I am in good spirits

Chapter 237 Shopkeeper Huang: "Hmm, I'll calculate it for you!"

Chapter 237 Shopkeeper Huang "Hmm, I've got it right for you!"

City Lord's Mansion.

After receiving the voice transmission from the old city lord, Hai Linger could no longer care about other matters, she put aside the liaison task entrusted to her by Elder Hai, and jumped from the high wall of the city lord's mansion into the courtyard with Yu Xueqing on her back .

Galloping all the way to the old city lord's bedroom, Hai Ling'er pushed open the bedroom door and shouted, "Grandpa!"

The old city lord was lying on the bed without moving, his left body was completely missing, and his growth rate was extremely slow due to the pollution of the dragon demon power, and blue blood occasionally dripped on the mattress to the ground.


The spirit of the old city lord floated in mid-air, looked at Hai Linger who broke in with a smile on his face, and asked, "Have you been frightened by the sea beasts in Yuhai City?"

"Grandpa, here you are." Hai Ling'er looked at the old city lord who was out of his body with a dull face.

"The body is such an unchanging thing, if it can't be controlled, it's worth noting."

The old city lord said something half-jokingly, then looked at Hai Linger and said with a smile: "Since the situation is urgent, I will not gossip and speak bluntly. The storage ring on my left hand is passed on to you, and the things inside are Grandpa's It was specially prepared for you."

"I believe it can help you a lot, and you don't need to be too obsessed with life and death. Life will eventually wither, and monks just postpone the date of death."

The words of the old city lord were light and calm, as if he had no fear of death, not at all like the fear of death when he first met him, so he took the method of washing away the reincarnation of a monk in accordance with the laws of heaven and earth.

"Grandpa wanted to give you a surprise, but I didn't expect the parade of sea beasts to scare me." The old city lord said helplessly: "Let's stop the gossip! Before the death of grandpa, you are the most worried about you. Then you can live happily ever after."

The old city lord originally wanted to hold a beautiful burial ceremony before his death. When his son and granddaughter were crying with pear blossoms and rain, he lifted the coffin in an external avatar on the spot to surprise everyone.

And tell everyone that the main body is dead, but it is not completely dead at the moment. Now it just washes away the cultivation base and memory and enters the reincarnation. As long as you find the reincarnated body and merge with the avatar, you can restore the memory and get a 100% compatible body. More potential body.

In this way, he can point his sword at the realm of heaven and man.

The old city lord originally wanted to make an exaggerated joke with everyone before he died, saying that he was not old-fashioned or very young.

But he didn't expect that it would cause trouble to the resentful family, which made the brand-new version of the reincarnation method he carefully arranged impossible to use.

"You guys just stay in the dormitory. Grandpa is going to solve all the troubles now. Yuhai City will still be Yuhai City when you wake up tomorrow morning. Grandpa hopes that you can live happily in the new day."

The old city lord floated to Hai Linger's side, raised his hand and rubbed her head: "If you like it, go for it. If your father says you don't agree, you just swear to God that grandpa promised it." of!"

"Take care of yourself!"

The old city lord didn't give Hai Linger time to react, so he flew straight out of the dormitory and rose to the sky above the city lord's mansion. He took out a scroll from the depths of his soul and unfolded it, preparing to activate the ancient formation deeply hidden in Yuhai City.

"My old man's pension and concerns are all here, Yuhai City is not a place where you can be presumptuous."

The old city lord sneered, raised his hand and pressed the red and blue yin and yang diagrams on the scroll, and slowly twisted the patterns.

The formation of the sun, the sun, and the moon to control the sea is not a formation developed by the old city lord himself, but an ancient formation that was originally located here, and its power can even restrain the attack of a celestial monk.

As long as the sun, yin and yang formations are activated, Yuhai City will return to normal the next day.



When the old city lord activated the formation, the entire city of Yuhai was shaking like an earthquake, and the surrounding walls of the city began to collapse, and bottomless pits with a height of more than [-] meters appeared before everyone's eyes.

