I am in good spirits

Chapter 240 Bai Jin: "I'll introduce you to a heavyweight!"

Chapter 240 Bai Jin "Introduce you to a heavyweight!"

With the cracking of the Taiyang Taiyin Yuhai Formation, the hidden and disappeared Yuhai City is also slowly appearing.

The pitch-black Earthly Branch Water began to disappear, turned into mist and dissipated between the sky and the earth, and a corner of Yuhai City also appeared in its original position. As a result, because the ground disappeared and there was no force point, a corner of Yuhai City collapsed, falling into the giant In the whirlpool of sea water.

Linlong stood above the void with a smile on his face, watching a seriously injured monk fall into the vortex. If he encountered one who still had the strength to fly and struggle, it would mercilessly shoot down the monk into the vortex.

It is different from the goal of the resentment family. Linlong is preparing to devour the monk's spirituality and resentful soul fusion blood, while the goal of the resentment family is to destroy Yuhai City.

Now that all the resistance in Yuhai City has been wiped out, the goal of the Resentful Family has basically been achieved, and the rest is to wait for Linlong to slaughter all the monks and create a major event that shocked the cultivation world. The two parties will complete all the previous contracts. They are strangers.

"Linlong's excitement is so high, do you really have a way to deal with it?"

Standing on the edge of the big pit made by Empress Youming, Tunyin looked up at Linlong who was already laughing, and couldn't help but look at Bai Jin with a puzzled expression: "You don't plan to tell Senior Brother Zhizhi to come here to slaughter the dragon, do you? I feel that with his foot strength running over, Yuhai City will definitely be sunk into the bottom of the sea by Long Longzi."

As long as no one is holding back Tunyin, she is enough to defeat Linlong without hiding the Acacia Sect's technique, but she is not very interested in fighting now, and her first task is to prepare to protect her little junior.

It's really good to call senior brother Zhizhi to come over. With Zhizhi's supernatural power to break all laws, it really doesn't take much effort to defeat Linlong.

But Zhizhi has not set foot in the realm of heaven and man, nor has he initially involved the power of space like Tunyin, and now he can't count on Zhizhi who is "invincible under heaven and man".

If Zhizhi is not nearby, Linlong will be able to slaughter Yuhai City thoroughly within three incense sticks!
"If it's something else, I may not be able to solve it, but if the rare beasts make trouble, there are really people in my network who can solve it!" Bai Jin said proudly: "What is it that makes you wander in the realm of comprehension? Of course it is a relationship." The world's sophistication is spread all over the world!"

"I'm different from Shi Feiyan's Chou family everywhere!"

If other things happened, Bai Jin would be ashamed to send a message to Lingyue Xian, after all, the relationship between the two parties was just a pure dewy love affair, and he didn't know how to repay the favor he owed to the celestial boss.

I am afraid that people will look down on the labor force, and the difference in cultivation base and physique between the two sides is not even a star.

But in front of him is a lin dragon, a rare beast that combines the blood of a unicorn and a real dragon, and it is perfect for the Lingyue fairy who was born in the spirit beast gate.Bai Jin is looking forward to Lingyuexian waving a golden whip to beat Linlong to pieces, and to do something explicit!

"I like to make some older friends, like a telegraph machine will come over later."

Bai Jin sat on the branch with a calm face. Just now when he noticed that the blocking formation was broken, he sent a message to Zhizhi through the soul-chasing compass, asking him to tell Lingyuexian that there were rare and strange beasts for him.

Lingyuexian was very interested in this, and said that she would come over after changing her clothes, and asked herself to stay where she was and wait for a while.

The boss has given himself a preference, and Bai Jin is particularly confident now.

I really can't call Master Zhangjiao now, but I know more than one celestial being, so if I can't help it, I call the Dementor Demon King and tell me where I am alone now, let's run for our lives together!

Even after questioning, he didn't know about the telegraph from Bai Jin's mouth, and the coming monk, Tunyin rolled his eyes and said: "Then I'll wait a little longer and see what the surprise you are talking about is. "

Both of them sat on the branches and waited, looking at Linlong who was collecting spirituality in the distance.

