I am in good spirits

Chapter 215 Difficulties in eating and drinking... Let's go!

Chapter 215 Satisfied and Encountered Difficulties!
"Who wields swords and swords, I don't know why."

Bai Jin sat on the steps of the small bridge, looking bored at Hai Linger and Elder Hai who were practicing basic swordsmanship and preparing to participate in the Spirit Sword Sect Ascension Conference and won the first place in one fell swoop. shark.

"When I get home later, let the senior sister lure the second senior sister away, and I will show Qingya a magic weapon from my trousers."

Compared to the boring banquet, Bai Jin's mind is now full of groping for the secrets of the medical fairy.

It is not daring to go straight to Bai Jin, the medical fairy. After all, all the signs show that the life-defying art that the medical fairy researched has basically succeeded. No one knows how many kinds of innate magical powers are hidden in her body.

But bullying a fox man, Bai Jin felt that he should have no major problems!
"Brother Bai."

Jin Lin walked across the small bridge, walked to Bai Jin and sat down together, glanced at Yu Xueqing and Zhu Fu who were sitting together in the gazebo, and said, "Do you have any idea about Senior Sister Yu's fate? Continue to stay in Yuhai We might be like All Souls again."

Ever since Jinlin got on the ride in the City Lord's Mansion, she had an ominous premonition in her heart, and she specially told the extremely reliable Brother Bai, but no one expressed any opinions during the ride.

Jin Lin came to Bai Jin on purpose, just to hear Bai Jin's opinion on the terrible things that will happen next, whether to avoid the edge and evacuate from Yuhai City, or to come directly.

"Senior Sister Yu's chance is hard to say. If it's just Hai Ling'er, I think the chance should belong to Senior Sister Yu. But there are people from the Spirit Sword Sect, so I can't see anything so far." Bai Jin shook his head and said.

Yuxueqing can't be regarded as a person. Whether her chance is her own or that of the accompanying water spirit, Bai Jin is really confused by the City Lord's Mansion and the Spirit Sword Sect.

"Like All Souls, we can't help it. We absolutely can't leave now, otherwise Senior Sister Yu's opportunity may be missed." Bai Jin withdrew from thinking about the problem, put one hand on Brother Jin's shoulder and said calmly with a smile on his face: " Brother Jin, don't worry, the matter of the All Souls Society is purely an accident!"

"We are well prepared now. If we really can't stand it, we can also take a fairy boat from high altitude to get surrounded by those sea beasts and beasts."

The All Souls Meeting was purely accidental, but this time Bai Jin in Yu Haicheng is confident that he can be a melon-eating crowd to join in the fun!

There are only two dangers in Yuhai City, the first is the medical fairy with disordered memory, and the second is the large number of experimental subjects released by the medical fairy for some unknown reason.

Now that all the dangers have been identified, Bai Jin can prepare things to avoid risks in advance.

Such a big one looks at the sky, let her stand in front of the room and roar twice, what sea beast can come in?


City Lord's Mansion · Night.

After the dinner was over, Bai Jin and his party left from the city lord's mansion, which was hard to be overwhelmed with hospitality. If he hadn't insisted on leaving, Bai Jin thought that the old city lord could treat him to a foot massage.

As soon as he left the City Lord's Mansion, Zhu Fu told Bai Jin all the doubts he had been holding back for a whole day.

"Do you think that shark is very similar to the adopted daughter next to your senior sister?"

Although the fox person Qingya has been wearing a long robe and a hood to cover up the fox features on her body, but everyone has seen the fox demon features on her after a few days of getting along.

If according to Bai Jin's theory, the Yaozu still maintains the characteristics of beasts even in the form of transformation, then Qingya and Fairy Yi will have a big problem.
"Huh? You can actually notice it?" Bai Jin looked at Zhu Fu with a face full of surprise: "Woman Xia, you have good eyesight!"

Hearing this, Zhu Fu rolled his eyes in a daze, and punched Bai Jin on the arm: "Go to hell, I thought you were fighting with that old man and didn't realize it. You all know your feelings."

"No, I think Brother Wei probably didn't guess it." Bai Jin glanced sideways at Wei Benliang, who had a round belly, as if he was pregnant for April, with a funny smile on his face: "Sister Chunxiang, please stop at the Wanhua Pavilion ahead." Just now, Brother Jin just said that he is going to invite everyone to wash their feet together!"

Jinlin: "?!"

I'm not, I'm not, you're talking nonsense!
Brother Bai, don't fabricate my innocence out of thin air!

"Brother Jin, what's your expression?"

Bai Jin looked at Jinlin's frowning, and reminded him kindly: "Just before the Wanlinghui, you promised to invite us to wash our feet in Wanhua Pavilion! No, it's an upgrade from footwashing to the whole process. Will you forget it?"

Jinlin: "... I have a vague impression."

She had the impression that she really had it, but she always thought that Brother Bai was just playing with her, so she didn't worry about it.

Seeing that Brother Bai really wanted to come here, she felt a little flustered in her heart. She had been to Wanhua Pavilion, but it was only for serious meals and shopping, but she had never tried to name an oiran or find a girl to entertain her.

She asked a girl to find a girl, and if she told the master in the future that she would not break her leg, she would be damned.

Jinlin froze all over, and the thoughts in his mind spread out to the sky, from why he went to Wanhua Pavilion to wash his feet, to becoming a girl like himself, so he shouldn't be reported to the teacher's school, right?
Bai Jin didn't pay attention to Jin Lin's expression, just felt that he was a little shy, pulled him, got off from the car and entered the Wanhua Pavilion and shouted: "Buddhist, the girl is full of my brother Jin and Brother Bai." , wash your feet and get a bone-setting massage, go for a round and prepare for a midnight snack!"

"Why are you so proficient?" Zhu Fuyi saw Bai Jin's skillful movements, and recalled that Bai Jin was also so proficient in the Wanhua Pavilion of the All Souls Society. Kam's past experience.

"Young master, we don't recruit."

The madam turned her head with a smile on her face, but when she saw the smiles on the faces of Yu Xueqing and Zhu Fu gradually disappearing, she became hesitant to say anything and wanted to politely refuse the female cultivator to come in.

For Wanhua Pavilion, the girls who can come here are either degraded and learned to play and sing with one hand, or they have a strong cultivation and are ready to demolish their own shops.

"Hey, young lady, please come inside."

A bag of spirit stones was thrown at the old bustard's chest, and the old bustard's face immediately changed from hesitant to speak to organizational language, with a smile all over his face, he took Bai Jin's arm in a coquettish way, and waved a fan in his hand to signal the little girls to open the way. Don't let those lustful and hungry ghosts disturb the elegant mood of the young master and young lady.

The old bustard had played with more men than he knew, so he immediately understood what Bai Jin meant and arranged some elegant ones.

Generally speaking, young masters don't like playing and singing, and just want to bring some vegetarian dishes with their female companions, and have some fun.


"Why are they so proficient?" Chunxiang watched the men and women of the Xingluo Xianmen rush into the Wanhua Pavilion, and couldn't help complaining about their skillful movements.

Why do they walk around Goulan like eating? After all, it is the property of the Demon Gate Ten Thousand Flowers Valley. Is it really not easy for your master to knock you on the head?
Chunxiang sat in the car with a face full of speechlessness, ready to wait for them to come out, send them all safely to the White Mansion and then return to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Will the Wanhua Pavilion entertain female cultivators?" After complaining about the Xingluo Xianmen and his party, Chunxiang fell into deep thought, and then thought of her eldest lady for no reason, her brows twitched involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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