I am in good spirits

Chapter 246 It's my favorite time again, come to Brother Jin to have a drink and share your acc

Chapter 246 It's my favorite time again, come to Brother Jin to have a drink and share your accident!
"Hurry up, there are still injured monks on the shore, if you don't have enough pills, come and get them from me!"

Hai Ling'er stood on the broken and collapsed city wall, released her spiritual consciousness and looked around, commanding the members of the law enforcement team of the City Lord's Mansion to rescue the survivors of Yuhai City.

The Yuhaicheng incident was a foregone conclusion. After Hai Linger came out of the sealed space of Tunyin, she began to rescue the survivors according to her father's instructions.

It is not difficult to rebuild a Yuhai city, but what is difficult is how to make the ecological circle of the city healthy and prosperous. A city without people coming and going is just a ghost town.

The old city lord, the leader of the city lord's mansion, has already died in battle, and even the elders of the Spirit Sword Sect fought to the end, almost to the point of being the last soldier, but failing to protect the city is not protecting the city well!
Residents are willing to stay in Yuhai City for development, in order to be stable and make money. Now that the city has been destroyed, the residents must have a lot of complaints about the City Lord's Mansion. When the aftermath of the incident subsides, there may be large-scale evictions.

Hai Qizhi had to start now to appease the residents who lost property or had relative casualties as much as possible.

Treating the wounded is only the first step, and the next step is to plan the distribution of benefits with the local tyrants and evil gentry in the city, so as to stabilize the interests of the upper class so that the middle class can stay, and then go to the lower class to rebuild the urban ecology of Yuhai City.

Of course, Hai Qizhi didn't intend to let his daughter talk about those negotiations. Although her cultivation is not a child in the cultivation world, Hai Qizhi, as an old father, doesn't want her daughter to be exposed to these things too early.

She just needs to cultivate happily, maintain a pure heart and make great strides along the way.



There was a sudden thunder on the surface of the water, Hai Qizhi supported him and his whole body was charred and carbonized, but Elder Hai, who was still alive, broke through the water from the bottom of the sea, landed on the open ground, opened his mouth and forcibly began to pour the elixir.

For the Earth Immortal, as long as the soul is intact, other injuries can be healed by spiritual energy, which is not considered a serious injury.By infusing a large amount of spiritual energy pills, Hai Qizhi allowed Elder Hai to start working again in the body of the earth fairy whose mana had been exhausted.

Following the ingestion of spiritual energy, Elder Hai began to shatter and fall off the charred black skin on the surface of his body, revealing a tough body with pink, fair skin and sharp lines.

"It's enough to just carry it away. He couldn't wake up for a short time because of the broken heart sword caused by the previous battle."

Bai Jin jumped from the fairy boat in the sky, and happened to meet two members of the Hai family who came out of Furong. While opening the wooden box to seal the fairy boat again, he reminded Hai Qizhi out of kindness, lest he waste time here waiting for Elder Hai to wake up come over.

The heart sword is the core supernatural power of the Spirit Sword Sect. For the monks of the Spirit Sword Sect, the heart sword is like the monk's soul.

If the heart sword of a monk of the Spirit Sword Sect in the Immortal Realm is broken, he can be carried directly to the Netherworld to report. If the heart sword of a monk of the Spirit Sword Sect in the Earth Wonderland is broken, he will be twice as seriously injured.

Bai Jin still knows the common sense of the cultivation world, but among the four pillars of the righteous way, Xingluo Xianmen and Zhenmofu are not very familiar.

The Xingluo Xianmen is because the orthodoxy is too complicated, what outsiders know is only the Xingluo Xianmen's divination, and the Five Elements Immortals specialize in studying one type of five element spells.

Town Demon Mansion is purely good at all kinds of prohibitions and formations, which are only played by rich people in the comprehension world. Ordinary monks generally rarely involve in formations and prohibitions. Most of them specialize in five elements or some powerful secrets.

It is forbidden for ordinary monks to learn, but if you want to learn formations, you will either have billions of dollars, or your wife and children will be separated, and even fellow Taoists may suspect that you are addicted to bad habits.

"Take your time, I'll go first!"

