I am in good spirits

Chapter 245 Terrible, Terrible, Really Terrible

Chapter 245 Terrible, Terrible, Really Terrible
At noon, the waters outside Yuhai City.

"Isn't it appropriate for Senior Lingyuexian?"

"What's inappropriate, didn't you say I'm a wayward witch? I think it's very appropriate."

Watching the Dementor Demon King leave, Bai Jin was still thanking the goblin benefactor for spreading his body to benefit all people, so Ling Yuexian took Bai Jin's hand and walked into the fairy boat.

She doesn't care about whether the dragon is the same as the dragon or not, and she came here from the other side of the planet, one is to see the rare and exotic beasts that Bai Jin said, and the other is to see if Bai Jin is doing as she said. Learn massage.

Now that the impeding Dementor Demon King is gone, the fairy boat is docked above the uninhabited sea, just in time to check on Bai Jin's recent study and sunbathe by the way.

Bai Jin doesn't care about this. Anyway, he has learned bone setting and acupressure from Sui Mingxing. As long as he raises his hand and performs wooden techniques to produce flowers, and uses nectar as essential oil with bone setting and acupressure techniques, he can act as the top massage technique.

But there is still something unresolved in Yuhai City, Bai Jin wants to go back and finish it first, otherwise the friends will see that he hasn't gone back for a long time, and I'm afraid something will happen.
For example, when I was setting the bones of Ling Yuexian, the head of a Sui Ming star poked out from the porthole, and the head of a ruthless fairy with cold eyes appeared behind her. At that time, Bai Jin really jumped into the sea and couldn't explain the ins and outs.

Unless you are playing a confession game with Sui Mingxing, but the master teacher is probably going to play Yuhai City Battle Royale with yourself!
"No, no, senior Lingyuexian, you probably misunderstood me."

Bai Jin said with a serious face: "Since we want to experience a perfect set of bone setting, exquisite snacks and moderately sweet fruits are indispensable, and we must prepare the top-level Lingquan as a supplement to be worthy of you!"

"You wait for a moment, just to experience the ultimate, suitable for you who are not willing to compromise for life!"

Ling Yuexian stopped, turned around and looked at Bai Jin suspiciously: "Is it true? Is it as mysterious and mysterious as you said?"

"I'll lie to you and shorten my hair by three centimeters!" Bai Jin swears as a matter of course, and then adds silently in her heart: "Well, I cut my hair three centimeters shorter!"

"Don't believe you little liar once, if you don't have a good experience, I'll kick you in the mouth to let you know what it's like to lie to someone!" Ling Yuexian nodded after a little thought and chose to trust Bai Jin once.

Saying so, Ling Yuexian re-transformed into a flying squirrel, jumped onto Bai Jin's shoulder, then crawled along his hair to the top of his head and sat cross-legged with his hands in his arms, pointing to Yu Haicheng with a full face of interest: "Go!" ! Go shopping!"


Bai Jin responded to Ling Yuexian, turned around and said to the puppet who had been following him, "Che Che! The destination of the drive is to look for Brother Bai Yongshou in Yuhai City!"

The housekeeping puppet in human skin responded, took out the compass to control the fairy boat, and drove the fairy boat forward.

"By the way, Senior Lingyuexian, can you tell me about the principle of the trick of hanging Linlong? I'm particularly curious about the technique of the black waning moon." Bai Jin stretched out his hand to support the cute glider sitting on his head asked the Rat.

"Casting spells violently without reason, as long as you step into the realm of heaven and man, you can comprehend 'harmony with the truth'."Ling Yuexian explained casually: "Earth Immortals in ancient times are monks who describe a whole realm, but now they are divided into three realms: the fusion stage, the emptiness stage, and the tribulation stage."

"Heaven-human realm refers to monks who survived the final catastrophe, but were unable to achieve the immortal status because the gate of heaven was closed."

"Essentially speaking, we have already transcended the shackles of the cultivation world, but we lack certain things, so we are trapped here in the cultivation world."

What Lingyuexian said is very straightforward. The so-called ability to harmonize with Dao is the invasion of the world by heaven and man. He distorts the time and space he is in, completely strips it out and reshape it with his own power.

To put it simply, He Dao Hezhen is a small world. His own infinite mana is transformed into a small world, and he forcibly drags the enemy into his own world to fight with him.

Everything in the small world is controlled by the heavens and humans. If there is no power of the same level, once you enter the world controlled by the heavens and humans, life and death will be completely controlled by humans.

This is the case when Lingyue Immortal hangs and beats Linlong, unfolding his own small world and pulling it into it, completely ignoring any of its defenses and destiny at the first thought, and directly sacrifices it to make a giant bomb.

Linlong didn't understand what happened until his death, so he directly triggered the life-saving ability of the dragon ball and fell into a deep sleep.

"So that's it. Immortal Lingyue is amazing!" Bai Jin's face showed a sudden realization.

No wonder I didn't see anything before. It turned out that I was not in the original world. I couldn't use the physical laws of the cultivation world to line up a small world shaped by Lingyuexian's mana, right?
The sword of the previous dynasty cannot cut down the officials of this dynasty!

It's a pity that you can't learn one trick. Hezhen is obviously the exclusive ability of heaven and man. You don't have the ability to challenge the laws of heaven and earth here. How dare you deprive yourself of a space to play?The law of heaven and earth will knock your head off!

Celestial beings are true immortals in essence, but they did not ascend because they had to wait in line for a boat ticket in the upper immortal world.

The master of the law of heaven and earth here has nothing to do with them, he can only clenched his fists and secretly endured, waiting for them to ascend collectively, he will be a tough law of heaven and earth.


"The sky is also very lively!"

Bai Jin leaned against the guardrail of the fairy boat, looking at the Yuhai City that had completely collapsed and fallen into the bottom of the sea, and the monk who was lucky enough to get out of the city and sit in the forest because Ling Yuexian raised his hand.

Except for the survivors, streamers of various colors appeared in the sky and rushed over from afar, and there were not a few ordinary amusement-type fairy boats.

It must be because the blocking formation was cracked, and the monks in the city sent a message for help to relatives and friends outside the city, so there are so many monks rushing here from all directions.

"Well, that little girl is quite interesting." Ling Yuexian sat on Bai Jin's head, followed Bai Jin's gaze and scanned all the monks, and finally settled on a girl standing on a broken wall. fix it.

"Who?" Bai Jin was stunned for a moment, and asked Ling Yuexian what interesting things he saw.

"Here, she is the girl standing on the ruined wall and directing the monks to rescue her."

Ling Yuexian smiled and said: "Of course I am not referring to her Yuanying stage cultivation base, although she can be counted as a genius in terms of her bone age, but the ring on her left hand hosts a clone of a cultivator at the Void Refinement stage. "

"I can smell the breath of soul that comes out even here."

"The Little Girl on the Ruins"

Bai Jin looked sideways at Hai Ling'er, who was directing the law enforcement team to rescue the survivors, and his expression gradually became strange.

Listening to Lingyuexian's words, and combining the experience of the past two days, Bai Jin always felt that there was an extremely familiar but indescribable sense of sight.

Parents have boundless magic power to sacrifice to the heavens, and no one loves anyone with the old grandfather's ring on their hands. They are carrying blood feuds and go against the sky!

Although it seems immoral to think so, Bai Jin only has one sentence in his mind at the moment: "Fuck, you have all the potential to become Feng Aotian, take off!"


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(End of this chapter)

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