I am in good spirits

Chapter 230 Your Excellency, Times Have Really Changed!

Chapter 230 Your Excellency, Times Have Really Changed!
Bibo Manor·Outer Island·Above the sky.

"Aren't you going to help my friend?"

Feeling the tyrannical demonic aura soaring into the sky, Bai Jin's eyes turned to Elder Hai very naturally, and said with a smile: "Based on my deep understanding of the "Mountain and Sea Strange Beast Code", your senior brother's practice of magic is simply overwhelmed by that thing. Ke!"

No one saw the true face of the demon, but through the loud praises and wild praises of shopkeeper Huang, anyone with a little common sense of beasts in the cultivation world knows how violent the blood of real dragons and unicorns are.

Both the dragon and the kylin originated from the same ancestor, and they respectively inherited different supernatural powers from the "Dragon of the Season" and then separated and multiplied in different regions, so that today's "Dragon", "Phoenix", 'Eynchus'.

The dragon belongs to the skill of driving the clouds to resist the rain, and controls the thunder, while the Qilin belongs to knowing the destiny and exerting one's talents.

Bai Jin felt that if Elder Hai didn't go to support him, the old city lord might be beaten to death by the hybrid beast.


Elder Hai snorted coldly, and reluctantly said bluntly: "I offended you earlier. Farewell!"

After saying that, he also set up a sword of spiritual energy and lowered it towards Bibo Manor to prepare for support.

It is not a gentleman to receive favors without repaying them. Although Elder Hai hates any kind of magic cultivator, he treats one size as another. This round of Huanzong really helped them. If the magic cultivator of the Hehuanzong sect had not informed them in time, no one would have known. How terrifying is the resentful family who came.

It is natural to thank them, and Elder Hai also apologized for doubting their motives before, but Elder Hai still felt that the magic cultivator of the Acacia Sect was hiding something.

"I guess they were beaten out of shit within a day." Bai Jin kept his eyes on Bibo Manor, and said to Tunyin who was sitting on his thumb without looking back.

"Be bold, within three sticks of incense, they should be kicked out of Bibo Manor by that mixed-blood demon." Tunyin shook his head and said, "There is no suspense at all. The ability to break through the unicorn's ability to know destiny."

This place is not far from Yuhai City, if the three Dongxu Stage Earth Immortals fought here without any scruples, let alone a mere Yuhai City, the topography would undergo earth-shaking changes for thousands of miles around.

Tunyin has the most right to speak on this matter. She is a monk in the void period and a member of the monster clan with the blood of a beast. She knows very well that if the shopkeeper Huang is not lying. The mixed-blood monster held on for too long.

What is it that Qilin knows the destiny and knows the supernatural powers?
To put it bluntly, it is the ability to predict the future and the ability to observe changes in people's thoughts.Qilin's ability to observe the surroundings in detail is actually no less observational than Wangtianjiu, but when the perception reaches a high level, detailed classifications begin to appear.

Qilin can observe people's hearts, look at the sky and observe distance.

Foretelling the future, coupled with the invincible physique of the dragon clan, if the hybrid monster can reach the realm of heaven and man, it can really take on the title of "beast god"
The premise is that the dragon clan and the five-element unicorns will not come out to wipe out the mixed-blood scum in front of them.

The dragon clan and the unicorns have always been at odds, and it's a blessing not to fight when they meet, so why sit down and hatch eggs?

"That thing...is it really that powerful?"

Chiwei listened to the conversation between the two, and suddenly felt that the world could be so incredible: "If the old city lord and the elder of the Spirit Sword Sect are defeated, wouldn't Yuhai City be turned into a bloody sacrificial ground overnight?"

"If Yuhai City is really that easy to break, then we won't marry you girl"

Swallowing and laughing, he brushed Chi Wei with his tiger tail, and the latter trembled with goosebumps all over his body: "The Sun, Taiyin, Yuhai Formation is the reason for the name of Yuhai City, do you think the water unicorn did not enter Yuhai City because of its kindness?" ?”

