Chapter 216

In Wanhua Pavilion.

"Brother Bai, something is wrong with them."

Jin Lin tightly pinched the armrests of the chair with both hands, gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence, his brows were still twitching because of the piercing pain from his feet.

"Young master, you may be a little weak."

The girl from Wanhua Pavilion was sitting on a low chair, holding Jin Lin's bandage-covered foot with both hands, and blindly pressing and pushing the acupuncture points on his foot, but the more she pushed, the girl's face became weirder.

There is something wrong with the young man in front of him. His petite bones can no longer be described as thin and thin, he is almost like a woman, but his voice is deep and hoarse, and he specially ran to the men's repair box, what is it if he is not a man?
Pushing and pushing until the girl doubts life, the customer and the clerk suspect each other that something is wrong.

Jin Lin thinks that the girl from Wanhua Pavilion wants her life, and the girl from Wanhua Pavilion thinks that the customer is a monster.


Bai Jin raised his head and closed his eyes to enjoy the foot massage. He opened his eyes and glanced at the wide-eyed Jin Lin, and then at Wei Benliang, who was already comfortable enough to fall asleep, and said with a strange face: "Brother Jin, why don't you?" Could it be kidney deficiency?"

The Wanhuagu female nuns are proficient in the structure of the acupuncture points of the human body. If there is no major problem with the body, they should feel comfortable and relaxed after pressing and massaging the acupuncture points on the feet.
"Young master's body is a little weak, probably because of the excessive practice on weekdays, and the mental tension has caused some muscles to be a little stiff."

The girl who massaged Bai Jin glanced at Jinlin, and roughly explained the reason why he felt pain: "As long as you relax your whole body and don't tense your muscles, you should not feel pain."


Bai Jin responded, with a disappointed expression on his face, "I thought Brother Jin had kidney deficiency! It just so happens that I have a special method of nourishing yin and nourishing yang in metaphysics, and I want to give him a try."

"Huh? Young Master, can you tell me something?"

When the girl from Wanhuage heard Bai Jin say that his method of nourishing yin and nourishing yang has the method of metaphysics, her eyes lit up, and she quickly clenched her hand into a fist and clamped Bai Jin's hand with her arm, and began to shake it with a curious expression on her face. look at him.

Maybe Bai Jin doesn't remember herself, but the girl is very impressed with Bai Jin. She and Bai Jin had a relationship on the Hanging Island of the Heavenly Banquet, and knew that he was a disciple who was seated by the star of the year and was loved by the Ruthless Immortal.

The method of nourishing yin and tonifying yang created by Sui Ming Xing Gaotu is probably an amazing medical skill.

"Ah, men are yang and women are yin, so wearing a sexy skirt can nourish yin and nourish yang." Bai Jin casually said something perfunctory when he saw that Brother Jin had nothing to do, and continued to lie down and close his eyes to enjoy the massage.


A swallow popped out of Bai Yongshou's skin, she looked at Bai Jin thoughtfully, and in her mind, Bai Jin was wearing her own sexy skirt, showing her chest with slight pectoral muscles and pushing herself on the bedding , clasped his hands and his own, slowly lowered his head and kissed himself with an aggressive smile on his face.

"Try a little stimulation tonight." Tun Yin lightly pressed his throbbing chest with a satisfied smile on his cheek.

As expected of Xiaobai, you still know how to play.


"Brother Bai, help me pay the bill, I can't stand it anymore."

Jin Lin put his arms around Bai Jin's shoulders with his face full of black lines, and looked back at the smiling and waving girls in the other courtyard. His feet were so soft that he almost couldn't even support Bai Jin, so he lay down on the ground.

"Spending money to buy discomfort and hurt the body is not massage, they want my life!"

"Brother Jin." Bai Jin hesitated to speak, looked at the refreshed Bai Yongshou, then at Wei Benliang who was stretching, and finally looked at Jin Lin who was so painful that he was almost lying on his body. say what.

Brother Jin is really a big black guy, the whole group came out comfortably, and he was the only one who rushed to the street in pain.

Bai Jin really didn't know what to say, he knew Jinlin's tolerance for pain, when he was stabbed in the thigh by Wenwen bee stinger in the Taiyi Mountains, the pain was so painful that he passed out without gnawing.

