I am in good spirits

Chapter 229 Linlong in Bibo Manor

Chapter 229 Linlong in Bibo Manor
"Well, I don't know if the old man can get out of the intelligence of some grievances."

On the sea nearly a hundred nautical miles away from Yuhai City, Bai Jin sat cross-legged on a light blue palm, glanced at the old city lord who landed on the island, and turned around to ask Tunyin with great interest.

The crowd had already arrived at the scheduled location, and the old city lord went deep into Bibo Manor alone, while Elder Hai chose to stay beside Bai Jin and Tun Yin to watch the place, worrying that the three demons in front of him would set up a trick to trap the old city lord.

If there is any formation, he can also cooperate with his senior brother or run away directly, and inform the whole Spirit Sword Sect that his party has been attacked by the Hehuan Sect.

"I don't think it's a big problem. Didn't we have a rough look at it when we came here for leisure before? The shopkeeper is just a Nascent Soul cultivator." Tun Yin sat on the thumb he was holding, glanced around and didn't make any more comments. What insight.

"It seems to be the shopkeeper Huang in the transformation stage?" Bai Jin thought about it carefully, and said the name with a little doubt.

"Who cares what the shopkeeper's name is, and so are you. Don't keep the male cultivators' names in your mind all day, mainly record some beautiful female cultivators. When you have free time, I will call the senior sister to come with you to have a deep-rooted teaching." Tun Yin Looking at Bai Jintiao with a smile all over his face, he said with a smile.

"I don't know the so-called, prostitution and robbery, flirtatious!"

Elder Hai, who was standing in the void, had a look of disgust on his face when he heard the two people's daily laughter and greetings.

No one knows Tunyin's name, but not many people have seen her real face. She has been hiding under various appearances on weekdays. Knowing that Tunyin is actually a female cultivator or a star network fairy Passed out.

Sui Mingxing happened to break through Tunyin's bluffing and deceiving, otherwise Tunyin should still be a little transparent with unknown appearance, unknown gender and no reputation, so the whole cultivation world would not know that she is a top-notch scumbag.

He wears a male cultivator's leather case every day to deceive female cultivators' feelings, so Tunyin is worshiped by many female cultivators.

If you can trick male nuns and nuns into being a furnace every day like Tunyin Immortal Elder, it will not be easy to achieve the position of Earth Immortal.


Inside Bibo Manor.


Stepping into the garden of Bibo Manor, the old city lord couldn't help but frowned slightly, realizing that the surrounding environment was different from any time he came here before.

As the city lord of Yuhai City, he used to visit Bibo Manor naturally. The environment and service here are second to none in the entire cultivation world. It is very suitable for family leisure or chatting with old friends.

The sharks who used to lie on the manor to bask in the sun, or breathe the power of the moonlight to practice, were nowhere to be seen, and there was no trace of human habitation around them, only some scattered scales scattered around the garden.

They walked very fast, and some of them were even rubbed against the sharp edge of the reef to bleed out salty blood.

The old city lord's divine sense expanded and scanned, and except for the main building wrapped by the formation, the entire island had no traces of life at all, and no life was seen even in the offshore area.

"It seems that they didn't shake the old man. What really happened in Bibo Manor." The old city lord's face gradually darkened and his figure disappeared into nothingness. When he reappeared, he was outside the main building. The law is only one step away.

"Huh? Why are you here, Lord City Master?"

In Bibo Manor, a Taoist dressed in a gray Taoist robe with half of his face covered by a black scarf stood not far from the gate and looked in surprise at the old city lord who suddenly appeared.

"Why didn't your lord come and let me know in advance? It's really too late to welcome you." Shopkeeper Huang greeted him with a smile on his face.

The old city lord's face was indifferent and his figure remained motionless, looking at the shopkeeper Huang who was walking towards him step by step.

Shopkeeper Huang is as usual, not much different from before. There are also two or three attendants in Bibo Manor who cast curious eyes at the door, as if they were surprised that the city lord came here at night.


When he was three steps away from the gate, shopkeeper Huang suddenly stopped his progress, his greeting arm was only an inch away from the gate, and he completely stopped stepping out of the gate and made a smacking sound.

"Aren't you coming out to greet me?"

The old city lord took a deep breath and looked at the shopkeeper Huang who was three steps away from him.


The shopkeeper Huang spread his hands and stopped smiling. He stepped back a few steps to distance himself from the old city lord and said, "Because the city lord doesn't know why you came to the door suddenly, and his face is still so gloomy. Huang is afraid and worried. I'm really afraid that you will Beat me to death!"

"Truthfully tell the truth about the sea beast, and the person behind the scenes who is the master of the grievances, and I can put you in reincarnation." The old city master erupted with a terrifying aura, and a mere small island could not bear the burst of spiritual energy like an abyss.

At this moment, the sea breeze stopped, and the calm sea surface around the island was turbulent like a tide. The island that was slightly shaking and shaking was gradually eroded by the tide, and a large area was still exposed and sank into the sea water.

"Worthy of being an Earth Immortal-level big shot."

Seeing the sea water gradually submerging the entire island, the old castellan had no intention of stepping into the manor at all. The shopkeeper Huang watched the earth-shaking changes on the island, and couldn't help but marvel at the power of the old castellan.

An island sinks as soon as it says it sinks, and the sea water submerges to his ankles just by breathing. Presumably, the formation in the manor will be forced after a while, and the old city lord will be able to enter the manor.

"Unexpectedly, you can still find out about this matter. Is there any expert behind the scenes to give advice?"

Shopkeeper Huang saw the sea water overflowing his knees, and when he sat down on the edge of the pool at thigh height, allowing the sea water to overflow his waist, he narrowed his smiling eyes and said: "But you are still a step late, really One step!"

"You don't need to save any strength. I am the only one in the whole manor who has not evacuated. Thank you for not killing me just now!"

Shopkeeper Huang spoke extremely fast. While speaking, he pulled up the scarf to cover his lower eyelids.


A dragon chant came from the manor, and the seawater that invaded the manor retreated quickly from the inside to the outside, turned into huge waves and all rushed back into the sea, submerging most of the beach and island buildings and re-exposing them to the moonlight.


Hearing the dragon chant and feeling the strange aura emanating from the dragon race, the old city lord's expression changed, and he flew away from the gate of Bibo Manor, and slowly spit out a word: "Shui Qilin"

The dragon chant was accompanied by the breath of the water unicorn.
"Please allow me to introduce this to you."

Shopkeeper Huang was full of uncontrollable joy, raised his hand in a circle around the empty space, and pointed at the creature covered by the illusion: "It is the new king of the ocean, a beast with the blood of a real dragon and the blood of a water unicorn." Lord God!"

"Yuhai City will be the original starting point of the Sea Beast God! Create the supreme power with spirituality and resentment!"


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(End of this chapter)

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