I am in good spirits

Chapter 238 Come Come Come, Your Majesty Gives You an Injection!

Chapter 238 Come, come, let me give you an injection!
"What are you waiting for? Shopkeeper Huang!"

Seeing shopkeeper Huang showing his head full of confidence, Linlong stared at the surface of the sea that had turned into heavenly dry water, and loudly ordered shopkeeper Huang to take out the mysterious things he had been hiding all along.

"Of course I'm waiting to see the death of the city lord."

Shopkeeper Huang showed an intoxicated smile, opened his hands, and a monstrous resentment gushed out from the bottom of the sea. Countless screaming dead spirits turned into black smoke and rose up, bursting out with an ominous crimson light:

"Ten Thousand Souls Refining and Hunting the Sacrificial Site. Open!"

Bai Yongshou raised his hand to block in front of him, squinted his eyes at the crimson beam of light erupting with ghostly aura, and the female phantom slowly forming inside, and said, "Elder Hai, we can escape now. The supreme secret technique of the head bird family can summon the phantom of a certain true fairy-level existence in the Nether Hell."

"It's also one of the stunts for refining pylorus to become famous."

Although Tunyin has never fought against Lianyoumen, she has practiced with Immortal Zizai since she was a child, and she has also seen the strength of the Dementor Demon King in its heyday.

Naturally, he recognized the unique skill of the Demon King of Dementor at a glance, sacrificed endless tragic death and resentful souls to communicate with the nether world, and attracted an incredible figure in the blue sky, and aimed at the target to launch a sure-fire blow.

Although the shopkeeper Huang in front of him is not a nine-headed bird, the 'hunting and killing sacrificial field' displayed has been weakened, and the phantom summoned may not reach the level of killing everything.

But Tunyin felt the breath of death from it, no matter who the next blow of Xuying aimed at, he could completely kill any target within a million miles of the field!
"Their next attack must be aimed at Yuhai City. My family is still in Yuhai City, sorry."

Bai Yongshou glanced at the terrifying ghost, and turned his head to Elder Hai who wanted to resist the ghostly spirit, stepped forward to interrupt the sacrificial ceremony, and finished speaking, then completely gave up resisting and flew back to the city due to the cold air.


Elder Hai didn't recover for a moment, Bai Yongshou had already been blown away and fell back into Yuhai City at a high speed.

Although Yuhaicheng is very important to Tunyin, Tunyin didn't even hesitate, and directly gave up the task of unifying Yuhaicheng's forces that Immortal Zizai gave her, and chose to go back to protect her little junior.

White brocade is the most important thing both for Tunyin and for Hehuan Sect.

Nothing else matters compared to him.

"Thank you fellow Daoist Bai for your generosity and assistance, I will leave it to the old man to take care of this!"

Seeing Bai Yongshou falling into the Dizhizishui, the old city lord whose soul was burned and only half of his body remained, manipulated the black water to expose the road to Yuhai City, so that he could reach the city to protect his family members.

The old city lord is now completely in control of the formation, and he can perceive wherever Tiangan Renshui reaches.

The Tiangan Renshui in the entire sea area, when that phantom appeared, lost the momentum to move forward and was frozen by the chill engulfed in the ghostly ghostly energy. Even the old city lord could do nothing about it if he urged the formation like this.

Knowing that he would lose, the old city lord could understand Bai Yongshou's choice. If it were him, he would definitely make the same choice.
"Thanks, I'll give you a hand as well!"

Ripples in the black water revealed the passage, Bai Yongshou looked up at the old city owner in the water mass and said.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Bai, then I will try my best to survive the next blow! Hahaha" the old city lord joked as he looked at the ghostly shadow that was as tall as the sky.

Bai Yongshou didn't say any more polite words, he jumped directly to Yuhai City where Dizhi Zishui was hiding, and rushed to the City Lord's Mansion at full speed to protect Bai Jin.

"Junior brother has slipped away, the other side is playing tricks!"

On the way to the city lord's mansion, Tun Yin asked Bai Jin to prepare in advance, and now he was really going to run away.