Now he is screaming in pain. It is conceivable that a massage that is extremely comfortable for others is simply a torture for him.

"Forget about setting the bones, I think Brother Jin can't hold it anymore." Bai Jin supported Jin Lin and looked at Bai Yongshou and Wei Benliang and said, "I'll help him back into the car first, and you call Zhu Fu and Weather Lady , let's go home and rest together."

"hey hey"

Jinlin's feet went limp and he fell down on the ground, his whole body limp. Seeing his situation, Bai Jin had a face full of helplessness and pulled him up from the ground, and walked over to the attic of Wanhua Pavilion on his shoulders.

They are now in the small building of Wanhua Pavilion, which is the most high-end and most private box. If they want to leave, they can either jump over the wall to escape, or they can only go to the main entrance.

"It's a pity, I wanted to watch it for a while." Bai Jin showed a smile on his face, and glanced at a group of monks in black Taoist robes jumping up and down in Wanhua Pavilion: "You are really a bunch of idiots. You can ask questions. , Will the outer sect of the Hehuan Sect be hacked into an "orphanage"?"

He suddenly changed his way to Wanhua Pavilion. Apart from really wanting to wash his feet after a long absence, Tunyin told him that there were outer disciples of the Hehuan Sect in Wanhua Pavilion, and Bai Jin wanted to find junior brothers and sisters to play with. last play.

His desire for juniors is full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge!
After experiencing the practice of suppressing emotions, any desires that can be awakened are pseudo-random. Bai Jin has been looking forward to someone who awakens a desire for naizi, or other weird things. He must laugh at him or his younger sister. She needs a meal.

It's a pity that because Jinlin couldn't bear the pressure on his feet, he didn't even make it to the bone setting and sauna, Bai Jin couldn't get out of his body to show off his real body, and asked the brothers and sisters in front of him what their desires had awakened.

Bai Jin carried Jinlin through a group of barbarians, and the oiran, who smiled and ate his own tofu, and slapped Jinlin's buttocks and told him to be careful when walking at night, completely ignored the surrounding bustards and asked if they had seen them The outer disciple of the Hehuan Sect's boss.

"Hurry up, madam, we know that Uncle Tunyin is here according to senior sister's information, hurry up and tell us where Uncle Tunyin is!"

Being grabbed by two young boys from the Hehuan Sect and shaking her arms like a coquettish, the old bustard almost broke his kung fu. Fix the bustard who is not high in cultivation.

"Sister~ you must know, tell me~" the nun of the Acacia Sect began to move her hands quickly, which made the procuress gasp: "I don't know. What are you, Uncle Tunyin? And you damn girl Where did you learn the craft, are you interested in coming to our Ten Thousand Flowers Valley to become a holy goddess?"

"You two boys are not bad, so if you can act coquettishly, you will be able to trick the big sisters into spending money."

"Spicy eyes."

Going out from Xiaozhu, Zhu Fu, who passed the main building of Wanhua Pavilion, saw the scene at the gate, and couldn't help showing a look of disgust. He covered Xiaoqing's eyes and said, "Don't look at those messy things. will be blind"

With his hands behind his back, Bai Yongshou stepped across the threshold of the Wanhua Pavilion and glanced at the outer disciples of the Hehuan Sect. He left with a normal expression and was about to get on the ride and leave.

They have the ability to make a living, and it doesn't mean that they have no survival skills at all, and they don't even know how to eat and drink.

After confirming the safety of the fellow disciples and that they would not starve to death on the street, Tun Yin did not reveal his true body, pretending that he was their uncle.

She didn't want to take any disciples at all, and many outer disciples of the Hehuan Sect had looked for her in the past, but Tunyin just observed them secretly for a while, making sure they were capable of surviving, then left them alone.

If Xiaobai is a teacher, in order to enjoy the taboo-like super-stimulation, Tunyin really dares to lean into the corner of the Immortal Zizai

"Xiaobai. Am I your big sister!"

"That's right! What's the matter?" Seeing Tunyin who came out of the shell and looked at him with a serious face, Bai Jin asked suspiciously.

"Have I ever treated you badly?"

"...No, it's so good that J's feet are on the ground."

"Now, let's repay senior sister!" Tunyin in the ride took out a low-cut skirt, his face full of ecstasy.

"Get out!" Bai Jin's face was covered with black lines.

(End of this chapter)

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