"Without that thing. I can control the entire Yuhai City at the cost of a minor injury at most. As for staying in Yuhai City for so long?"

"And this thing?"

Hearing this, Bai Jin also showed a shocked expression.

"Of course, it's just that if you want to activate the formation, you need to pay the price of serious injuries for the monks in the void stage. As long as it doesn't threaten the foundation of Yuhai City, everyone can play casually." Tunyin said with a smile.

When the three of them were talking about the secrets of Yuhai City, a sudden change occurred in Bibo Manor. The shopkeeper Huang, who was ecstatically praising the new work "Linlong", suddenly became a little flustered, and hurriedly spoke in a low voice. The hybrid creature covered by the phantom array explained something.

"Hmph, although it was expected, I didn't expect that you would actually bring me to this situation." Linlong snorted coldly, and his body slowly emerged from the illusion.

It appeared in the form of a half-orc, with light yellow scales all over its body and a dragon head eight feet tall. The blood of dragon and kylin were fused together to make it appear back to its ancestors. The only dragon with yellow scales in the world is the "Dragon of Time".

The eight-foot body is covered with thick dragon scales, the arms inherit the dexterity and sharpness of the dragon, and the lower body is like a unicorn, presenting a canine-like reflex, which enhances its instant explosive power and physical strengthening.

"Beast God Mermaid and bear's paw can't have both. If you want to achieve a higher level of evolution, you have to make some choices, otherwise you will not be able to obtain the divine power hidden in your blood." Shopkeeper Huang explained to Linlong It changed its body, and said again: "Your evolution has not been completed yet, as long as you devour the spirituality of millions of monks, it will be time to spread your wings."

"The monk in front of you is suitable for you as a tonic."

Linlong only has the blood of dragons and unicorns, and lacks the blood of the phoenix to truly spread its wings. Among the four ancestor dragons, only the seasonable dragon has wings on its back. Linlong still has the potential to continue to evolve, but the general method It's not enough for it to swallow the blood of the phoenix again.

Linlong needs a little help from the magic gate, such as sacrificing Yuhai City, where the whole city is full of monks!

". Noisy! Since I can agree, I don't need you to remind me again and again!"

Linlong glanced at shopkeeper Huang, and his cold vertical pupils exuded a chill that made shopkeeper Huang tremble with fear.

"Promise me, and I hope you don't forget!"

Linlong perfectly inherits the mania and arrogance of the dragon family, while the auspicious beast Qilin does not inherit a single bit of harmony. The natural discord between the dragon family and the unicorn is not without reason.

"It's you first"

Linlong shook his left hand, the fin-like thing on his back exuded a faint light blue color, a dancing arc emerged from his arm, and he took the first step.


Elder Hai raised his sword and turned it into a sword array, preparing to form a sword array to resist the evil beast's first blow, and joined hands with the old city lord to kill the evil spirits.


The old city lord's face showed shock, his thoughts were like electricity, and the water vapor in the air condensed into mysterious water, which could be blocked between Elder Hai and Linlong before Linlong swung his claws.

Linlong chose to strike first, not the old city lord who seemed to be weak in physique. Elder Hai also arranged the sword array one after the other. For a moment.

Just holding on to such a split second, Linlong almost took the lead and chopped off Elder Hai's arm.

But even with Xuanshui as a buffer to resist, it was still unable to completely block the thunderbolt's grasp. Elder Hai's shoulder blade was inserted into the flesh and blood by the dragon's claw, and a white bone was hooked out.

"It's really a good natural supernatural power." Linlong looked at the blood on his left fingertip, grinned, and looked maliciously at the two monks of the same level who were ready to go.


"It turned out to be it. No wonder."

The moment he saw Linlong clearly, Tunyin suddenly showed a look of enlightenment: "I said why I searched all over the world and couldn't find the Jiaolong you mentioned. It turns out that it has been hidden in the multi-layer formation of Bibo Manor."

"Now it looks like a human being, a ghost or a ghost. The top-level wine jar I prepared before is for nothing, hi!"

(End of this chapter)

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