Chapter 249
"Why do I have to do gardening as a doctor on the battlefield? Did the old buddies in the city lord's mansion make a mistake? There is one thing to say - I think I am suitable for sitting in the consulting room and drinking tea!"

Bai Jin raised his hand and sprinkled the tree seeds and walked forward, complaining about the job assigned to him by the City Lord's Mansion: "I am the chief disciple of the Sui Ming Star, the majestic master of medicine and Taoism in the cultivation world, and I was invited to green the city to make the city cool!"

It has been a week since the destruction of Yuhai City, and the reconstruction of the new Yuhai City is proceeding in an orderly manner. The elders and ancestors of the Hai family sent by the Spirit Sword Sect came forward, and the two monks in the tribulation period sat in the center. The family members of the monks kept their mouths shut.

Those who should receive pensions receive pensions, and the troublemakers fully understand what it means to sweep across thousands of miles with sword energy.

The ancestor of the Hai family drew his sword out of its scabbard twice, and directly wiped out the whole area from the original site of Yuhai City to a radius of [-] li.

The ancestor of the Hai family had a tender face all the time, and all the monks couldn't help feeling guilty when they saw him, for fear that they would accidentally set the little boy of unknown age on fire in front of him.

Although the ancestor of the Hai family bears the name of the ancestor, he looks at most fifteen or sixteen years old from the outside.

There are only three monks in the Hai family in the Void Refinement Stage, and the strongest old city lord is out of his wits now. Elder Hai has to be taken away for more than ten years because he was severely injured by Linlong and his heart sword was broken. Will participate in family affairs and only focus on cultivation.

The Hai family, the largest faction of the Spirit Sword Sect, now only the ancestor of the Hai family is left as a bare-handed commander. How can the ancestor of the Hai family not make a bad face all the time? As for the others who have not even arrived or have just entered the earth .
For the monks at the level of the ancestor of the Hai family, those can only be regarded as the first graduates in the cultivation world, not yet ready to take on important responsibilities, so they cannot catch his eyes for the time being.

Because the two monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period were in charge, the speed of rebuilding Yuhai City could almost be said to be accelerated.

The ancestor of the Hai family swept out the foundation with two swords, spent some money to recruit soil repairers to harden the foundation, and then used cobblestones to re-pave the street and rebuild the administrative center.

The basic pavement of a city will be completed soon, as for the commercial streets and residential areas, we will talk about it later.

The reason why the new Royal Sea City can be built so quickly, apart from commercial considerations, is mainly because the funeral of the old city lord is about to be held and a monument of merit is required.

Yuhai City began with the old city lord, and eventually fell with the old city lord. A monument of the old city lord's achievements will be erected at the Crescent Bay Deep Sea Wharf in the new city to commemorate and fill in the names of the victims of Yuhai City.

As Bai Jin Sui Mingxing's apprentice, it's not up to him to do urban greening, but wood law monks are really pitifully rare, and most wood law monks abandon martial arts to study medicine full-time.

Mu Xiu, who can fight like Sui Mingxing, is really extremely rare in the world of comprehension.

For the sake of Hai Linger's request, Bai Jin came out from the City Lord's Mansion to help with greening.

As for the other Mufa monks, hide aside, don't talk about me next to me, why the greenery is not planted like this, my lancet is still two meters long!
"Brother Bai, do you think that the plants we plant grow strangely?"

Bai Jin walks ahead and sprinkles tree seeds like paper money, Yu Xueqing follows Bai Jin and waters them with a kettle, looking back at the plants with their own shapes, she can't help but look at Bai Jin and say worriedly.

The appearance of any monsters is pediatrics. The most exaggerated thing is that Yuxueqing also saw some magic repair shapes.

There is a human figure Yu Xueqing knows, that person is the world-famous goddess Holy Spirit Fairy in Wanhua Valley, and I don't know if Bai Jin has lost his mind. There is a large bulge on the skirt of the plant-shaped Holy Spirit Fairy.

