I am in good spirits

Chapter 225 Taking Daoist names arbitrarily, and acting recklessly.

Chapter 225 Taking Daoist names arbitrarily, and acting recklessly.

"Hey~ It's a pity."

The medical fairy stretched out her hand to touch Bai Jin's little head, and said with regret on her face: "Those rough guys from the Qi sect really don't know how to turn their brains at all, and their temperament is like the stones in the latrine. respond to people."

"Originally, Senior Sister wanted to teach you some wooden techniques, but when you encounter such a thing, you can only say that it is destined to continue."

The Qizong monk frantically informed her to pick up the car through sound transmission. If she didn't come to pick up the car within a week, they would push the fairy doctor's fairy boat into the river to let it fend for itself, and make room for the fairy boat behind the magic sect who was rushing to work. location.

Under normal circumstances, Qizong monks would not be so unreasonable, but the evil spirit of the Demon Sect's fairy boat is beyond the Qizong monk's imagination. If the core is not sealed on the ship as soon as possible, it may kill people.

Now it is just compressed into an embryo, and it already has the ability to attack monks. If the power core is really forged and sealed
That power core, I'm afraid it will sneak into the gathering place of Qizong monks in the middle of the night and start killing silently.

"Those big bosses are really helpless to the senior sister, but their efficiency is really high, I just explained to them about the construction of the fairy boat, and they finished the boat."

The medical fairy shook her head speechlessly.

"Ah this."

Bai Jin's face gradually became weird. Isn't it going to take a year at the earliest to play Xianzhou customization?During the period, it also involved the finalization of the sketch of the hull structure. Why did the fairy boat customized by the medical fairy reach the stage of identifying the owner so quickly?
And my own fairy boat didn't even knock out the core, isn't the disciple of the Qi Sect treating it differently? !

"Is the production cycle of the fairy boat so short?"

"I don't know either! I just asked my acquaintances to help me. They have a lot of connections and can handle everything for me very well." Fairy Yi paused and changed the subject: " Well, Senior Sister lives a poor life on weekdays, and I don’t have anything to give you as a gift. Keep this jade slip, and the things inside will be very useful to you.”

The acquaintances she was talking about were naturally referring to the black market intermediaries who were resentful, and the two had been cooperating happily before the theft happened, but after that there was a gap and a guarded mentality between the two.

But the Resentment Family Network is really useful. Fairy Yi was just about to mention the Resentment Family casually, but thinking of the Resentment Family's style review, she is still not going to tell Bai Jin and the others about the largest black market intermediary in the cultivation world. Good for hooking up with those guys.

"What's in here?"

After receiving the jade slip from the medical fairy, Bai Jin glanced at the content through his spiritual sense. The names of the five chiefs of Xingluo Xianmen were followed by a large number of medicinal materials, and the name of the spirit plant fairy grass involved so widely that Bai Jin was shocked. up.

"It's just some liquid medicine suitable for you." The medical fairy smiled and said: "I am good at medical skills, senior sister. I can tell that you are all growing up now. Normally, the aura of breathing is not enough for you to consume. You Just treat it as a tonic.”

"Remember to soak, if you eat it by mistake."

The medical fairy didn't continue when she said this, she just showed a wicked smile, pulled Qing Ya and left.

"Young Master Bai bid farewell!"

Qingya turned her head and replied politely, with a relieved expression on her face, she said inwardly, "I hope the higher-ups of Xingluo Xianmen will not find them. They are really a bunch of annoying plague gods!"

If it weren't for Bai Jin's group, she and her master would not have been noticed by the high-level officials of the Xingluo Xianmen. Everyone could live in peace until they were helpless to each other. Changed his words to accept the Fairy who returned to the doctor.

It's not the possibility of being killed to take the eggs, so Qing Ya hates Bai Jin and the others, but just doesn't say it.

"Huh, they finally left!"

Seeing the medical fairy go away in the clouds and fog, everyone except Bai Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

The mental state of the medical fairy is not stable, it is the elder sister, but the mental state of the medical fairy is stable, it is the enemy, they all respect the medical fairy, and now see the master and the servant leave the chief disciples.

It's just that the doctor fairy and Bai Jin cherish each other, and there is a feeling of being inseparable
"Hey, another thigh left."

The medical fairy left without a trace, Bai Jin sighed with a depressed face, he had already prepared in his heart eighteen martial arts to win the favorability of the medical fairy, but now the big bosses of the Qi sect messed up for him.

What's wrong with the medical fairy, as long as she sticks by her side, it means that she has a big boss to support her!

If the demons are so easy to break, Bai Jin dares to directly set up the "Devil Accident Insurance Service" in the cultivation world!
"I'll keep the gift of the medical fairy first, and when I have free time, I'll go to the Jianbao Pavilion to pick up some medicinal materials." Bai Jin put the jade slip into the storage ring, glanced at the sky and the sailboat docked at the port, and said: "Well, where are we going for lunch? Originally, I wanted to eat the fish that I caught myself."

"Wanhua Pavilion." Zhu Fuman said casually.

In the past, Zhu Fu refused Wanhua Pavilion, but after several times of Bai Jin's guidance, she gradually had a different perception of Wanhua Pavilion. The literati and poets all looked at the oiran and other little girls with hunger. .

But Zhu Fu can see the benefits of the dishes, and the unity and deliciousness of their products. Apart from the fact that Wanhua Pavilion is a magic door industry and the poets are too hungry, Wanhua Pavilion is indeed a first-class chain inn.

"I support it." Jin Lin said affirmatively.

Let's talk about fishing in the next life!What she just experienced almost paralyzed her to the ground.

"See if you like it!" Bai Jin spread his hands, turned and walked towards the sailing boat, planning to ask Hai Linger and Huang Haimeng to have a meal and chat in Wanhua Pavilion together.



After eating and resting from Wanhua Pavilion, Bai Jin picked up some rubbish in the market outside Jianbao Pavilion, and stayed in Jianbao Pavilion with the others all afternoon, shopping for all the medicines left by the medical fairy herbs.

No one dared to soak in it, but they were very curious about the medicine fairy's prescription, and they were going to pick up a potion to see how magical the medicine fairy's prescription was.

At night, the White Mansion was brightly lit, and the servants in the mansion were busy lighting the fire in the garden, and a large amount of medicinal materials were soaked in earthen vats and were being stewed, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance.

"Hey senior sister, where did you go, your wife is ready to pull you back to the dormitory and work hard."

Sitting in the gazebo, Bai Jin tapped on Erlang's legs, looked at Ye Lin and Bai Yongshou who were standing crookedly together in the garden, whispering to each other, and then sent a voice transmission to the jade slip in his hand: "We have to fool the old man tonight, we can't find it." Don’t force yourself on that guy.”

Tunyin's body has already gone hunting in the sea, and now it is just a body with a sense of presence that cuddles and kisses with Ye Lin. Bai Yongshou's sense of presence answers questions according to his past habits.

Otherwise, the current scene should be that Bai Yongshou stopped Ye Lin's slender waist to chat with one hand, and Tun Yin took Bai Jin's hand with a smile on his face, and pulled himself behind Ye Lin to prepare for some exciting activities.

"Ah, wait for me at home for a while, I'm going back now." Tun Yin said with a sad face, "I searched the nearby sea area for a hundred thousand miles, but I didn't find Jiaolong."

"That guy runs really fast."

"Yuan~ is beyond words."

Bai Jin took a sip of the tea made by Chiwei, and looked at Chiwei with disgust.

All the good tea leaves are brewed into rough tea, so don't let this prodigal woman waste her tea in the future.


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(End of this chapter)

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