I am in good spirits

Chapter 221 The returning ocean-going ship

Chapter 221 The returning ocean-going ship
"Hey, it's the butcher of Xingluo Xianmen."

Zhu Fu and Jin Lin's arguing voices attracted the attention of a female nun in the tea shop. The female nun poked her head over to play and saw Zhu Fu's waist card hanging on her lapel, and she couldn't help saying with a look of surprise on her face.

"Where? Let me see it too!"

Hearing that the two male cultivators were taken aback, they got up from the bench and looked around with surprise on their faces, wanting to take a look at the Xingluo Immortal Sect which was rumored to be even more evil than their Hehuan Sect.

The sect is full of butchers, which is not common in the world of comprehension. As the disciples of the Hehuan Sect who have just completed the awakening of desire and came out of the "orphanage", this is the first time they have seen them alive and kicking, without wielding knives, guns and magic tricks Disciple of Xingluo Xianmen who washed the ground.

"There is no three-headed six-armed ah."

Ye Jun secretly looked at the Xingluo Xianmen group, but he didn't see anything extraordinary about them, not to mention the fairy spirit entangled those imaginary ones, they didn't even have a fierce spirit on them, they were so ordinary that he had them Then a million bits of disappointment: "It's not like someone who has seen blood."

"At first glance, you can tell that you just went out to practice. Otherwise, how could we sit and drink tea leisurely and take care of their affairs? Why don't we think about how to catch the uncle Tunyin or the brother who took the wine?"

After the other person observed the four members of Xingluo Xianmen and confirmed that they were a bunch of rookies, he continued to sit back on the chair with a melancholy face, and sighed: "This is the information that we bought with all our family property."

"If we can't find the senior uncle or senior brother, all the spirit stones we honored to Senior Sister Momo will be lost, and we will wander around like orphans."

The Hehuan Sect doesn't have an exclusive master. If you want to learn a teacher, you can only find it outside. The senior officials of the Hehuan Sect will only tell the outer disciples where the seniors of the Hehuan Sect haunt.

As for apprenticeship or not, it depends on personal ability.

They exhausted their family wealth to dredge up relationships, and only then did they know from their concubine Yan that the senior of the Hehuan Sect in Yuhai City was the legendary Tunyin who was the bridegroom of Ye Yeshengge, and that he was a strong man who was also ranked among the top executives of the Hehuan Sect.

There is also walking in the rivers and lakes relying on a word of hatred, lawless and exemplary, taking senior brothers arbitrarily, if you can worship under the two's disciples, it will be a good thing with a bright future.

The three of them came to Yuhai City for a few days, and they almost searched Yuhai City, but they didn't find any clues about Tunyin and Arrogant Taking, but Yuhai City was full of legendary shapes related to Arrogant Senior Brother.

All kinds of looting and killing, handsome mess.

"Then we can't help it! A little transparent like us can't attract the attention of the senior uncle and the senior brother." Zi Lin, a sister of the Hehuan Sect, sighed and said, "With our cultivation base, we don't want to lose our attention." It is difficult to create some incidents in Yuhai City."

Ye Jun didn't care much and said: "What are you afraid of! Didn't Senior Sister Greedy Mo say that Senior Uncle and Senior Brother have been dormant in Yuhai City for a long time for a reason, and we have plenty of time to catch them out! I am full of confidence in my talent , they will definitely be willing to accept me as a disciple when they see me!"

Just when Ye Jun was talking about being proud, a strange male voice interjected into the three people's self-pity and self-pity. The words were full of teasing and banter, which made them feel uncomfortable listening.

"You are so confident, didn't the information that senior sister sold you fool you?"

Bai Jin, who had just walked in from outside the tea shop, saw the three outer disciples of the Hehuan Sect complaining to each other, and was full of doubts about whether he could successfully apprentice.Bai Jin couldn't help but want to play a little joke with them.

"Maybe the information is outdated long ago, or maybe the last time the Lord of the Star Network came, he brought them all back to the Demon Refining Cave of the Star Network Immortal Sect."


The three of them turned their heads in astonishment, and looked at the Xingluo Immortal Sect disciple standing in front of the square table with malicious faces, the expressions on their faces gradually became dull.

