I am in good spirits

Chapter 213 Although people are selfish, they build medicine

Chapter 213 Although people are selfish, they build medicine (please subscribe and ask for tickets)

"To be honest, Elder Wu's ignorance of etiquette is the reason for this banquet. In addition to being offended by the previous incidents, I would also like to remind all my friends that if you have nothing to do in the near future, don't go to the beach."

The old city lord invited everyone to sit down, took a sip of tea and explained the specific meaning of the banquet with a smile.

It doesn't matter if you don't mention anything about Hailin Tower, it's a mess anyway, it's good to turn over the chapter, anyway, the old city owner doesn't want to see Wuqingxian for the third time.

On his deathbed, he couldn't see the Wuqing Immortal in peace, and the old city lord wondered if he had committed some evil in the past.

"This year's sea beasts are particularly weird. The spring sea beast parade may not be peaceful. The water unicorn should have sensed something before leaving. Now the only thing we can rely on in Yuhai City is ourselves."

The water unicorn is the king of the ocean, and has the powerful ability to know the destiny. It has lived in the sea area of ​​​​Yuhai City for hundreds of years, but at the front end, it got into the space gap and left at night without warning.

The establishment of Yuhai City is related to the water unicorn, and the old city lord also has its magic power, but he has been unable to contact it through the jade slips, and the water unicorn seems to have never existed.

It wasn't until not long ago that the ocean-going ship of the city lord's mansion caught something, that the old city lord probably guessed why he was enjoying the water unicorn enshrined in Yuhai City, why he ran away without even saying goodbye, and didn't reply to the news.

An evil mutation has occurred in the ocean.

"It's not. The water unicorn is not going to run fast because of things on the bottom of the sea. The reason why it runs so fast is purely because the old devil wants to kill it to sacrifice the flag."

Bai Jin remained calm on the surface, glanced sideways at Bai Yongshou who was drinking tea calmly beside him, and complained from the bottom of his heart about the old city lord's unreliable guess about the water unicorn.

Bai Jin has every reason to believe that after the old devil united with the Ruthless Immortal to eliminate the slaves and Taoists in the Puppet Hall, and surrounded and suppressed the remnants of the opposition, the Sea Dragon King, he would kill the boss in Haiyang and sacrifice the flag to bless the opening of the Tianmen.

Although he doesn't know the cultivation level of the old devil Zizai, as one of the giants in the magic way, he should be one of the super monks who can flirt in front of the ruthless fairy without breaking his leg.

Killing heaven and man should not be too difficult for the old devil Zizai.

"Everyone, please look here."

The old city lord raised his hand to signal everyone to look at the pond, and the maids hurried to the edge of the pond and pulled the rope, lifting a cage trapped in the bottom of the pond to the top, revealing a strange sea beast inside that was neither human nor demon: "It is what our ocean-going fishing boats caught. One of the sea beasts that came up."


Seeing the creatures in the cage, Bai Jin couldn't help but gasped, and exclaimed: "Although human monks are famous for fighting, there are still some daring lunatics among our clan."

There is a human-shaped shark imprisoned in the cage, its cultivation is only at the early stage of Yuanying, the reason why Bai Jin can't help but exclaim is that it is so human-like.

The fins turned into thick arms, the five fingers were connected with webs with a somewhat frosted texture, two pectoralis major muscles and eight concave and convex abdominal muscles on the chest, the long legs were as straight as human races, and the five toes Grow toenails that are as sharp as cuticles.

The head has no neck, and hangs a huge sleeping shark head with its eyes closed.

When a monster grows up like this, Bai Jin has to suspect that it contains a lot of human blood.

"Brother Bai, this is."

The humanoid shark in front of him obviously touched the blind spot of Jinlin's knowledge. He heard Bai Jin's comment and looked sideways at Bai Jin, hoping that he could explain what was wrong with the shark and sea beast in front of him.

Zhu Fu, Yu Xueqing and Wei Benliang also looked sideways, but none of them had much research on monsters.