Bai Jin sealed the fairy boat again, and trotted into the forest to meet up with his friends.

He is not worried about anything now, but he is worried about whether Bai Yongshou's wife Ye Lin will stab him in the back!

She and Suimingxing belong to the category of girlfriends, if Ye Lin tells Suimingxing what happened today, Bai Jin is afraid that her old bark master will rush to the scene within three sticks of incense.

He is having fun now, but he doesn't want the old bark master to reduce his dimensionality, and even involve the teacher in charge.

Otherwise, Yixianzhou and Bai Jin, the little secretary of the Magic Dao, don't know how to explain it to Suimingxing.

"Why are you dead, Senior Lingyuexian!"

Bai Jin leaped out from the woods, startled Zhu Fu who was resting on the edge of the tree root, thinking why the Devil Cult thief jumped out to beg for beatings, but when he saw clearly who was coming, Zhu Fu was out of breath.

Knowing that everything is in a mess now, you are still running around like a dead man, which makes people worry. Believe it or not, your aunt broke your legs with a fire whip.

Zhu Fu originally wanted to say that, but when he saw the flying squirrel on Bai Jin's head, he immediately stopped talking, and greeted Senior Lingyuexian very politely.

"Mr. Bai didn't run around." Bai Jin approached Zhu Fu confidently, and proudly put his hands on his hips: "Just now I participated in an important negotiation, and with my sharp tongue, I convinced the Dementor King !"

"Get out of the way, you're almost kissing me"

Zhu Fu turned his head sideways, put one hand on the dead man's triumphant old face, rolled his eyes and complained.

I also persuaded the chaotic Dementor Demon King, and I am still shoulder to shoulder with one of the giants of the demonic world, Zizai Motou!
"Is everyone alright? Where's Brother Bai?" Bai Jin looked around and asked.

Under the big tree, there were only Jinlin with his eyes closed and his arms in his arms, and Wei Benliang, who was sleeping on the root of the tree with an iron arch bridge posture. Yuxueqing, Bai Yongshou and their family members did not see it, and Bai Jin asked Zhu Fu suspiciously. One sentence.

"Everyone is safe and sound. Junior Brother Wei was recruited by the City Lord's Mansion earlier, and used local methods to help open up wasteland and create a temporary camp to house the wounded."

The greenery around Yuhai City was not bad at first, but the Youming Empress hit it with a needle, and there was hardly a single piece of intact land in the vicinity of nearly a thousand miles. Therefore, the City Lord's Mansion specially summoned a group of local monks to help, and sorted out a special land to house the wounded. .

"Xiaoqing is worried that Ling'er has gone to the City Lord's Mansion. As for Junior Brother Jin, I don't know. He keeps asking him sullenly and doesn't say anything." Zhu Fu gave Jin Lin an angry look, and said again: " Senior White is currently calming people's hearts and counting the losses of the Ye Bai family."

"What about you?"

Zhu Fu glanced at Ling Yuexian, then looked at Bai Jin and asked what was going on in his head.

Of course she knew Lingyuexian, and she also knew that Bai Jin met Lingyuexian in Wanlinghui, but didn't Senior Lingyuexian leave with Senior Zhiqian to get back the treasures she had put in the spirit beast gate?

Why did it suddenly appear here?
"Who do you think solved the evil dragon? If it wasn't for the breaking of the blocking formation, it would have allowed me to contact Senior Ling Yuexian, and all the creatures in Yuhai City would have been refined."

Bai Jin proudly replied to Zhu Fu, then ran to Jin Lin with great interest, sat down beside him and put his arms on his shoulders, and asked with a smile: "Brother Jin, what are you thinking about? If you have any sad things to say, brother Bai, let’s start sharing your accident!"

Bai Jin believes that things that can make Jin Lin unhappy are definitely things that can make him overjoyed!

Ever since he got to know Jin Lin, Bai Jin's favorite thing is to listen to Brother Jin's stories about his accidents!

Things that happen to other people can be described in stories, but what happened to Jin Lin, Bai Jin would like to call it an 'accident'!

Ask for tickets, it's the end of the month!

(End of this chapter)

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