I am in good spirits

Chapter 217 Flowers

Chapter 217 Flowers

The third day after leaving Wanhua Pavilion.

early morning.

"What's that on your face?"

Zhu Fu, who was about to leave the White Mansion and accompanied Yu Xueqing to the City Lord's Mansion, accidentally saw some powdery dust on Bai Jin's chin, and curiously leaned over to him to carefully examine the strange posture of the past. '.

Because of Wuqingxian's traumatic sequelae, Bai Jin pays great attention to his appearance on weekdays, and even the wrinkles on his collar have to be smoothed out, and if they are not smoothed out, they must be symmetrical to make it look like a decorative effect.

Therefore, in Zhu Fu's impression, Bai Jin is a veritable eccentric, even in fights, he pays great attention to the cleanliness of his Taoist robe. Things, how can Zhu Fu not be curious about what Bai Jin experienced last night in front of him.

"What's on my face?"

Holding the teacup, Bai Jin was stunned for a moment, subconsciously touched his cheek and brought it to his eyes for a closer look, but he didn't find anything. He looked suspiciously at Zhu Fu who was slightly bent over from bottom to top in front of him and put his hands behind his back.

"Did you bring Junior Brother Jin to Wanhua Pavilion to fool around last night?"

Zhu Fu stretched out his index finger and middle finger, stroked Bai Jin's chin, and dabbed some powder. He was very sure that these powdery things were rouge powder used by girls, and looked at Bai Jin with a strange expression.

"Oh, maybe it's the proof left when Chi Wei and I were pinching each other last night. She couldn't help but run away because of too much work pressure on weekdays."

Bai Jin's eyes widened slightly, and he casually pointed out that Chi Wei, who has never taken a break since joining the job and who is studying hard 24 days a day except for work, dumped Tun Yin's fault on Chi Wei, making them fly together.

Bai Yongshou, who was drinking tea and reading the newspaper in the gazebo, was taken aback for a moment, looking at Xiaobai who was blocked by Zhu Fu in front of the door, he couldn't help recalling what happened last night with a look of nostalgia.

The word please is not valid for Bai Jin. If you want to ask him to do something, you have to say cheers, and you have to drink the right amount of Bai Jin to the point where you can't tell the difference between east, west, and north.

Tun Yin liked the white brocade last night very much, but the aftertaste is always sweet in retrospect.

"Go, go, ghosts are worried about your private life. I'm just afraid that your heavy makeup and skirt will ruin the name of Xingluo Xianmen!"

Zhu Fu was reprimanded by Bai Jin, stomped his feet angrily and scolded him, then turned around and pulled Xiaoqing, Wei Benliang and the otherwise worry-free Junior Brother Jin away: "Junior Brother Jin, don't get so close to Junior Brother Bai, be careful of being caught Teach bad!"

Watching Zhu Fu leave, Bai Jin couldn't help scratching his numb scalp with both hands, and complained: "The research and development of sex-transforming elixir really needs to be put on the agenda. Senior sister Zhu is too troublesome to call it, so I will call you brother Zhu in the future." All right."

"Shut your mouth, it's all your fault!"

While applying the cleansing technique to herself, Bai Jin glared angrily at Tun Yin who was so excited that he broke out of his shell.

"Boys should be careful when going out~" Tunyin smiled and did not answer.

Bai Jinbai swallowed a glance, and did not continue to complain about the absurdity of drinking last night. She stretched her waist and asked, "Have you still not found the medical fairy?"

That day the medical fairy said that he would go out to buy medicine, but it was already the fourth day since he bought it. Bai Jin didn't even see the medical fairy and Qing Ya appearing. Now he suspects that it might not be the real version of the station and Juzi and his son.

"At least not in Yuhai City." Seeing Bai Jin talking about the serious matter, Tunyin became serious and said, "The situation is getting a little tricky now, there is still some time before the sea beast parade in the spring season, but the recent casualty rate of the monks in the city It has risen sharply to the peak of previous years.”

Folk monks may not be very sensitive to disappearances. Yuhai City is full of people on weekdays, and some even leave Yuhai City for several months after going to sea. It is normal for people to disappear suddenly.

But the city lord's mansion has a register and conducts daily patrols with law enforcement officers. Whether the monk left the city or went to sea to die, they only need to compare the three-point list to get an approximate figure.

"That's really troublesome."

Bai Jin clicked his tongue in displeasure. Regarding how to deal with Fairy Yi, he knew when he left the city lord's mansion. Execution is impossible!

He planned to go both ways, and let himself be the representative to resolve the conflict between Immortal Wuqing and Immortal Medicine.

Generally speaking, it is impossible. Wuqingxian said that if she wants to kill, she must kill. She said that she is the same, but Bai Jin still has the confidence to persuade Wuqingxian to take back the assassination order she asked. one example!
In the past, Taoist Zhenbao was able to persuade the Wuqing Immortal not to kill the Demon King based on value, so Bai Jin felt that he would be able to persuade Master Zhangjiao as well.

To be honest, there is no unresolvable hatred between the medical fairy and Wuqingxian. Their conflicts are actually almost exactly the same as their own. They all originate from Suimingxing. Only Suimingxing doesn't know that there is no conflict. It's all just for prevention.

But Fairy Yi and Qing Ya have not been seen for a long time, and Bai Jin can't get more information from them, so Bai Jin can't feel sorry for the high-intensity battle with Immortal Wuqing.

The value of the medical fairy is too high, Bai Jin doesn't want her death to be meaningless, at least he wants to give himself a share of the perfect transplanting of supernatural powers!

"So worried about your second senior sister, is it because the senior sister can't care for you here?"

After Tunyin and Bai Jin finished talking about Yuhai City's information, they smiled and teased Bai Jin who asked him to send people to search for Fairy Yi and Qingya all over the street: "I'm jealous!"

"Fart! You don't look at how many wives you have. If you change our land, you should be sent to the frontier to suffer and be jealous."

Here men do not have three wives and four concubines, and it is illegal to have more than one wife. Ordinary people who want to take a concubine must be 30 years old and their main wife has no children before they can take the first concubine for reproduction.

If you have a prominent position, you can accept it, but you need to pay a large amount of money to the Yamen or other departments.

Fines and life imprisonment are no longer suitable for the category of swallowing and drinking, and they must be sent to the frontier.

"Dogs don't go to your house." Tun Yin waved his hands with disgust on his face, signaling Bai Jin not to mention the unlucky place where his house is.

"What are you talking about? It's so lively."

Before people arrived, the fox person Qingya turned over from the White Mansion's wall and entered, quickly walked around to the back of the door, and pulled the crossbar to open the door, allowing her master, Fairy Doctor, to come in gracefully.

The medical fairy came in from the door with great interest, looked at the two people who were discussing Feng Yu, and said, "Add me!"

Seeing a master and a servant, Bai Jin was stunned.

It's true that I don't talk about people during the day, and don't talk about ghosts at night. As soon as I opened my mouth, the fairy doctor who bought medicine and lost contact jumped out by herself.
"Senior Sister, where have you been these past few days?" Bai Jin looked at Fairy Medical with a full face of complaint.

"A doctor's visit!" Fairy Yi said confidently: "Senior sister went to Wanlinghui to find you, but the fairy boat crashed there. You bastard who has money, but now senior sister is poor!"

"Senior sister even paid for the fairy boat to enter, you stinky junior brother, why don't you come and treat me to dinner!"

Bai Jin: "."

The fairy boat I blew up is yours!That. I'm pretty good at it.

 Fuck. I don’t dare to take a nap anymore. I sleep from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] p.m.

(End of this chapter)

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