A large amount of sinister and biting weak water, forming a ferocious roaring dragon, rushed out of the deep pit and gathered from around the city towards the central point, the City Lord's Mansion. A large number of water dragons straddled the city and bit the formation surrounded by water masses.

In the end, an invisible and intangible pillar of fire from the earth's veins emerged from the ground of the city lord's mansion, slowly burning the weak water.

The huge and incomparable earth vein aura is ignited to form the invisible and intangible flame of the sun, and then the endless yin energy and resentful soul energy from the seabed are extracted to form the Taiyin Weak Water.

The two are reconciled with formations to form 'Heavenly Dry Renshui'!
The old city lord stood in the boiling weak water and looked at the raging sea beasts expressionlessly. The heavenly dry water gradually formed above his head, and it expanded and multiplied at a very high speed to form a semi-circular shape.


The old city lord didn't say much, and raised his finger to the direction where the sea beast invaded, and the semicircular sphere slowly began to tilt towards the ocean, pouring out the heavenly dry water.

The endless water slanted away, fell to the beach and the fine sand rose and a large amount of steam rose up, and everything it passed was dissolved by the stagnant water into a pitch-black liquid, and even the salt water of the ocean could be burned into a part of the dry water, forcing the ocean to die. They are all retreating and dying.

The sea beasts in the ocean, when they come into contact with the Heavenly Stems and Renshui, their bodies and souls are refined into liquid together.

The raging sea beasts in Yuhai City cannot escape the powerful cleansing of the 'Sun Taiyin Yuhai Formation'.

The Weak Water Dragon spanned the entire city, and dripping pillars began to spread from its body towards the city, pressing the sea beasts to death on the ground as if the branches were growing, forming veritable death icicles.

The main attack of Tiangan Renshui spread outward, and the dark "Dizhizishui" began to spread in the city, forcibly dragging the whole city into the ground, and began to protect all life forms on the ground.

The celestial stems and earthly branches correspond to yin and yang, and one attack and one defense form the foundation of Yuhai City's "Sun, Taiyin and Water Lines to Execute Evil and Suppress Demons".


Bai Yongshou, who was fighting Linlong, forcibly stopped his movements, quickly retreated away from Linlong, and looked at Renshui, which had eroded a hundred miles away from Yuhai City.

"Unexpectedly, the formation of the sun, the sun, and the yin to control the sea can create such a terrifying scene."

Tun Yin looked at a sea of ​​nothingness, as well as the city of Yuhai that had completely disappeared in his perception, and the hemisphere that released Renshui endlessly like a river pouring down from the sky, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The power of Yuhaicheng formation is more exaggerated than any scene she had expected before, and the formation borrowing the power of heaven and earth is really extraordinary.

Linlong looked at the boiling Renshui, looked up at the indifferent old man standing in the mid-air of Yuhai City, and couldn't help grinning: "It's really amazing. Are you still lazy, shopkeeper? Come out to work for me!"

Exercising the supernatural power of knowing destiny, Linlong made countless predictions with all his actions, and Tiangan Renshui could completely shoot it down with overwhelming force, and pulled it into the most core Tiangan Renshui pool to burn his soul and body.

Or it is wrapped in the evil black water, no matter how hard it tries, it can't break free and escape, and the final result is still being pulled into the Tiangan Ren pool for execution.

In the end, there is only death, but the death time of defeat is slightly different, and the longest time it did not last for a stick of incense.

"Of course I'm not lazy, Lord Beast God." Shopkeeper Huang slowly floated up from the bottom of the sea, surrounded by a black mist full of resentment, and said with a smile on his face: "I'm just preparing something for Lord City Lord, and everything is ready now Just wait for your order, and I will be able to activate the magic of the gods and demons Piyi."

"Please order! Lord Sea Beast God!"

(End of this chapter)

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