I am in good spirits

Chapter 227 Go to your Hehuan Sect!

Chapter 227 Go to your Hehuan Sect!

On the streets of Yuhai City at night.

"That's... taking brother indiscriminately!"

The three members of Hehuanzong who were eating and wandering in the street inadvertently saw a white spot of light in the sky, Ye Jun's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, and he raised his finger to point at the speeding past in the sky, causing the others to look up too: " Let's hurry up and finally find the seniors!"

The other two looked up, with ecstasy on their faces. They were both foundation-building monks, and they already possessed the initial power to control the sky.

Although the monks in the foundation building stage can't fly fast, if they output mana regardless of the loss, they can still obtain more manageable mobility, especially in the crowded market environment, Yukong is their first choice.

The three members of the Hehuan Sect made an appointment at the same time, stepped on the eaves of the roof and jumped into the night sky to use the power of the sky, shouting and chasing in the direction where Bai Jin left, all three of them had expressions of excitement on their faces.

But before the three of them flew 20 meters, there was a sudden scream of air behind them, and three candied haws wrapped in syrup hit their backs in an instant, knocking them down from the sky.

Brother Tai Yigong, who was selling candied haws in the downtown area to make money to subsidize his family, had a look of unhappiness on his face. He silently withdrew his left hand that threw the hidden weapon, and snorted coldly: "People come and go, what kind of dignity is it? I have a limit, when we have no one on the right path?"

Since the three members of the Hehuan Sect stepped into Yuhai City, the monks of Taiyigong have noticed them, but because the head teacher ordered them not to cause extra problems recently, they did not care about the three continuing to work to earn money.

But those three people ran up and down all day long, stopped the monks every day and asked if they saw their senior brothers, and there was a lot of commotion in Yuhai City, but because of the identity of the magic cultivator of the Acacia Sect, no one dared to take it. how are they.

After all, the three outer disciples are not scary. What is really scary are the two old demons hiding in the city. Who in Yuhai City doesn't know that the three of them came here to find their master.

Seeing that the three members of Hehuan Sect were so happy, Senior Brother Taiyigong was going to make them excited.

Don't you want to chase your senior brother?I'll stun you with an apple and a stick of incense, I think you can catch up?

As a high-level Jindan stage monk, he is confident that he can't deal with the Nascent Soul masters around the chief disciple, but it's easy to deal with a few foundation-building stage demon cultivators.

"Brother, don't waste food!" The little junior sister complained holding the wooden box selling seafood.

The three of Taiyigong are setting up a stall, mainly selling small seafood from hunting during the foundation building period, and by the way, selling things that little girls like on the stall to earn money.

Otherwise, their consumption level can't keep up, and they won't even be able to see the chief disciples, let alone complete the teacher's task issued by the real head teacher himself
"Whoever used the hidden weapon has the ability to stand up!!!"

There was a heart-piercing roar from the street next door, and the monks of the Taiyi Palace pretended not to hear it and continued to sell their goods.


In front of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Have you thought about how to tell that old man? You can't fool people with empty words."

Tun Yin raised his hand and lightly touched the shoulders of Bai Jin and Chi Wei, adding a layer of barriers for them, so as to ensure that the old city lord could not see anything abnormal. Bai Jin's dual identity is now one of the top secrets in the Hehuan Sect Yes, Zizai Laomo has deliberately explained to all the higher-ups.

"Of course I have to say something. I am an honest person and never lie." When Bai Jin said this, he became confident and proud, "Don't confuse me with those sneaky and kidnapping demon cultivators."

"Oh, then I'm really looking forward to your flicker." Tunyin glanced at Bai Jin with a smile on his face, then turned his gaze to the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, watching the law enforcement team who was faintly on guard and had already called for backup and notified the high-level law enforcement team: "Suppression Harmful."

The lavender demonic power emerged from the surface of Tunyin's body and turned into a fierce tiger that had been condensed with spiritual power. With both feet, it pointed at the city lord's mansion and let out a roar of a tiger roaring in the mountains and forests. The thick city walls of the mansion were shaken by the evil wind.

The monks of the law enforcement team who were close, no matter what their cultivation level, all flew upside down, lost consciousness and fainted on the ground.

"Oh? It turns out to be fellow Taoists of the Hehuan Sect. I don't know how I can offend the old man, so that you can call me so motivatingly."

The moisture in the air slowly condensed, and the figure of the old castellan appeared in front of the main gate of the castellan's mansion, looking displeased at Tunyin exuding demon power.

The aura of the old city lord was different from anything Bai Jin had seen before. There was no kindness or kindness at all, like a ferocious beast that slowly climbed up from the sea and looked at all directions to choose people and devour them.

"Brother, why bother to talk too much with them, some thugs who only know how to indulge their desires."

Elder Hai walked out of the arched door of the City Lord's Mansion, holding a sea-blue translucent long sword in his hand. The invisible sword energy overflowed as if there were countless swords and swords flashing: "What they believe in is only power. If you want to communicate with them, you must use them to communicate with them." Hit until you lie on the ground!"

"Actually, I believe in peach blossom luck. The fortune teller said that I was born with peach blossom luck. I have been relying on beautiful and touching peach blossom luck to get to where I am today!"

Bai Jin took a step forward with a smile, and took the initiative to cool down the tense atmosphere: "It's not counted as a door-to-door visit, but as a host, you don't go out to welcome guests. Isn't it a bit too much to keep watching visitors in the tea room?"

"It's a guest who doesn't even have tea, and even prepares to get rid of us. Who can bear such a big grievance? Don't you think so? Right?"

"The yellow-mouthed child, don't be rich and talkative here, give it now."

Elder Hai didn't have any good feelings for Moxiu, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​talking, but the old city lord raised his hand to stop Elder Hai, looked at the pure white figure and said: "My little friend is indeed reasonable, but last time you What should I say about looting the residents of Yuhai City?"

Compared with Elder Hai, who was born in Zhengzheng Miaohong, who was born in the right way, and the old city lord who let himself go and left the Spirit Sword Sect halfway, he actually didn't pay much attention to the contradiction between good and evil.How can there be so much black and white in everything in the world, it is more of an entanglement caused by disagreement of interests!

The old city lord could clearly see that the Acacia sect's comer did not exude any malice, and it didn't seem like he wanted to take his own life while he was buried in the sky.

Since they didn't come here to provoke trouble, then why not listen to their reason for coming here, they can't just provoke the two Earth Immortals to seek excitement when they are full and idle, right?
"Borrow! We are just borrowing money, not ransacking in your mouth, old man. How can there be such an ugly word among monks. Be careful that Heavenly Tribulation hits your head."

Bai Jin smiled and dismissed the past, the pure white human figure dodged sideways, made a funny gesture of waving his hand to signal not to mention the past, and said: "We heard that the city lord's mansion has been plagued by recent incidents, and we have offended the Xingluo Xianmen before. The ruthless immortal, the life of the old city lord will soon pass away."

"The bottom of the sea has not been very peaceful recently, old man, have you plucked your beard less recently?"

"So?" The old city lord said lightly: "What do you want to express? Do you want to say that our Yuhai City has been invaded and infiltrated by you on a large scale, or do you want to express that your intelligence network is powerful?"

"Of course the mutation of the sea beast is man-made!" Bai Jin continued to make exaggerated body movements, and continued to completely change some of his movement habits, so as to ensure that no one could associate the two with Bai Jin.

"Oh? Let's talk."

The old city lord said with a calm expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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