"Monster monks at the golden core stage can transform into human forms, but the muscle lines and joints on their bodies are all transformed into animal-shaped bones." Bai Jin took the initiative to walk to the cage and observed: "Let's use a metaphor! We The legs of human monks are straight bamboo poles, if they are transformed into dog monsters, their legs will have reflex joints, and they will not be as straight as humans."

"And there are also flesh pads that are very comfortable to pinch. They have more demon characteristics than human forms. At the Nascent Soul stage, demon cultivators can truly transform into human forms, just like humans, but when they reveal a half-demon form, they are still The human form they transformed into during the Jindan period"

Although Bai Jin's words were a bit convoluted, he also roughly summed up the characteristics of the demon cultivator Jindan stage and the Nascent Soul stage, and told his friends that there are three differences between the monster race.

No matter how the monsters transform, even if they hatch eggs with human monks, their muscle lines are definitely different from those of the human race. Even after the transformation of the B-party spirit monkey who is closest to the human race, they will definitely keep their low profile. It is impossible to have long legs.

The weird shark in front of him is exactly the same as a human, even the muscle lines are the same. The only difference is the shark's skin and the huge shark head. Bai Jin deliberately flew to a third of the height of the cage to observe the reproduction of the three-meter-high sharks. something in the cavity.

Hmm. It looks very familiar. The male shark in front of him has a double helix structure like a gene chain.

"As expected of a senior disciple of Sui Mingxing, he can see the essence of the problem at a glance." The old city lord admired, and said with a smile: "He is not only like a human, we spent a lot of effort when we captured him, the unique perception of sharks The talent combined with the fierce water control technique is extremely powerful."

"This is just one of them. There are tens of thousands of sea beasts like the shark in front of us, and there is no shortage of strong ones."

The old city lord described it in great detail, as if he had witnessed a parade of sea beasts before his eyes.

"I don't dare to forget the advice of the Lord of the Star Network. There are still vacant guest rooms in the City Lord's Mansion. If you don't mind, you can move here temporarily. This is the survival crisis of our Yuhai City and should not spread to other people's crimes, hahahaha "The old city lord smiled heartily, as if there was something in his words but he didn't say it clearly.

Bai Jin looked back at the old city lord, his face was calm and abrupt, and Zhu Fu said to the frowning Zhu Fu: "Senior sister, what do you think the old ass in front of us is trying to do with us?"

Seeing the shark sinking into contemplation, Zhu Fu returned to his sense of irritability without thinking at all, and signaled Bai Jin not to disturb his thoughts with voice transmission: "What are you trying to figure out, besides alchemy, what else is there for others to figure out? You like to dig into people's houses in the middle of the night. A quirk in bed?"

"That's not sure, the old man likes my kind of crisp and refreshing ones." Bai Jin replied Zhu Fu, looked at Bai Yongshou and the old castellan and said, "That's not respectful. Bothering the old city lord, you share the family happiness. With Brother Bai here, I believe we are safe."

Remembering Wuqingxian's advice, he is afraid that we will die unexpectedly, so he specially invites us to take refuge in the city lord's mansion
You're a bad old man, fortunately, Brother Zhu's eyes are so bright that he can see through your bad old man's plot to trick us into working for nothing!
Zhu Fu didn't open his mouth to spray himself, Bai Jin really couldn't figure out the reason why the old city lord was so enthusiastic and could be ashamed for a while, Wuqingxian was really just a blindfold.

The purpose of the old city lord is the Alchemy of Life Star. Yuhai City is really facing a crisis of survival. In the bottom of the sea, even the immortals have to avoid the limelight of those beasts. The odds of fighting on the shore are high!
The soldiers and supplies are before they are mobilized, and the city lord's mansion is currently stockpiling a large amount of supplies to prepare for the sea beast parade.

Suimingxing's alchemy, Yinghuoxing's talismans and seals, and Chenxixing's formation technique are all famous, and they are well-known sidelines in the cultivation world. If they can trick their apprentices into working in the city lord's mansion, the old city lord will believe that the ruthless fairy Will not speak.

The city lord's mansion gave you materials to squander to help you master your skills!How can you say that you are working for nothing!We pay back!
(End of this chapter)

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