I am in good spirits

Chapter 239 I, Bai, will stand up now!

Chapter 239 I, Bai, will stand up now!

"Primal fear."

Niang Niang held up the chisel magic weapon, the entire Yuhai City was not big enough for its chest, aimed at the old city lord at the core of Yuhai City, and smashed the chisel magic weapon down.

Without any fancy moves, and without any ferocious mana fluctuations, the chisel fell with one blow, directly hitting the core of the Sun Taiyin Yuhai Formation, and smashed the Zhizishui defense upside down on Yuhai City in an instant.

The chisel instrument fell into the black water pool, as if hitting the real water surface, the black water and everything within hundreds of kilometers nearby were instantly destroyed.The smoke and dust, the dry water and the waves were violently smashed straight to the top of the clouds.

Empress Youming closed her one-eyed eyes, and slowly pulled out her arm that had sunk into the mantle, and her half body stood upright again between the sky and the earth, and gradually disappeared.


Elder Hai's face was full of dullness, looking at Yuhai City, which disappeared even with a corner of the land, he couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Treasurer Huang!"

Linlong ignored Elder Hai, and waited for the aftermath of Niang Niangniang's blow to slow down a bit. Seeing the deep pit that had become part of the ocean, he turned back to shopkeeper Huang with a full face of rage and roared, "Where are all the spiritualities of my monks?" ?”

The entire Yuhai City and its land are gone, the spirituality of the monk promised by the resentful family before, and the opportunity to help him integrate the Phoenix blood again, are all destroyed by the monsters brought by Huang's sacrifice of millions of mutated sea beasts!

If shopkeeper Huang can't give a satisfactory explanation, Linlong can tear him into pieces in the next second!
"Lord Beast God, don't worry."

Shopkeeper Huang also recovered from his doubts, and quickly explained to Linlong: "Yuhai City is still there, but because of the formation, it has not yet appeared. You can now go to the original site of Yuhai City and start harvesting spirituality."

The black water pool seems to drag Yuhaicheng into the ground, but in fact it is a force of cover and concealment. Yuhaicheng has never moved in place, but because of the formation, no one can get close to Yuhaicheng.

Now the "Sun Taiyin Yuhai Formation" has been cracked by the Nether Empress extremely brutally. When the remaining power of the formation disappears, you can see the hanging city falling to the bottom of the sea, and the entire Yuhai City has been completely smashed.

When the shopkeeper Huang violently cracked the formation, he deliberately reserved spare energy to only destroy the formation. The spirituality of all the monks inside would be handed over to Linlong.

The reason why his face was uncertain was not because of the trivial matter of the survival of a mere Royal Sea City.

But when he was manipulating the Nether Empress to gouge down and give injections to the formation of Yuhai City, a pitch-black nine-headed bird shifted its gaze over with a half-smile, its blood-colored pupils full of joking and watching a show, and it was so straightforward. A picture appeared in his mind.

When he performed the secret technique of the Nine-headed Bird Clan, he was completely targeted by the Dementor Demon King who locked his breath and position!
This was different from what he had planned. He never expected that a secret technique would attract the attention of heaven and humans.

Shopkeeper Huang now just wants to run away immediately, to the other manors of the Resentment Family, with the help of formations, to completely hide himself, and prevent the Dementor Demon King from finding him.

".Stop the beast!"

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Linlong flying away from the original place and heading towards the original site of Yuhai City at a high speed. Elder Hai recovered from his trance, drew out his heart sword and slashed at the cruel and inhuman animal Linlong.

Shopkeeper Huang can't be hurt, he is still protected by the ghostly spirit in the 'sacrifice ground' and has not come out, Elder Hai can only give it a go now, stop Linlong who wants to go to Yuhai City to harvest human lives, and wait for Yuhai City Xian Xian and Bai Daoyou came together to attack Linlong.

"Go away!"

Linlong opened his mouth wide, and a solid ball was spewed out from its mouth to form a dragon's breath.


Elder Hai subconsciously raised his sword and slashed, wanting to slice through the dragon's breath and pass through Qilinlong's chest and abdomen.

