I am in good spirits

Chapter 214 The reason why the ruthless fairy kills the doctor fairy

Chapter 214 The reason why the ruthless fairy kills the doctor fairy
After the old city lord pointed out the two main themes of the banquet, the banquet officially began. The maids took turns carrying steaming meals and placed them on the round table, but the seaside special cooked and mixed seafood accounted for the majority.

Although the old city lord didn't succeed, he tricked the disciples of Xingluo Xianmen to work, but it didn't hurt. After all, he only heard from his son that at Bai Yongshou's wedding banquet, Sui Mingxing boasted about his apprentice's alchemy skills.

In fact, no one has ever seen Bai Jin alchemy, the only one who has really seen the whole process of Bai Jin alchemy is Sui Mingxing.

Fool if you can, if you can't, that's the same thing. The purpose of the old city lord is to apologize and remind.

He has already reminded Bai Jin and his group that if something fatal happens to them because of the spring sea beast parade, the people from Xingluo Xianmen will not be able to hold Yu Haicheng accountable.

Zhu Fu's face was full of hesitation and hesitation, and he was still confused and wanted to ask Bai Jin for leave, but seeing Bai Jin who was peeling shrimp shells with a golden scale across his face, he resisted the idea of ​​asking directly.

Because she felt that the question was a bit naive, but she was actually very curious about the answer, but she couldn't think of the answer due to her knowledge reserve.

"Hurry up ~ meow!"

"Meow you big-headed ghost!"

Bai Jin looked down at her bosom, and Tunyin was revealing her body lying on her lap, with a lazy and comfortable expression on her face, she opened her small mouth, and asked herself to feed her fresh, soft and cold sea prawns: " If you want to eat it, peel it yourself! If you really can’t, you can chew the shell together.”

"Shrimps that don't peel their shells have no soul, and if Xiaobai peels them with his own hands, he can't feel love." Tunyin smiled and cast a wink, raised his hand to his chest and made a gesture of heart: "Feed!" With enough food as motivation, Yuji can unlock brand new treats on the spot."

"No, just wait for me!"

Bai Jin slowly stuffed the prawns into his mouth, picked up the napkin to wipe off the oil stains on his hands, and ripped Tunyin's low-cut skirt into a turtleneck sweater for her, completely showing no interest in the special treats she said .

Counting 32 maids at the scene, Bai Jin has not gone against the sky to such an extent, and he doesn't want to expose it in public.

Bai Jin has no interest in banquets. He likes to eat sweet things, and most of the dishes on the table are hot and sour or soft and glutinous, which don't attract him too much.

On the contrary, he cared more about the shark, because the first time he saw the shark, the image that emerged in his mind was that a male cultivator with a lewd smile dived into the sea and did something against the sky, but the next second He immediately dismissed such outlandish possibilities.

Although people are rebellious, they can't give birth to such a thing.

When standing in front of the shark, Bai Jin's mind came up with the appearance of the fox man Qingya next to the medical fairy.

Although it was only a possibility, Bai Jin felt that this guess should be close to ten. Fairy Yi said that she was developing a life-changing technique, and the name and effect of the technique were kept secret from herself.

But Tun Yin could tell from Qing Ya's body that she was actually an orthodox human cultivator, but for some reason there were fox organs and the unique fragrance of fox clan on her body.

It is not difficult to see from here that the medical fairy sister said that the art of changing fate against the sky that she is developing should be a perfect transplant of monster organs or something, so that the people can master the talents of the monster race and retain the cultivation speed of the human race
Moreover, Fairy Yi is very familiar with Yuhai City, and occasionally takes Bai Jin to walk around the streets to find a restaurant and a small fly restaurant with local characteristics that he and Sui Mingxing came here with.

This made Bai Jin have to suspect that there should be a base for medical fairies to conduct experiments in Yuhai City.