Bai Jin didn't wait too long. It took less than half a stick of incense to sit on the branch when the space in front of him was slightly distorted, and a cute little flying squirrel with black eyes suddenly appeared.

"The rush to call me here is because you are confident in the massage techniques you practice, so you asked me to come and enjoy it?"

The flying squirrel stood in the void in front of Bai Jin, holding his hands in his arms and looking at him with great interest: "It's unexpected that I haven't seen such a little improvement in my cultivation in a few days."

"Senior, here."

Bai Jin raised his finger and pointed to the Linlong in the distance: "It is the rare beast I dedicate to you. It has fused the blood of a real dragon and the blood of a unicorn. It is the only one in the world. I guarantee that it will be super fast when you drag it out for a walk." Handsome."


The flying squirrel didn't know what politeness was at all. When it turned around, it sat on Bai Jin's shoulder, looked at Linlong in the distance, and said in a deep thought: "It looks pretty good, but I don't like it very much. It's too big, cover me. limelight!"

"The giant *monsters of the Yaozu are all over the place, and you can find a giant *monster in just two steps. It makes me feel irritable!"

Lingyue Fairy and the Yaozu have been confessing for a lifetime, and when they see Linlong, they know its humanoid figure and appearance.

The face of the flying squirrel showed a strong look of disgust. It was obvious that Linlong was not as big as usual after taking shape.

"However... it's all here, and now the barber probably has already trimmed the hair for the next customer, so I'll fix it up for Brother Bai! I'll pinch that giant *monster* with my paw later Let's explode on the spot!" The flying squirrel spat out a series of explosive words, and the side swallowed it and was stunned.

This is really the first time I have seen such a vulgar monk Tunyin. She is as bad-mouthed as a street hooligan.

"Senior Lingyuexian has a true temperament, just get used to it."

Bai Jin looked at Tunyin and said something, jumped from the branch to the ground and walked towards Linlong.

"I didn't know Ling Yuexian, one of the leaders of the Righteous Way, was so rotten and vulgar," Tun Yin complained inwardly.

"Hey, that lewdly smiling female dragon in the sky."

Bai Jin took a deep breath, looked at Linlong in the sky and said loudly: "You know that you have broken the law now? If you surrender now, we can still consider leniency, put you in the alchemy cave to squeeze you for a period of time, and then treat you as a town The mythical animal paste base has been on the base for thousands of years to make you atone for your sins!"

"If you're stubborn, don't blame the junior for punching the senior's old face directly!"

Linlong was stunned in mid-air, and slowly turned to the eyes of the dragon's head, his vertical pupils constricted by rage stared at Bai Jin and spit out a syllable: "Huh?"

Although Bai Jin didn't have dirty words, every sentence pierced Linlong's heart like a sharp sword.

It was originally a majestic dragon, but it evolved into the current Linlong instead of Qilong because of the fusion of Qilin Lilin's bloodline, which was suppressed by Linlin.

The phrase "a female dragon with a lewd smile" almost exploded Linlong's lungs breathing out spiritual energy, and Bai Jin's next few words were also super insulting.

Yaozu is not afraid of death, unless it is a situation where life is worse than death!

If it is mounted in front of the mountain gate, it is hung up for people to watch, and it is also called "the mountain guardian beast"!
Linlong was so enraged by Bai Jin that he lost his voice, and the anger in his heart could not be extinguished even if the raging waves and snow poured down on him!

The guy in front of him must die, as long as he is cramped and skinned to refine his soul, and bathed in her blood, the shame can be washed away!

"Gosling off! I'm going to gossip you now!" Linlong let out a terrifying roar.

"It's so fierce."

Seeing the dark clouds in the sky slamming down the thunder, Bai Jin couldn't help taking a step back, whistled in his mouth, and said with a smile on his face, "It's really a fierce couple."

(End of this chapter)

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