It’s okay to get a Holy Spirit Fairy, after all, Wanhuagu Moxiu is not like Hehuanzong and Puppet Palace. In the cultivation world, everyone is almost screaming and beating. Style and trim the Holy Spirit fairy plant.

"Art comes from life and is higher than life. The garden landscape pays attention to the season and momentum. Of course you will find it unsightly if you have just planted it. After a while, you will be sublimated from life to art!"

Bai Jin stopped and turned back, looked at Yu Xueqing with a bitter smile and said, "Please believe in my taste, if you have seen my master's garden accomplishments, you will know what it means to see the end of the world like the first sight."

Compared with the Suiming Xingke style garden landscape setting, the flower trees planted by oneself at least will not violently attack creatures.

There are flowers that bloom in turn according to the four seasons, and there are pictures of landscapes, beasts, and beauties in the layout of plants. Although it is not a masterpiece, the entire Crescent Bay is arranged and the consumption of spiritual plants is not three to fifty thousand. Lingshi can't escape.

It's just that Bai Jin didn't ask for spirit stones. The city lord's mansion's annual tax is probably not as much as his own pocket money, and now the city lord's mansion spends a lot of money to rebuild the new city.

If she really asked Hai Linger for money, she would have to dig out of her own pocket with a bitter face.

"there's one more thing"

As if remembering something, Bai Jin turned her head to stare at Yu Xueqing and said, "Take your Shuiling away for me, and if you damage my plants, I'll swell your ass!"

"Hey..." Yu Xueqing shrank her head, and nodded honestly with horror on her face.

In the past, Bai Jin would guess the chance of rain, snow and sunshine. After all, it was her spirituality that led everyone to Yuhai City.

But now Bai Jin can't guess anymore, Yuxueqing didn't get any chances, because all the chances were taken away by the violent water spirit that Yuxueqing recruited.

Shui Ling has changed from the previous two-knife sword-drawing technique to the current eight-armed and eight-sword suppression-flow swordsmanship. The ordinary ordinary iron sword has been upgraded to the erosive water sword of Tiangan Renshui, and the shotgun is replaced by a cannon.

In the past, the corpses of murderers were chopped into pieces, but now they are directly chopped into ashes.

The first ones to suffer were Bai Jin's potted plants, those rare flowers and plants entrusted to him by Sui Mingxing, and the jade dream grass given by his wild senior sister.

The most important thing is that after Shui Ling saw Bai Jin coming out of the dormitory, she pretended to be nonchalant and hurried back to Yu Xueqing's dormitory to dive into Yu Xueqing's body, and hid in Yu Xueqing's body. Yuxueqing's collar swayed wildly.

That Diao Mao would take advantage of the rain and snow to sleep soundly, and sneak out to practice swordsmanship.

After being taught by Elder Hai and learning the nameless swordsmanship bestowed on Yu Xueqing by Zhizhizhi, Shui Ling acquired the sword energy, and Bai Jin's potted plants are because of its sword energy.

Shui Ling may not have done it on purpose, but Bai Jin has lost many pots of exotic flowers and plants that are booming!

It made him dare not put it in the courtyard now, and it would be better for the plants to absorb a little less power of moonlight than to be harmed by the water spirit next door
Chi Wei almost cried out of anger, those potted plants were more precious to her than herself, she thought about working hard to take care of the exotic flowers and plants, and learned that Bai Jin appreciated it and obtained the secret art of acacia!
"What are you doing, I haven't hit you yet!" Bai Jin rubbed Yu Xueqing's head angrily.

"Well..." Yu Xueqing didn't speak, because she felt that Junior Brother Bai might sneak attack while she wasn't paying attention.

After all, with his younger brother's skin, he really dared, if he was really attacked by surprise, he would be ashamed to death.


ask for votes
 2333 The full name of the small theater is Lingyuexian's spring set.

  The result was harmonized in half, and it turns out that half sets are the limit.

(End of this chapter)

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