What the person in front of me said made sense, and we couldn't find a place to refute it for a while.

Seeing the bewildered faces of the three, Bai Jin was satisfied and continued to walk towards the tea shop, and came to the square table where Xingluo Xianmen and Hai Linger and his party were sitting, smiled and patted Jin Lin on the shoulder and said: "Brother Jin As expected of my good brother, where is the bunny girl you mentioned? Let me take a look!"

In order to bless the bunny girl in his mouth, he postponed the work of gaining the favorability of the fairy doctor, and pushed away the senior sister Tunyin who wanted to drink with him, just to see the rabbit demon in the oiran costume!

As one of the bottom of the food chain, the little rabbit monster is not common even in the qi refining stage on weekdays. Meeting a rabbit monster who has been refined to shape the golden elixir or the Nascent Soul is like plowing the land to grow vegetables but digging up a big monk. Mausoleums are still rare.

Anyway, Bai Jin had never seen a rabbit demon before.

"Tututu, I will blow you away with one punch!"

Zhu Fu rolled his eyes, raised his hand and pointed at the clothed little rabbit in Hai Linger's friend's arms, looked at Bai Jin with a smug smile, and said, "The oiran rabbit you want!"


Bai Jin looked at the little rabbit, and then at Zhu Fu, who felt triumphant about the success of the prank, frowned and muttered: "Well, although it hasn't changed, but considering the unique taste of rabbits, it's not easy to raise them. It shouldn’t be a big problem to try it first.”

The smile on Zhu Fu's face froze, and the image of sitting on Bai Jin's chest and playing Wing Chun to him appeared in his mind.

You are such a no-holds-barred fellow!

"Brother Bai."

A black line appeared on Jinlin's forehead, and he opened his mouth lightly to change the subject: "The ocean-going fishing boat has just landed and brought back a lot of weird humanoid things in the cargo hold. We specially asked you to come here, hoping that you can see if there is a way to crack those things. technology."

"There is no Oiran rabbit, those are all jokes made by Senior Sister Zhu."

The Xingluo Xianmen group didn't know that it was the resentment family who created the sea beast parade crisis in Yuhai City, and they still think it was the plan of the medical fairy.

So I want Bai Jin to research whether there are any potions or items that can separate the human and monster races from the sea beasts and completely weaken the strength of millions of sea beasts.

In the cabin of the ocean-going fishing boat, a large number of humanoid sea beasts were captured as samples for research. Even the city lord's mansion sent a large number of doctors to start research, wanting to know the reason for the mutation of the sea beasts.

"Xiaobai, I won't sell it."

Hai Linger's female friend had black threads all over her head, and she stuffed the rabbit in her arms in front of her and said, "However, fellow daoist, if you want to say this, there are a lot of things on my boat that you said would change or be incomplete. , those I believe can satisfy your appetite."

The hot girl said this on the surface, but in her heart, she was madly sending voices to Hai Linger, complaining about whether the guy in front of her is reliable. Is such a person a doctor?

"Is he really a doctor? I think he simply lowers the doctor's lofty sense of mission to save lives and heal the wounded, and insults the doctor's solemn sense of mission!"

Two words in a row, it has already shown that the first impression of the hot girl on Bai Jin is so bad that there is no limit.

"He's so talkative. Get used to his outrageous words a little bit, and you'll know he's a madman who keeps what he says." Hai Linger smiled and defended Bai Jin, then stuck out her tongue at random: "Well I was just kidding, the little white guy is really nice."

"What a coincidence~ Your name is also Xiaobai."

Bai Jin squeezed his ass between Jin Lin and Zhu Fu, so crowded that Zhu Fu almost couldn't even sit on the bench. He smiled and greeted Hai Linger's friend, the pet rabbit.

"I'm also called Xiaobai, and I once had the experience of being a rabbit!"

 Throwing up. I really want to resign and quit. As soon as it's over, a lot of strange and strange things come to my door immediately.

  Do interior decoration, do civil engineering.
  It's better to lie down and raise your body and wait for a luxurious and lonely year.

(End of this chapter)

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