I am in good spirits

Chapter 218 Great Injustice

Chapter 218 Great Injustice

"As soon as you mentioned visiting the doctor, I remembered that I wanted to ask you for some more private matters."

As soon as Bai Yongshou saw the medical fairy, Bai Yongshou immediately carried out the plan that had been discussed before. She would lure the medical fairy away so that Bai Jin and Chi Wei had time to cry Qing Ya, and obtained all the information from the medical fairy from her mouth.

"Well, it's a big problem. My wife and I haven't conceived for nearly half a year. I want to have one or two children with Xiaolin while I'm still young. I'm afraid I won't have the heart to discipline my children when I get older."

Bai Yongshou stepped forward with a serious face, and directly took out two bottles of pills from the storage ring, and wanted to ask the medical fairy to check the reason why he and Xiao Lin couldn't conceive.

The reason why she and Xiaolin couldn't conceive was of course the result of same-sex repulsion, there was no need to see a doctor, now she was just looking for an excuse to lure the medical fairy away, and the excuse could also stop the fox man Qingya from following.

"It's about that"

The expression on the face of the medical fairy gradually became strange, and said: "Actually, I am not very good at it. My specialty is in trauma and life-prolonging conditioning. I can't guarantee the cure, but I can give you a preliminary look, and I will introduce you to some more." Great doctor treatment."

"That's fine, if it doesn't work, then I have no choice but to go to the Xingluo Xianmen to find the Taoist friend Sui Mingxing. I heard that she has cured several cases before. .”

Bai Yongshou led forward, took the medical fairy from the garden to the study room that had been arranged in advance with soundproofing, and opened his mouth to tell the unspeakable secrets about himself, admitting that it was his problem and had nothing to do with Xiao Lin.

The medical fairy was shocked by this, and it was the first time she saw such an honest patient.


in the garden.

After Bai Yongshou and Fairy Yi left, only Bai Jin, Chi Wei, and Qing Ya remained in the garden. The other maids were busy at the moment, and most of them left the mansion to purchase supplies for the family.

Qingya didn't mean to talk to Bai Jin, because of the previous incident, her respect for Bai Jin now is purely on the surface of her mouth and shouting "Young Master" twice. Chase and swim to the New World.

Bai Jin swims in front, and her little partner chases after, only in this way can Qing Ya feel at ease.

"Miss Qingya"

Bai Jin put the teacup in his hand on the table, got up and sat on the steps of the gazebo, and asked with a smile on his face, "Do you think I look like a big wronged person?"

Qingya turned her head when she heard Bai Jin calling her, but froze after hearing the second half of his sentence, not knowing why.

"I know what the medical fairy is doing, but those things are so-so for us, and there must be some sacrifices and prices to promote the progress of spells."

"But you didn't tell me that the medical fairy is planning to attack Yuhai City under the Spirit Sword Sect!"

The smile on Bai Jin's face gradually subsided, and he said: "When I was in line with Master Zhang the day before yesterday, I was scolded terribly by her. It has definitely become a big wrong!"

"You don't think that Master Zhangjiao didn't find Fairy Medicine that day, did you? I was almost scolded to death for going up to the line with Master Zhangjiao confidently!"

Bai Jin felt that it was impossible to pry the little fox's mouth open without using force, but if he did, he couldn't suppress it instantly, and it might even cause the medical fairy in the study to scan it with his spiritual thoughts.

This is not going to work, once there is a problem with Fairy Doctor's stable mental state, what will happen?

Bai Jin didn't feel like he was lying, anyway. Master Zhangjiao had indeed noticed Fairy Medicine, and told him to find a time to get rid of her.

"Shouldn't you give me an explanation? Or do you think I really look so much like the wronged one?" Bai Jin shouted in a deep voice.

".What?" Qing Ya's expression was sluggish the whole time, and she listened to what Bai Jin said with a face full of astonishment.

In just a few sentences, the amount of information contained was so great that Qingya didn't realize it for a while, but she quickly extracted three important information from it.The first is that Wuqingxian had noticed them a long time ago, and told Bai Jin some things, which may be observation or assassination.

