I am in good spirits

Chapter 247 Stunning

Chapter 247 Stunning
Bai Jin sat down next to Jin Lin, and with a smile on his face, he began to hook his shoulders and shoulders, trying to dig out some interesting incidents from brother Jin with bitter gourd expression.

"Brother Bai."

Jin Lin opened his eyes, looked at Bai Jin who was sitting next to him and took out the wine glass from the storage ring, raised his hand to decline Brother Bai's offer of story wine, and said slowly: "I don't have any stories to tell right now. , I just have doubts bothering me all the time, nothing else."

"And Brother Bai. I don't drink. It's very troublesome to go to the bathroom after drinking too much. I also like to go crazy with alcohol."

If it was in an inn, Bai Jin would not refuse to invite her to have a drink or two of Jinlin, but now it is troublesome for her to go to the bathroom in the wilderness, she doesn't want to squat behind the grass or rock wall to untie the bandage.

If it's nothing serious, she doesn't want to take off the bandage. She almost shocked her when she washed her face.

"When the mutated sea beasts invaded, I was ready to fight hard. I even took the scapegoat I got from the All Souls Society on my head. I held a small golden sword in my left hand and a straight sword in my right hand."

Jinlin talked about her journey in her heart, and looked up at the blue sky with a melancholy face: "I thought I was doomed and might encounter a group of mutant sea beasts. But nothing happened to me!"

In her imagination, it was normal for her to be held down and beaten by three or five sea beasts, and she was even prepared to encounter monsters like mutated octopus sea beasts or starfish. The strong black pot is put on the back, ready to use it as a shield to resist part of the force of the beating.

In the end, nothing happened, and the wind was so calm that Jinlin felt uncomfortable all over. The reality was far from what she expected.

Jinlin not only began to doubt life, but even felt that "Heaven rejects luck" is preparing to stage a big move to completely bring himself into the nether world for a feast!

Tiansha's bad luck not following the routine made her feel uncomfortable all over, as if someone was trying to murder her.

"Pfft. Hahahaha."

After listening to Jin Lin's narration of the depressed things in his heart, Bai Jin let out a chuckle and said comfortingly: "People have three declines and six prosperity. Haven't you noticed that the recent unlucky things have become less?"

"Brother Jin. You are lucky to be celebrating. Why do you think so much about what you have and what you don't have?"

Having experienced the Heaven's Punishment incident where the All Souls Society was almost wiped out, Bai Jin would attack Brother Jin every night to extract bad luck, if Brother Jin's bad luck could bring about some strange events.
Bai Jin directly summoned souls, one person, one soul, one pack of poison, one miracle, and two corpses lay in front of the gate of Xingluo Xianmen!

"My juniors are all weird and not quite right"

Seeing Bai Jin and Jin Lin open up and talk smoothly, Zhu Fu beside him couldn't help but complain.

As the chief elder sister of Xingluo Xianmen this year, she has always been very close to her companions. She saw Jin Lin's wrinkled expression on her cheeks and asked if she had encountered any difficulties.

In the end, Jin Lin shook his head lightly and said no, he was just a little tired.Good guy, when it was Bai Jin's turn to ask, Jin Lin almost told him when he went to the toilet!
Zhu Fu always felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere between the two of them, and vaguely recalled that when they first met, they seemed to be discussing breaking their sleeves and splitting their peaches.

"Since everyone is fine, let's find Senior Sister Shangyu and Brother Bai to have dinner together first!"

After hearing Jin Lin's psychological journey of persecution hallucinations, Bai Jin greeted Shang Zhu Fu and said, "I have asked Che Che to order the puppets to prepare some food. After a fierce battle all night, let's go to the fairy boat to rest!"

After making sure that everything is going well with his little friend, Bai Jin intends to go to Bai Yongshou to find out about Ye Lin and see if she stabbed him in the back.

"If you want to find Senior White, he's at the City Lord's Mansion." Zhu Fu said.

Although Yuhai City was demolished, there was not even scum left, but because of the space seal of Tunyin, the entire mansion was packed away and did not fall into the bottom of the sea along with Yuhai City.

Temporary camps for the wounded.

"Huh? Oh oh oh ok, let's go there right away!"

After receiving Zhu Fu's voice transmission, Yu Xueqing, who was making water for the wounded, turned back and shouted to Hai Ling'er who was distributing the pills: "My senior sister contacted Junior Brother Bai and said she would come over to help later. Heal the wounded, let's go back to the city lord's mansion and have something to eat first."

"Oh well."

Hai Ling'er responded with a tired face, and continued to work on distributing the healing elixir.

In Yuhai City, there are many monks who received the aftermath of the Youming Lady's injection, but because the old city lord desperately maintained the formation, the monks were not seriously injured. Most of them were injured by eardrums or the aftershocks affected internal organs.

Only some were particularly unlucky to be attacked by mutant sea beasts, and some buildings collapsed and were injured.


After Hai Ling'er finished what she was doing, she walked over to Yu Xueqing and thanked her.

"Hey?" Yuxueqing heyed, unable to express herself.

“All in all thank you”

Hai Ling'er jumped up and fell on Yu Xueqing's back, not letting Yu Xueqing see her expression, and said with a forced smile: "I don't have any serious problems, and you don't have to worry about me too much. After eating, take a good rest! You must have consumed a lot of mana for sustaining the summoning of the water spirit all night."

Last night, the sea beast broke through into the city and killed corpses all over the field. Yuxueqing fainted because of her timidity, but the water spirit she summoned was always on the front line, using the fire-type spirit seal master together with Zhu Fu and others. Kill it and kill it.

Until coming out of the space seal this morning, the water spirit has always existed, and because of the long time of existence and the lack of mana of Yu Xueqing, the human form water spirit has become turbid and exudes a tired breath.

But even so, Yuxueqing stayed with her all the time, Hai Linger was not an idiot, so she naturally knew that Yuxueqing's move was silently comforting herself.

The old Santo's death has dealt a huge blow to Hai Ling'er. Her father has been assisting her grandfather in handling the affairs of the Santo's Mansion on weekdays, and only after dinner is free to accompany her for a while, and then he has to work in the account.

Before she could remember, her mother passed away in an accident because of Yuanyang. On weekdays, her grandfather summoned an avatar outside her body to play with her and teach her spells, so Hai Linger always loved her grandfather very much.

Hai Ling'er is actually dull now, and she wants to throw herself into her father's arms to get some comfort, but she knows very well that this is not the time to be sad.

Everyone in the City Lord's Mansion is busy with the aftermath. My father dived into the sea to look for the elder Hai. Elder He Wensheng of the Spirit Sword Sect is sitting in the camp to maintain order.

She also has to assume the responsibility of temporary command and arrange everything in an orderly manner.

Yuxueqing's wordless company encouraged her a lot, she didn't need anyone to comfort her, because no matter how much she comforted her grandfather, she would never be resurrected, and all words were useless to her.

All she needs is a warm hug and shoulders to lean on and cover her cheeks!


Yuxueqing noticed that her shoulders were a little wet, and she turned her head slightly to see Hai Ling'er lying on her back with her arms around her, her head bowed and silent, she looked at the widened road in front of Tuxiu like she was muttering He opened his mouth and said, "Well, the road ahead in the forest is a bit rough, it seems that we need to take a long detour!"


Hai Ling'er responded softly, her voice slightly choked with sobs.

(End of this chapter)

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