I am in good spirits

Chapter 231 Raptor Warriors......

Chapter 231 Raptor Warriors

Linlong shuttled in the huge waves of [-] meters, and instantly broke all kinds of water attribute spells of the old city lord. For the dragons who are in charge of clouds and rain, water attributes are the least harmful to them. .

The old city lord and Elder Hai worked together, and they could not harm Linlong with all kinds of magical powers. Before the arrival of all spells and swordsmanship, it could dodge it!


Shopkeeper Huang swam desperately in the bottom of the sea, tightly holding on to the collapsed and shattered Bibo Manor, and crazily sank into the deep sea to avoid the fighting range of the earth immortals.

It is impossible for him to get away in the sky, not to mention how to break through the water magic of the old city lord who is tilted like a milky way, the magic cultivator of the Acacia sect who is standing outside watching the show is not easy to provoke.

It wouldn't be a surprise if they caught themselves and tortured them on a whim. If they stayed where they were, they would probably have been crushed into shopkeeper sauce by Xuanshui.

The safest thing right now is to sink into the bottom of the sea, and try not to leave Linlong too far away, otherwise Linlong will not have time to reach out to rescue any accidents!
"The eight evil spirits are like water in yellow springs."

Seeing that Linlong was attacking again, the old city lord didn't care about any reservations at all. He took a step back, stepped on the violent waves that surged upwards, and raised his hand to slap the surrounding sea water, which changed from dark blue to emerald green.

The emerald green poisonous water was extremely viscous, and there seemed to be thousands of painful and hideous resentful souls in the water, one by one painful and howling resentful souls emerged on the surface of the water body and impacted.

The old city lord shook his arms, and the poisonous water from the yellow spring around his body gathered into a column and shot out from the water curtain, wrapped in flowing light, as if a group of fire meteors were passing through the Milky Way, all of them met the attacking Linlong at a very high speed !
Facing the dense group of attacks like stars, Linlong turned into a thunder light and disappeared in the attack range ahead of time.

The poisonous water column is so dense that even a mouse can't get through it. Once the eight-foot-high Linlong falls into it, he will inevitably fall into the quagmire and cannot escape.

"The dragon soul attracts the brilliant thunder from the sky, and it thunders at the right time."

Linlong rushed directly to the sky, using the dragon's talent to summon the demon thunder from the most rigid and yang, and bombarded the most yin and evil yellow spring water summoned by the old city lord.

The scorching yellow thunder beam was summoned from the sky, and bombarded downwards at an unavoidable speed, the smoke of the eight evil spirits disappeared, and even the grievances inside were melted.

The beam of lightning struck directly into the deep sea, and the surrounding sea water even began to boil due to the high temperature.


"Sinister Thing"

Bai Jin, who left just as the demon thunder fell, looked at the emptiness and the unhealed sea around him, and couldn't help complaining: "For a while, I don't even know how to distinguish between good and evil."

The old city lord who came to slay demons and demons cast Yinshui, preparing to slaughter the demons in the city, and his moves were extremely masculine and powerful.

It really makes me wonder who is the devil
Of course, Bai Jin is not a novice monk, so he naturally knows that the Eight Evil Underworld performed by the old city lord does not originate from sorcery. The resentment contained in it, the poisonous water extracted from the water of Huangquan.

The resentment contained in the ocean is extremely large, but because the spirituality is extremely low-quality, no magician will use those low-quality materials at all.

"Get ready to leave! The outcome has already been decided."

Tun Yin withdrew his gaze, shook his head and said, "The defeat time was faster than I expected. The two of them should have never cooperated before, and they are tied together. The female dragon is also faster than me. It’s even stronger than imagined.”

The old city lord's skills are all based on quantity and oppression to win, and the monstrous waves only dance for him, but because there is Elder Hai, he needs to leave a gap, so as not to hurt his teammates with the true water with various characteristics.

Linlong seized these opportunities in advance, and also benefited from his own characteristics of not being afraid of ordinary water, abruptly disrupting the fighting rhythm of the two, so that they were worried about hurting their allies when they fought.

"Mother dragon? Isn't it a male dragon?" Bai Jin was stunned and turned around to confirm again.

The gender of the Yaozu is indistinguishable, unless the same Yaozu or the Yaozu speak in person, otherwise the human race can only guess the gender of the Yaozu if they want to know the gender of the Yaozu.

But the dragon in front of him had spoken, and even spit a mouthful of old phlegm at Jin Lin. Bai Jin could clearly hear the masculine voice of the dragon before.

"She is a beautiful female dragon!" Tunyin once again looked at Linlong, who opened his mouth wide and gathered his breath to beat the dog in the water, and said with certainty: "It is a female dragon, or a violent female dragon in her prime!"

"It doesn't matter what kind of dragon it is, in short, the female dragon in front of me is absolutely impossible to tame for the night, don't think about it."

"What and what are you talking about? I'm worried about what a male dragon will do." A black line appeared on Bai Jin's forehead and he raised his right hand and waved it. The light blue palm that was originally opened wide to reveal the palm, and the light blue palm with the thumb inward began to change postures. It retracts towards the sky to form a shield, and turns into a streamer to leave.

The old city lord and Elder Hai faced Linlong, and the final result was that the old city lord resisted the demon thunder alone and was slightly injured. Elder Hai is currently fighting for time to retreat, so that the old city lord can have time to avoid the edge.
Now Linlong is still fighting Elder Hai, and now he will not be able to leave Bai Jin smoothly if he does not leave Bai Jin for a while.

Linlong's strength is so powerful that he can even swallow it in admiration, and it is by no means a divine beast that can be easily subdued by the immortals in the cave.

Tunyin has completed the observation of Linlong and the collection of information on the technique, and has successfully confirmed that the Resentful Family is not as simple as a black market intermediary. The task of collecting information for this trip has basically been completed.

But it's not yet time for Bai Yongshou to appear on stage!
"The scope of influence is really wide. I don't know when I will be able to set off such a storm."

Sitting on the edge of the beach in Yuhai City, Bai Jin can still see the aftermath of the battle hundreds of miles away. The strange waves have already hit Yuhai City. Although the roar of the collision cannot be heard here, you can still feel the turbulence. The fluctuation of mana and the light of anti-boom.

"You'd better eat the fruits steadily now! Otherwise, the catastrophe in the Nascent Soul stage will be very troublesome." Tunyin put his hand on the white brocade and said with a funny look: "If your cultivation can reach the stage of transforming gods, senior sister will have some troubles." The beautiful sister is for you to use it to improve."

"Golden elixir and Nascent Soul stage are gone."

Chiwei took a step back subconsciously, trying to reduce her sense of presence as much as possible, so as not to attract the attention of the two big devils of the Hehuan sect.

"Thank you Jingmin, you can keep it for yourself!" Bai Jin immediately revealed a look of disgust when he heard this.

Who doesn't know that Tunyin and chasing girls are in pursuit of excitement, and the only ones she can target are female cultivators with a little background.

While chatting, the three of them disappeared and walked straight to the White Mansion, preparing to wait for the City Lord's Mansion to come to discuss how to deal with the resentful beast tide and Linlong.

As for other things, just pretend nothing happened.

"Damn it! Didn't catch up again!"

The three disciples of the Hehuan Sect who almost broke their legs looked at the endless ocean with miserable expressions on their faces.

"Take senior brother indiscriminately. Why are you running so fast!"

(End of this chapter)

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