The second is that a big event may happen in Yuhai City, and the matter is still related to the medical fairy, which caused Bai Jin to be scolded by the ruthless fairy and almost ascended to heaven. Bai Jin probably knew about the human body quantification test of the medical fairy and still chose to stand The doctor fairy is here.


After the fox man Qingya came back to her senses, she immediately refuted the baseless charges brought by Bai Jin in a deep voice: "We didn't plan anything, my master and I just traveled around the world of cultivation and occasionally stole, and we will never admit to other baseless charges. .”

"You still refuse to admit it? Then tell me, who is the one who integrated the blood of the human race into the bodies of the sea beasts and made them have powerful destructive power?" Bai Jin noticed that Qing Ya had selectively concealed some things, so he immediately pointed out that the medical fairy was carrying out human body surgery. The matter of experimenting and developing the secret technique continued to exert psychological pressure on Qingya: "The monks of the Spirit Sword Sect have captured a humanized shark!"

"I'm the only one who knows about this matter now. The Spirit Sword Sect is still in the dark thinking that it's a sudden change in the ocean, and it doesn't think about man-made disasters!"

Hearing this, Qingya's face showed confusion: "A humanized shark and sea beast?"

Qingya fell into deep thought and kept silent. After a long time, she spoke again: "I'm sorry. What you said has nothing to do with us. I, Qingya, swear to the laws of heaven and earth that everything that happened in Yuhai City, my master and I Unaware."

She searched back and forth for the memories in her mind, but she didn't recall any quantitative experiments related to sea beasts.

The main research direction of the medical fairy is also to transplant the supernatural powers of the monster race or insects into the human body, and has no research on transplanting the talents of the human race to the monster race.

She needs to understand that it is the individual differences of the human race, not the individual differences between the monster races. Transplanting human talents from the demon race is a waste of time and material.

"Hmm..." Bai Jin looked at Qing Ya in astonishment, not knowing what to say.

Swearing to the laws of heaven and earth is binding. If you lie, you will be struck by lightning in the next second.

Qing Ya is not an Immortal of Freedom, nor has she ever practiced the Hehuan Sect's "He Huazi Zizai Heavenly Demon Sutra", so she can't hide the secrets and make her oath completely invalid.

Now that she has not been struck by lightning, and there is no word game in the content of the oath, it can be basically confirmed that Qing Ya is not lying, and there is a high probability that the sea beast mutation really has nothing to do with them.

"This is troublesome"

Bai Jin stood up from the steps, with an irritable expression on her face.

In the beginning of spring, the sea beasts patrolled and prospered. Bai Jin didn't really care too much about it. The reason why he came to question the fox person Qingya with such enthusiasm was purely because he wanted to see Qingya's frightened expression.
And I want to see if the title of Ruthless Immortal can scare the female cultivator at the transformation stage to piss her pants.

In the end, the master and the servant were innocent, they didn't plan anything secretly, it's just that they seem to have some petty theft in their daily life.

"Master's fairy boat was once stolen." Qingya talked about an incident that happened once. What Bai Jin said just now reminded her of a theft that happened to the fairy doctor's fairy boat 50 years ago.

"If what you just said is true, the humanized shark beast is most likely caused by the leak of the secret spell."

The method of supernatural power transfer is the secret method of the medical fairy, and she personally developed the whole process from scratch. Currently, only the medical fairy has mastered the complete secret spell.

Qing Ya doesn't care about the survival of Yuhai City, but if Bai Jin didn't deceive herself, it means that someone has stolen the master's secret method and is making trouble. Qing Ya is willing to help Bai Jin find out who is behind the scenes.

Qing Ya would be happy from the bottom of her heart if she could find the thief from back then.

 Hygiene is stupid
  I really like the utility room at home. If there is anything I don’t need on weekdays, I just throw it in there.

  The hygienic practice a few years ago almost didn’t make me stupid. Even my junior high school clothes turned up, including the school uniform and pants from primary school, oh!
(End of this chapter)

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