It is absolutely impossible to rely on deduction like the five elements yin and yang secret method to develop the body-type anti-sky secret method. A large number of experiments must be carried out to verify the feasibility of all deduction on paper and the differences between individuals!
Bai Jin has also been in contact with this kind of secret technique, so he has a certain understanding of body-building techniques.

If all the guesses are reliable, Bai Jin probably knows why the master teacher wanted to execute Fairy Doctor himself.

There are causal lines on her body that she can't see, and there are still a large number of dense evil causal lines and the breath of wronged souls, which made the Wuqing fairy change his mind to get rid of the medical fairy.

Sui Mingxing personally told Bai Jin that the medical fairy chose to leave without saying goodbye, and directly told the Law Enforcement Hall of Xingluo Xianmen and the Wuqingxian why she wanted to leave her hometown. Wuqingxian personally agreed with the medical fairy to leave without any difficulties or obstacles the meaning of.

It is not for nothing that Immortal Wuqing wants to get rid of Immortal Doctor and repent of his original decision.

"It seems that I have misunderstood Master Zhangjiao a little bit."

Bai Jin sighed in his heart. He actually knew that Wuqingxian was a more serious and old-fashioned person. He did things for a reason and reason, and he didn't want to start a palace fight with him to compete for the star of the year.

But after hearing the story of the ruthless immortal killing, it's hard not to let Bai Jin think about some conspiracy theories.

He and Wuqingxian have no grievances or enmities, the only place where there is intertwining is the life star as the hub, one of them wants to be favored by the life star to win the gold medal for avoiding death.One person didn't want the old tree of Sui Mingxing to bloom and finally break his heart, and he didn't want to accept disciples to replace him from the position of Sui Mingxing.

Knowing the mistake but Bai Jin will not correct it, the most malicious speculation towards the monk is the greatest kindness towards himself.
What's so good about the good people in the world of cultivating immortals?

Good or good, they all die badly, and often the one who dies is more miserable than the other!

There is no permanent banquet in the world, and the luncheon in the city lord's mansion will soon end.

The old city lord learned that Bai Jin and his party liked him, so he didn't open his mouth to recruit them to work again. Coupled with his completely shameless attitude when he was about to die, the atmosphere of getting along with everyone was not bad at all, and there were some talking and laughing.

One more friend is one more way. With a shameless grandfather who is also good at fooling people, Hai Linger's future is extremely bright.

"Ling'er is here, I'm about to start practicing"

Not long after the luncheon was over, Elder Hai of the Spirit Sword Sect stood up and waved to the happy Hai Ling'er who was chatting, signaling that it was time for her to start a new practice.

The old city lord's grave is covered up to his face, and the position of the city lord will also be passed on to his son. Yuhai City without the old city lord is not suitable for Hai Linger to stay. Only by going to the Spirit Sword Sect can her talent be perfected bloom.

"Oh, here comes the elder."

Hearing this, Hai Ling'er turned her head to look back, and some reluctantly answered Elder Hai's words.

The two are relatives, but they should be too far away and there is such a thousand years difference in age. Currently, there is no suitable title. She usually calls Elder Hai Elder.


Elder Hai saw Hai Ling'er's reluctance, and also knew that this girl was usually wild, but you forced her to sway but aroused her rebellious psychology, it was boundless rebellion.

"Practicing swordsmanship won't take up too much of your time. If you don't practice swordsmanship well now, how will you directly parachute to the position of chief disciple in Spirit Sword Sect in the future?"

"It's just a basic skill, it's all for an hour, your friends can't run away." Elder Hai smiled and tempted Hai Ling'er to practice: "If...you think you can chat while practicing swords, I don't really mind You chatted while practicing."

Xingluoxianmen specialize in martial arts, even Yuming Peak, who is good at swordsmanship, only uses the sword as a medium to cast the golden curse method that cuts everything, which is not considered swordsmanship.

It doesn't matter to them to sit in. Anyway, they don't understand what they see. If they want to understand swordsmanship, they will be beaten. If you don't practice good skills, you can practice swordsmanship.
Are you mean?

Ask for votes.

(End of this chapter)

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