Chapter 219

"Although I don't know who the thief is, there are only a few people who know that the master has developed the secret technique, and they all have a long-term cooperative relationship with the master."

Qing Ya said slowly: "Although it's a guess, I think it should be pretty close."

Fairy Doctor can gain a foothold in the world of comprehension, of course, relying on her excellent strength and medical skills, but it is also very difficult to collect materials purely by herself, so in order to facilitate the development of art against the sky, she chose a few support staff who are suitable for her. helper.

The medical fairy is insane and has a memory disorder, not an irrational madman, she has her own ideas.

Qing Ya was in charge of wiping her ass. When she was picked up back then, Fairy Yi hadn't been completely trapped in the confusion of memories blinded by demons, and she hadn't rushed into the research and development of the art of changing fate against the sky.

The medical fairy was able to keep her name incognito for so long, and Qingya contributed a lot of effort, otherwise, all the names of the medical fairy might have been placed on the table of Xingluo Xianmen.

"The first one is the Taishang of the cultivation world family, because his life is approaching but he wants to hit a higher level. He often has money with the master but they don't know what the master does. They just know that the master is kind and generous, so they are extremely lacking. money."

"The second group is a few demon cultivators who have suffered from secret injuries. They are mysterious and never talk too much. They will leave after the treatment of their injuries." Qingya gave an example and then used the method of elimination to explain the cause and effect to Bai Jin, saying: "And The last suspect is the biggest, and the one who was most likely to steal the development records on the master's fairy boat."

"They are intermediaries in the black market, and they provide a lot of materials for the master. From rare and exotic beasts in the sea, land and air to the blood of legendary creatures, they can get the master's hands."

"Only they are suspected of stealing. If you want to know whether they are the ones who attacked Yuhai City, you can go to the 'Bibo Manor' in the southwest to investigate. We have no interest in Yuhai City."

The Resentment Family is a group of intermediary groups in the black market. The whereabouts of the members are secretive and unpredictable. Only in specific strongholds can they find their contacts. Their intelligence forces in the black market can be said to be overwhelming.

As long as the item exists in the spirit stone given by the world, the resentment family will have a way to find the trace of the item.

When Xianzhou's experimental records were stolen, the medical fairy suspected many people who came to Xianzhou to seek medical treatment, but they were all ruled out of suspicion in the end, except for the mysterious black market group that had major suspicions.

When the resentful family was tracked down, even though they felt that they were extremely suspicious, the medical fairy did not investigate them. There is no shortage of materials for the individual difference quantification experiment
Whether it is the blood samples of various monsters, alien beasts, and auspicious beasts, or the creatures that are used as experimental materials, they are all found through their hands.

The medical fairy couldn't break the skin with them, and because the 'skill' was not perfect at the beginning, the harm outweighed the benefits, and it was impossible to use it if it was taken away, so she continued to cooperate with the resentful family as if nothing happened.

That incident has been going on for quite a long time, and Qingya still remembers it fresh.The record that was lost at the beginning may have been used by someone with a heart, which led to the sudden appearance of a large number of humanized sea beasts in Yuhai City.

Regardless of whether Bai Jin is not lying, Qing Ya is willing to tell him the details of the Xianzhou theft case.

This move can not only prove his innocence, but also make Xingluo Xianmen turn their attention to the resentful family.If the Xingluo Xianmen can mobilize to eradicate the resentful families, Qing Ya can only express her joy and laugh at them: "If you do many unrighteous actions, you will die yourself."

"Bibo Manor black market. House of resentment?"

Hearing this, Bai Jin felt that the name was very familiar, and when he thought about it carefully, he immediately knew where he knew it. The Wenglong seahorse family wine that he put in his storage ring was produced by Bibo Manor, wasn't it?

When she came to Yuhai City for the first time, Ye Lin, a friend of Sui Ming Xing, took her there for a day, and overheard that the Spirit Beast Sect was doing sneaky transactions, and spent a huge amount of money to trade for an evil beast from Bibo Manor. puppies.

At that time, Bai Jin felt that Bibo Manor was so magical that even the children of the Yaozu Yuexian could be taken out.

But he didn't think that the cub was found. The Taiyin Tengu's cub had been missing for hundreds of years, and what the monster races all over the world couldn't find, how could Bibo Manor find it.

From the very beginning, Bai Jin felt that the only heir of Taiyin Tengu was the boss behind the scenes of Bibo Manor, or that some strong man had stolen it and quietly placed it on consignment.


"Have you finished talking over there? The medical fairy is going to leave my place. If you haven't finished talking, let's talk about it next time."

Swallowing the sound transmitted directly to the bottom of my heart, with a slightly unscrupulous and astringent voice that pulled Bai Jin back from contemplation, looked at Qing Ya and asked, "Sister Qing Ya, senior sister, what does she usually like? Do you have any hobbies? "

Knowing that the medical fairy is returning to defense, Bai Jin immediately changed the topic, and immediately transferred the topic that the medical fairy could not hear to the children's channel, fearing to stimulate the fragile mind of the medical fairy, who was blinded by the inner demon, she jumped up and attracted the flower god The Colossus stomped itself into the ground.

"Huh? Huh"

Qing Ya froze in place, completely unable to keep up with Bai Jin's leaping thinking, one second she was still asking herself about the 'resentment family', and the next second she shifted the topic to the medical fairy, who would it be? I will be confused when I come.

"Master, she likes to study medical books, and she also likes to provide free medical consultations for poor people. On weekdays, she likes to lie on a rocking chair and bask in the sun. Uh"

"Okay, okay, the following content is not suitable for young juniors who have just entered the cultivation world to listen to."

The fairy doctor who sneaked into the flowers just now, and was about to eavesdrop through the wall, quickly appeared beside Qingya from the flowers and covered her mouth, preventing her dead girl from continuing to speak.

Is she the kind of person who wears unlined clothes when she has nothing to do, lying on the rocking chair in the sun so comfortable that she groans, and her toes are straight when she is lazy?

No, I am a diligent and studious senior sister. What I like the most is practicing diligently and working hard to specialize in medical skills!
"Senior Sister, why is Ning squatting in the flower garden? Didn't Ning just treat Senior Bai for the first time?" Bai Jin pretended to be frightened and cryptically joked about Fairy Doctor.

If it wasn't for Senior Sister Tunyin reporting the letter, I would never have imagined that Fairy Yi would hide in the grass and eavesdrop.

"Senior sister's ears are sharp. When I heard that idiot Tuer was going to slander me as a teacher, I ran away in a hurry. Hahaha." The medical fairy showed an embarrassed and impolite smile, and answered Bai Jin's question: "In the end... I escaped to the flower garden .”


Bai Jin let out a long voice "Oh~" and said with a smile on his face, without bothering about the eccentricities of the medical fairy, "But senior sister, you came just in time for me to ask you a question. Do you have time? In terms of medical skills of."

If it comes, it will be at peace, and the resentment family will be left aside for the time being, and I can't control the organization that can ambush one of the two immortals of the monster clan, the Taiyin Tengu.

Swipe the favorability of the wild senior sister first, and there may be some miraculous effects in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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