"Then hurry up and help me, I'm being chased by weird things, it seems to want to poke my ass."

Bai Jin responded out of breath, and glanced at the totally out of control version of Shui Ling behind her with black lines all over her head.

Renshui is born in spring and sees trees and can perform meritorious deeds. Tiangan Renshui belongs to Yangshui and likes Yang soil and Yang trees. Fear of fire and Yin trees can also vent Jin Geng's energy.

The translation is that Tiangan Renshui is very strange, afraid of flame spells and wood parasites, but super like the earth attribute and fierce wood attribute, and has the ability to erode all metals in the world.

Brother Wei was already smacked, and was strangled in his arms by the strong Tiangan Renshui with a cross, while the remaining spirits of Tiangan Renshui chased after Bai Jin wantonly.

Bai Jin wanted to call back at first, but thought that the nature of Tiangan Renshui had nothing to do with the infatuated girl, and was afraid that calling him would make her happy. So she ran a marathon with her.

Bai Yongshou flew over the city lord's mansion, looking at Bai Jin and the spirit of Renshui running around the garden with black lines all over his head.

She had a lot to say, but couldn't find a place to speak for a while.

"It's fine for Xiaobai here. It's not surprising that he encounters anything. But how can the two different types of water spirits still kiss? You are so messed up."

Tun Yin complained in his heart, then withdrew his mana and fell from the sky, smashing the infatuated girl's spirit of Renshui into liquid with one foot, and said: "It's too late to explain to you now, you may see all kinds of things later A strange folded humanoid object, don't worry, it's my supernatural power!"

"The method of innocence and devouring."

Tunyin pulled Bai Jin Gaosheng up, raised his hand and opened his palm at the City Lord's Mansion, the space around the City Lord's Mansion began to fold up irregularly, from the size of an area of ​​more than 200 mu to the size of a square table in an instant.

When used on living organisms, it can smash bones and tendons to crush people to death. Folding on space can also use the power of space to tear enemies apart.

But what Tun Yin cast this time was a seal, and directly packed the space away with the seal, and did not cause any harm to the living body inside, but because of the folding, the things inside looked twisted and twisted.

Tun Yin held the white brocade in one hand, and dragged the square table in the other, rushing straight out of the Dizhishui roof, using his space folding ability to travel thousands of miles in one step, as if walking so close to the end of the world like a legendary fairy.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, take me with you." He Wensheng looked at Bai Yongshou who ran away in a blink of an eye with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"It's too late, you should use all your defensive means to resist the aftermath!"

The old city lord's face was a little speechless, and he manipulated the semicircle above the sky to buckle upside down on the ground. The 'Earth Branch Water' used for unlimited proliferation and defense, and the 'Heavenly Dry Water' that had not been frozen earlier began to stir and boil. Rising ready to withstand the killing blow.

"Let's go! Empress Nether!"

The shopkeeper Huang controlled the sacrificial ceremony, commanded the ghostly shadow behind him who was taller than the sky with a smile on his face, and launched a decisive blow to the formation of Yuhai City: "Master Beast God, prepare to absorb the spirituality of the monks and become the supreme existence! "

The huge half-length ghost raised his right hand, slapped heavily on the huge waves formed by the heavenly stems and water, and lowered his body across a distance of hundreds of miles, holding up the magic weapon in his right hand that looked like a chisel, black and red A single blood-red eye appeared on his cheek.

The half-body phantom of the Empress Youming propped her left hand into the sea, and her right hand held a chisel-shaped ritual instrument tightly, aiming at the sun and yin formation to control the sea, she stabbed down heavily with the chisel.




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 Waking up from a nap and dreaming.

  I dreamed that my mother-in-law was chasing me to get a bride price, and the woman was chasing after us and needed to bargain with her mother. The old man was panting and put his hands on his hips, calling us all to sit down and have a discussion.
  I thought about it, I don't have a girlfriend either!Why would I have such a horrible nightmare.

(End of this chapter)

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