, he raised his left hand and hammered his chest, pointing at Zhu Fu to reveal his heart, and expressing that he didn't mean to criticize Sang Huai at all just now, brother, don't be sensitive.

Zhu Fu: "."

If you explain it like this, I would rather you scold me, what do you mean we are brothers?What else is Rui thinking about?

Although he didn't quite understand what it meant, Zhu Fu could tell from Bai Jin's body language that the last word he didn't understand should describe respect.

"Brother Wei, wake up and prepare to eat!"

Bai Jin squatted in front of the carpet, shaking Wei Benliang, who was sleeping like a dead pig because of exhaustion, and looked at Tian Niang and Hai Linger, who seemed to be best friends, and teased with a strange face: "Xiao Linger sees you!" Parents!"

"That's right, I'm going to have dinner at the City Lord's Mansion later, do you want to bring some things to the door!" Yu Xueqing was relatively silent and didn't hear the jokes of the younger brother, and asked Hai Linger what his parents liked in a serious manner.

Although they are not comparable to Bai Jin, they have two big water pipes from their family and the Acacia Sect to water and moisten their purses, but they have been the chief disciples for so many years, and they have not encountered any fraud or robbery by suspicious elements. pulled out.

It's the first time to eat at home, it seems impolite not to bring some gifts!

"It's fine when everyone arrives, there's no need for presents, I've caused you so much trouble." Hai Ling'er realized that Bai Jin's words were joking, her heart skipped a beat and she panickedly explained with an embarrassing expression on her face.

Although Bai Jin is not a veteran in love, no one knows better than him what it looks like to look at people.

He knew from the very beginning when he saw Hai Linger that the girl in front of her said nice things about her, she fell in love with her at first sight, and wanted to become close best friends with her; idea!

The opportunity that attracted Yu Xueqing to Yuhai City was definitely due to Hai Linger and the Spirit Sword Sect behind her.


"Actually, Xiaobai can do it too." Hai Linger muttered to herself.

Her basic understanding of male cultivators comes from her father who is scolded by her grandfather every day, so her stereotype of male cultivators is that they are irritable or useless, and the law enforcement team she comes into contact with, Chunxiang and the others, are all heroic and vigorous. sisters.

Hai Linger's affection for female cultivators is naturally [-]% higher than that of male cultivators.

Her favorability with male cultivators is basically negative.

But Hai Lin Tower changed her view of male cultivators a little. Bai Jin's appearance and personality, as well as her decisiveness and ruthlessness all hit Hai Linger's sensitive little spot. If Xiaobai wanted to pursue her, Hai Linger would really give it to her. He tried to get along with each other for a while.

But it's a pity that Bai Jin has no intention of this.


Baifu·Baijin dormitory.

"First of all, your first task every day is to take care of them for me!"

Back in his dormitory, Bai Jin pointed to the flower pot that was tightly covered by the bedding on the bed, then pointed to himself and said, "Secondly, take care of my daily life! Finally, you need to manage the accounts for me. But those still come back to me. Let’s talk about it on the fairy boat, pour it out for you now, I’m afraid it will fill the dormitory to the brim!”

"That's about all you can do for me. I'm easy-going and practical, and I don't like to talk around corners. That's all I need you to do now, you understand?"

Take care of all kinds of exotic flowers and plants in the morning, such as the jade dream grass sent by the doctor fairy and the strange things sent by the star of life.

The cultivation of spiritual plants is not something that can be stimulated by mana. The lifespan of the spiritual plants produced in that way is very short, and they are inherently weaker than the natural growth of spiritual plants. For precious spiritual plants, the foundation must be cultivated before they can be stimulated to grow.

After Chi Wei took care of the flowers and plants in the morning, it was noon when she picked and bought food for Bai Jin with the recipe.

At night, I help myself manage the accounts, and count the spoils collected by the souls and arrange them neatly.

Bai Jin doesn't need her for battles. If she really meets a strong enemy, she just goes up to warm the enemy's bed. Ordinary enemies don't need her at all. Chi Wei only needs to help herself handle some trivial matters.

"Obey, my lord."

Looking at the training books, recipes and account books in her hands, Chi Wei smiled reluctantly.

Even though I slaughtered the Gorefiend Sect, I still can't get rid of my damn daily life of reading and memorizing books!

Tun Yin lay on the edge of the window and blew a whistle. Bai Jin, whose back was facing the window sill, froze. A certain flying squirrel jumped into the dormitory from the window sill and said with a floating smile on his fat face, "Remember to close it!" window~"

Tunyin didn't know her actions, which aroused Bai Jin's unforgettable memories of encounters. She looked at Chi Wei with an ambiguous face and said with a smile: "Don't forget to test the water temperature in the bath yourself, and then wrap up a towel and call the master to take a bath. Then Warm the quilt, warm hands, and warm feet for the host~”

"Otherwise. An angry Xiaobai is very scary."

"Am I disabled now?" Bai Jin's face was full of black lines, he turned around and spit out the subtle instructions of Tunyin: "I don't need such a sticky beanbag-like book boy, her task is just to help me complete the trivial things that I am too lazy to do."


Tunyin blew a kiss across the air, and ignored Bai Jin's complaints. The elytra, which had been stirring gently behind her back, stopped stirring, and looked at Chiwei as a pillow by the window: "Stealing and cheating are expressly forbidden~"

Looking for excitement is all about excitement, but Tunyin doesn't want to put a hat on her head for no reason. With her in-depth understanding of Chiwei, she is absolutely capable of doing this.

It's okay if she's there, but not if she's not there.

Tunyin had already told her clearly what she could do within the tolerance range.

(End of this chapter)

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