Chapter 222
"My name is Huang Haimeng, and my father runs a shipping business and a fishing business."

Hai Linger's friend Rabbit Rabbit Spice Girl spoke, and after a brief self-introduction, she looked at Bai Jin and said seriously: "There are things you said in the cabin, I can take you to the cargo ship to study closely. But let me explain in advance , Those things are really, really dangerous!"

The Huang family went out to catch a lot of humanoid sea beasts, but now the boat was overcrowded, and all of them were doctors or experienced monks from the City Lord's Mansion, who were studying the situation of the ocean's abnormalities.

If no one recommends it, others won't even be able to see the scales of a humanoid sea beast.The old city lord didn't want those laymen to hinder the progress of the research. If he could find out the root cause of the sea beast's mutation, he would be able to solve this problem once and for all before his death.

"The girl in front of me looks familiar."

Hearing Huang Haimeng's words, Bai Jincai looked away from the rabbit in the arms of the hot girl, looked at Huang Haimeng's face, and a familiar sense of sight emerged in his heart, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Bai Jin thought about it, but didn't remember it.

"As the saying goes, life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, our little lives are surprisingly hard, don't worry!" Bai Jin responded to Huang Haimeng's worry with a smile, and said: "Don't look at us as weak, but we have experienced It’s simply jaw-droppingly rich.”

"We have stepped on all kinds of pitfalls, and our heads are always hung on the belt!"

The disciples of the Xingluo Xianmen have always been unlucky. When participating in the auction, they can encounter the resurrection of the Dementor Demon King. When they are on the road, they often see monks fighting all over the sky. Bai Jin's experience can be described as heavyweight. He has seen both the scenery and the blood-nourishing demon king before!
Now it's just a broken boat and a few dead fish, who is it to scare?

"Then come with me!"

Seeing Bai Jin's promise, Huang Haimeng didn't continue to chatter nonsense, stood up and raised his hand, Feiyu, who had been lying cross-legged in the water polo, came down from the ceiling of the tea shop, and called out to his master with a happy face.

"Promise me, hold down your junior brother, I don't want to move because of this."

A group of people stood on the giant flying fish stand, Huang Haimeng looked at Zhu Fu meaningfully, hoping that she would be able to hold back that unrestricted junior doctor later, after all, those big seafood really look like flowers and jade, even if they are normal people They will also be moved by it, let alone Bai Jin and the like.

"Impossible, he won't, be normal!"

Zhu Fu glared at Bai Jin, and confidently refuted Huang Haimeng's slander.

Although Junior Brother Bai is not serious, he is a little bit wicked and looks like a good person, but Zhu Fu absolutely believes that he will not lose face of Xingluo Xianmen!

"I hope so." Huang Haimeng said.

There were not many words along the way, basically in a state of chatting with each other, each with their own concerns.

Both Hai Ling'er and Huang Haimeng were worried about the sea beast tour in spring, and worried about the future of Yuhai City. The sea beast tour was not just a matter of one or two sea beasts, but a periodic change in the ocean that could be crowded to the coast.

Many of them will go to the shore to reproduce, but most of them stay on the bottom of the sea, but the humanoid sea beasts allow those sea beasts that should not go ashore to come ashore to join in the fun and form a food chain.

They thought that Yuhai City relied on formations to withstand it, and that the city lord's mansion's secret method could be solved with a burst of random killings. Now the city lord's mansion is afraid that the formation will not be able to withstand it, so they even specially transferred the landlords and evil gentry in the city as a buffer zone, so that they can't Do not use all the power of the family to keep the family business.

Of course, the sea change is still a secret. Except for Bai Yongshou, the city lord's mansion, and the crew of the Huang family's ocean-going ship, not many people know about it. Otherwise, those local tyrants are not stupid. Let's go outside and see what's going on in Yuhai City before deciding whether to come back.

In Xingluo Xianmen, except for Bai Jin who went to the ocean-going ship with the mentality of watching the excitement, the rest of the mentality was still relatively heavy. Even Wei Benliang's speed at eating fried prawns slowed down significantly, obviously a little absent-minded.



