I am in good spirits

Chapter 226 This chapter.. is really comfortable

Chapter 226 It's Really Comfortable This Time

"Wow, after shameless, the whole person is relaxed."

The art of self-existence was displayed, and Bai Jin turned into a transparent person without any sense of existence and stood in the White Mansion. He couldn't help stretching, shaking his arms as if he was relieved of a heavy burden in an instant.

There is nothing wrong with being a disciple of Sui Ming Xing, and you can even get to know all the big men in the cultivation world. Apart from his hobbies of killing the whole family, the head teacher is actually a very good and powerful senior.

But the biggest difference between righteous monks and demonic monks is that apart from the method of practice, the most important thing is that you need to understand the scales in how you act and talk, and don't do things that insult the family. A lot of help.

Poor performance does not exist in the dictionary of orthodox monks, they all have something more important than life in their hearts.

Moxiu doesn't have the faith of an orthodox monk. Bai Jin was used to being wild in the Hehuan Sect before. When he was idle and bored, he could even blow up the Zizai Xianzangshu Pavilion, and even suspected of seducing the greasy senior sister.
Bai Jin is simply a disorderly dio, and he perfectly fits the Dao name given to him by Immortal Zizai: Arrogant Acquisition.

Ridiculous and unreasonable to hold in hand.

Now there is no Sui Mingxing to watch over, and there is no ruthless fairy who will fall from the sky, and the little friends who can report to themselves can't see themselves. Almost lumpy!
"Then let's go! The old city lord has been lying at home for so long, and his body should be stiff." Bai Jin, who was completely invisible, let out a breath, and said to the senior sister Tunyin beside him: "I always feel that the doctor fairy left suddenly There must be something else hidden."

Tunyin, who was walking out together with Bai Jin, said with interest on his face: "Do you think that the medical fairy lied to you? Or is it because someone wants her to leave?"

"Of course it's the people from the Resentment Family who are trying to lure her away. Although she didn't have a famous saying in the previous conversation, I probably know who the friends with the wide network she said are. Who else can there be besides the black market intermediary?"

After getting along for many days, Bai Jin knew very well that the medical fairy usually had some housewives, and those who often came into contact with were lone ranger monks who paid a lot of money to seek medical treatment, and it was impossible for them to have too much energy to influence the permission of a sect.

Of course, the possibility of adding more money is not ruled out, but Bai Jin still feels that he is inseparable from the resentment family. As for the result, he only needs to wait a few days to know the inside story.

"Has Zizai got in touch with the old devil? The resentful family is obviously making trouble for him, so don't sacrifice blood to them to add to the fun?" Bai Jin looked at Tunyin with interest.

"Master's jade slips are basically one-way. How long ago have you been able to pass through his jade slips?" Tunyin glanced sideways at Bai Jin and complained: "Just leave a word, and we can handle other things as we see."

Zizai Immortal has its own set of rules for teaching apprentices. Basically, the apprentices are taught the appropriate basic spells, and then they are pushed into the dyeing vat called Cultivation Realm to soak in it, and they are dyed with different colors to make the apprentices bloom gorgeously.

He would not pamper his apprentice too much, unless someone wanted to dig out some news from his apprentice, which might alarm Immortal Zizai's gaze.

"What are they talking about?"

Chiwei, who has been following the two of them, was stupefied when she heard the conversation between Bai Jin and Tunyin. She couldn't understand the meaning of the words at all, but she probably knew that something was wrong with Yuhai City and that a long time ago, the giant of the Demonic Dao, Zizai Xian, seemed to be Staring at Yuhai City.

Chi Wei wanted to know the inside story, but she didn't dare to ask, for fear of disappearing from the world.

After leaving the wealthy area of ​​the White Mansion, Bai Jin raised his hand to summon the blank existence covered by the soul, and transformed it into a pure white light and shadow to show others.

Tun Yin returned from a transparent state to show her true appearance. Her usually loose long hair was tied into a high ponytail, and her bluish black bangs hung down her cheeks. She was wearing a dense white and flawless Taoist robe, which did not look sexy at all.

There is no strapless, backless, or low-cut, but there is an opening from the elbow to the shoulder in the Taoist robe, and you can see nothing but snow-white skin.
Apart from her face, the most attractive thing about her is the red string that she uses as a rubber band, which keeps swaying along with her high ponytail.

To Tunyin, being sexy is not debauchery, she is a very attractive person herself, and she doesn't need to rely on vulgar dress or tricks to attract other people's attention.

She is like a winter plum blossom in the snow, aloof and cold but accompanied by a trace of warmth.

This is the basic attire when I go out and drink. I usually wear silk pajamas when I am at home, or when I am too lazy to change clothes when I wear a leather case.

The three of them showed their figures on the street, and there was no intention of hiding their figures, so Chi Wei reacted a little slowly and saw that the two of them had finished changing their outfits, and quickly gathered a scarlet mask to cover her face.

She is now Bai Jin's maid, but she dare not reveal her appearance.

Some people think invisibility and transparency are good, but Bai Jin just wants to tell him that people who feel this way have never been stepped on or bumped into.
If you fly to the sky, you may be hit by flying swords, unless you choose places where no one goes, or you often hide when you walk. It's very boring.

"Yuhai City at night. There are so many people!" Bai Jin raised his hand and summoned a sea beast to ride up, and was about to go to the city lord's mansion to have a good talk with the old city lord at Bibo Manor, so that the old man could have his own grievances, head and debts, and his own business. Take responsibility for yourself.


A group of standing riders swarmed over, their faces turned green when they saw the passengers who raised their hands to call, and hurriedly called the sea beast to retreat and don't go down, otherwise they might really die.

Xingluo Xianmen Baijin doesn't have much prestige, but it is notorious to the point of far-reaching.

Seeing the iconic pure white human figure, even a little knowledgeable monk knew who was coming.

"You scared away the Licheng." Tunyin who raised his head glanced at the scattered Licheng sea beasts, then looked down at Bai Jin with dull eyes and complained.

"The air is shaking and cold, where is the devil standing?"

The corners of Bai Jin's eyes twitched slightly, and he raised his right hand lightly, and a huge light blue palm formed in front of him, which was enough to support three people flying in the sky: "If you want to spend some money and save effort, no one will take the business. Do I look terrible? ?”

"But it doesn't matter. Anyway, the ground is full of people's seas of charging treasures. Later, just grab two and squeeze them dry to restore the mana in the body."

"It's not a question of whether you're ugly or not. You're really evil and people are afraid of you." Tun Yin put a hand on Bai Jin's shoulder and said with a smile: "Xiao Bai is promising, and has a high reputation!"

"...Let's stop laughing at fifty steps, everyone is full of evil deeds, the most famous among us is Shi Feiyan, and she is the only one!"

People who know him call him an outlaw fanatic, and people who swallow him call him the biggest scumbag in the world of comprehension. He is a butcher who has made a name for himself. .

In addition to her love of gambling, Concubine Shiyan can be said to be good at chess, piano, calligraphy and painting, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, singing and dancing.

Borrowing money has always been borrowed and repaid, unless Bai Jin's plan here is to use labor to repay, and the others are not in arrears. Well, Shi Feiyan's worst behavior is to like to rob.

Otherwise, she really deserves to be known as everyone's lady.

(End of this chapter)

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