But when the heart sword slashed up, Elder Hai screamed in his heart. The colorless gaseous heart sword was smashed by the golden dragon ball in front of the dragon's breath, and the scorching burst of dragon's breath completely submerged Elder Hai.


Linlong opened his mouth to collect the dragon ball, and looked at Elder Hai who turned into coke and fell from the sky with a disdainful expression.

"Why do you think you can compete with me? If it wasn't for Bai Yongshou who protected you everywhere, you would have been attacked and killed by me when we met for the second time."

Ever since the blood was purified and fused, it encountered the strongest monk without a doubt, Bai Yongshou. His pre-judgment could even judge his own destiny-knowing supernatural power.

The conceited Linlong had to admit that Bai Yongshou relied on the blood of the monster clan to overwhelm him with brute force. If there hadn't been one person who was holding back his legs as the inner ghost, the previous fight would have turned into a protracted battle. In the end, Bai Yongshou was able to win slightly beat yourself up.

Death is impossible. Both sides were exhausted from fighting each other. Bai Yongshou probably knelt on one knee and gasped for breath.

Linlong is extremely sure of Bai Yongshou's strength, but Elder Hai is so-so, and the old city lord is a little better, but because of the type of monk and talent restraint, Linlong has no real feeling for the old city lord.

It's just one move in seconds, and the texture of a set of seconds.

"Now is the time for me to become the Dragon of Time!"

Linlong stood above the original site of Yuhai City, looking excitedly at the black mist that filled the void. It could sense the breath of a large number of life forms. Although most of the weak ones had died, it could take advantage of the heat. Spirituality is not gone yet.


In the forest thousands of miles away from Yuhai City.

"Ahem, cough, cough, it's such a strong shot, I was almost suffocated by the flying gravel, broken trees, smoke dragon."

Bai Jin supported the tree and kept coughing and spitting, trying to spit out the thing that was blown into his mouth by the terrifying wind pressure just now.

He is also considered lucky, if it is not for the protection of swallowing, it is not as simple as eating a mouthful of dust, being crushed into minced meat by the wind pressure in minutes, or torn into pieces of meat by all kinds of garbage engulfed by the wind pressure .

"The resentment family is really amazing." Tunyin looked at the lingering ghostly air in the sky, and sighed: "They should have planned for a long time, intentionally and unintentionally, even the guarding formation and us, including the later monks of the Spirit Sword Sect It's all counted."

"I think the mutated sea beasts caught before coming here should be bait deliberately put by the resentful family, just to catch us all in one go."

Up to now, it is not difficult to deduce the premeditation and purpose of the resentful family. From the beginning, they put bait to attract the monks, and then by sacrificing the sea beasts that plucked the seedlings, they recruited an existence in the nether world, and brought the spirit sword sect to the middle and high levels. The monks were killed all at once.

The plan is roughly like this, but Tunyin can't guess why the Resentment Family is so mobilizing and mobilizing so many secret arts and magic techniques to kill some middle and high-level monks of the Spirit Sword Sect?
The method of the fusion of talents of the medical fairy, the method of refining the pylorus and the sacrifice of the underworld, and a large concealing formation similar to the variant of the secret method of the Acacia sect.

The resentment family is really amazing, not only the shopkeepers with strong execution ability, but also the secret books of various secrets that I don’t know when they stole. Tun Yin has a new understanding of the resentment family, and I dare not Xinyuanyujia was only a black market intermediary before.

"Elder Sister, take me back to Yuhai City"

Bai Jin spat out the water she was gargling in her mouth, glanced at the chasing soul compass she took out from the storage ring, and said to Tunyin with a full face of anger: "I want to be a dragon knight!"

"Don't make trouble, be careful that Linlong blows your head off." Tunyin waved his hands with black lines all over his face, "With your body, you can't even ride a flood dragon, let alone a pure-blooded real dragon!"

Bai Jin's idea is very bold and creative, but it's not time for him to branch out yet.

"I, Bai, have been walking in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and I have never suffered such a big loss. The more I think about it, the more angry I get!"

"so what?"

"That's why I sold myself to be Lord Rabbit!"


Tunyin slowly put out a question mark, and suddenly felt that his junior brother was frightened into mental retardation.


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(End of this chapter)

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