Seeing the giant sailing ship docked at the port, Huang Haimeng turned his head to indicate that he had arrived at the destination, because of the prohibition, he needed to get off the sea beast car and go on foot.

"The old city lord and Elder Hai are also here!"

Bai Jin looked down from a high altitude, and at a glance, he saw the old man and the middle-aged man standing in front of the bow, and they were talking about something with normal expressions.However, due to the restriction, outsiders could not hear what they said at all, and even the expressions on their faces were slightly psychedelic and blurred.

"Grandpa, Elder Hai!"

Hai Ling'er jumped off the sea beast stand, exerted the power of the sky, and landed directly on the sailing boat with a length of more than 40 meters, and called out to the two elders who were discussing the humanoid sea beast.

"Hey~ Ling'er."

The old city lord looked at Hai Ling'er with a smile, and said, "Why do you come here when you have a rare holiday? There are very few opportunities for Junior Brother Hai to rest properly."


Hai Ling'er seemed to be reproachful and coquettish, stomped her feet lightly and said, "It's time to rest, I called Xiaobai and the others to come over and have a look, maybe with his vision and knowledge, he can study something."

"Sister Ling'er's praise"

After that, Bai Jin waved his hands and said, "I just listened to Ms. Huang saying that the seafood caught is as beautiful as a flower and as soft as jade. I just want to open my eyes. I can't say that I study medical skills. Bai is purely lustful."

Upon hearing Hai Ling'er bragging to herself, Bai Jin almost denied it and blurted out three times.

Medical skills and so on, he is barely enough, and what he learns most from Sui Mingxing is walking birds and raising flowers.

For difficult and miscellaneous diseases in medicine, I suggest that you immediately send a sound transmission to call 'Chi Zhenjun' to come and cure all diseases. There is no stubborn disease that a celestial master can't cure with a sword, unless the opposite is also a celestial master.

"Talk slowly, I'll go inside to see what's going on"

Bai Jin slipped away immediately after saying hello, not intending to stay longer with the old city lord and Elder Hai, and walked to the second-floor sound-proof cabin, ready to see what seafood the Huang family had caught, and unexpectedly let Huang Hai Meng is sure that she can't hold on.

As soon as the cabin door was pushed open, a warning hissing and roar came from the crack of the door, and the two people standing by the door turned back to the door at the same time.

Bai Jin was taken aback when he saw the two, and recognized one of them as Hai Linger's father, Hai Qizhi, and the other as an enshrined operation by Huang's family when he and his concubine Yan ransacked Yuhai City.

"So it's them. No wonder I said why Huang Haimeng looks so familiar. It turns out that he was a member of Huang's family who was squeezed out on the ground." Bai Jin showed a sudden realization in his heart.

But Bai Jin was stunned for less than a moment when he was attracted by a special metal cage in the cabin.

Men and women in twos and threes gathered in front of the iron cage, commenting on two human-shaped sea snakes, one big and one small, whose lower body is a snake tail, and the upper body is a human body wearing starfish costumes, showing fierce snake faces.

The sea snake must stand more than three meters upright, and the total length of the white brocade is estimated to be about five to seven meters. It neighed and roared with a ferocious expression, looked at the people around, and blocked the slightly frightened little sea snake with one hand.

They are so similar in appearance that it is not difficult to see that they should be related by blood.

"What a big sea king snake."

Seeing the two big snakes, Bai Jin couldn't help but make a sound of admiration, and stepped back subconsciously.

The sea king snake is extremely poisonous, and a bite of the Nascent Soul's cultivation base can cause disharmony in the life of the husband and wife, and the second brother can get a [-]% discount.

Anyone who inhales the venom of the Sea King Snake is basically no different from Tianxiong.

The Sea King Snake, who is deeply affectionate between mother and daughter, is obviously not low-level and not easy to provoke. Bai Jin is afraid that the female snake protecting the cub will spit out a lot of poisonous mist if there is a disagreement.


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(End of this chapter)

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