I am in good spirits

Chapter 250 discusses the change of Yaozu's attitude before and after marriage.

Chapter 250 discusses the change of Yaozu's attitude before and after marriage.

"Finally finished planting"

After planting the last flower tree, Bai Jin looked back at her gardening masterpiece, showing a satisfied expression.

Although there is no way to reproduce the Suiming Xingke-style garden due to the poor quality of Lingzhi, the garden landscape filled with demons in front of him is still good. Bai Jin reproduced the interesting monsters he encountered according to his memory.

Like Young Master Holy Spirit using the Golden Silkworm Gu, Linlong's domineering appearance of swallowing mountains and rivers, and the huge Wangtianji, as well as the two immortals Sun and Moon who have met once, are all reproduced by Bai Jin as garden landscapes and placed on the Crescent Bay Wharf.

It's not too impressive to look at right now, but after a round of fertilization and care, it won't take long to grow a 'violent god', and then the garden landscape will have a trace of the ferocious power of the original.

Even if the magic flame is not invincible, it must be able to form the appearance of a group of demons dancing wildly, scaring the humble monks.

"In the future, even if I'm too poor to open the pot, I can still count as a craft that can make me a living."

Bai Jin nodded in satisfaction and called Yu Xueqing, and then walked back to the newly built City Lord's Mansion, preparing to participate in the burial ceremony of the old City Lord's tomb.

He is quite satisfied with his landscaping, except for the lack of Wuqingxian and Zizao Laomo, which makes him feel that it is not interesting to be in the fierce flame all the time, but if Bai Jin dares to put the statue of Wuqingxian in a group of monsters.

Well, if you don't hide it in the skirt of Sui Ming Xing Luo before the head teacher kills him, it may not be over.


Bai Jin returned to the new city lord's mansion, seeing that the old city lord's funeral was busy all around, and there was nothing interesting to get involved in, so he went straight to Xingluo Xianmen and the foothold of Baifu.

"Brother Bai, what are you thinking about?"

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Bai Jin saw Bai Yongshou sitting in a daze in front of the tea table in the gazebo, Chiwei accompanied her with a worried face, carefully boiling water to serve tea to the famous big devil .

Bai Jin ran to the gazebo with a smile on his face, put his arms on Bai Yongshou's shoulders, and looked at her profile.

"Don't bother me, look for your little flying squirrel." Bai Yongshou rolled his eyes and said worriedly: "I'm going to worry to death!"

Tun Yin has been pursuing excitement all her life. In order to experience the horror and excitement of death and life, she even began to arrange for the world to marry women with strong backgrounds. deal with.

Every day is exciting and wonderful, so that the blood of Wangtianyu and the free mind of the spiritual sense in the body are active.

She really likes the thrill of heart palpitations, even though she knew she had taken a bottle of Soul-entering Pill, Tunyin still couldn't help but want to find the thrill in her heart.
Ling Yuexian originally lived in the Xianzhou dormitory, so she took Xiaobai to the next dormitory to chase the moon with colorful clouds.

At that time, she was so excited that she could fly up to the sky.
Now that Lingyuexian has left to continue traveling, Tunyin gradually recovered from ecstasy to sobriety, thinking about his crazy behavior before, he felt speechless
What she pursues is excitement, and when she is with Xiaobai, of course, she will always be stimulated.

After several nights of colorful clouds chasing the moon, Tunyin felt that unless Suimingxing sold fake medicines or repaired fake scriptures by himself, there must be a relationship between himself and Xiaobai!

Thinking of having to carry a big belly for more than a hundred years, lying in the grand teacher's chair all day and being offered to be taken care of, and whether he would have the chance to go out and wander around again, Tunyin couldn't help but sigh.

"It was so"

Looking at the upper body protruding from the holster, Bai Jin couldn't help laughing and said: "If you want to know the result, just scan your body with your spiritual sense. "

What Tunyin ate before was Qi Yang Pill, which didn't have any effect of Soul-entering Pill at all.

Bai Jin is not as playful as Tunyin, how could he be born with Tunyin when the world is in chaos, when the time comes, not only will he lose a general, but he will also have to find a safe place for the coming life.

How can there be a safe place in the world when the immortal channel is opened, even if Tunyin wants to give birth to Baijin, he still doesn't want to!
The world is in such a mess, who knows what will happen.


Tun Yin directly rejected Bai Jin's proposal, saying: "If there are really embryos now, scanning with my spiritual sense will definitely create a sense of oppression, which may damage the embryos!"

Yaozu attaches great importance to blood inheritance, even with Tunyin's excitement-seeking temperament, she doesn't dare to joke about the embryos that may exist in her stomach, in case something happens to her, she can really cry to death.

"Hey, I really miss those menstrual holidays in the past. Now my body doesn't have those abnormalities at all, and I can't judge it from my physical condition at all." Tun Yin looked at Bai Jin with a speechless face and said, "Originally it was the fault of two people. third-party victims.”

The essence of cultivating immortals is to transform the body through aura, and return to the innate posture.

Innate refers to the source of the essence of all things in the world. The bodies of the earth immortals are no longer living beings, and most of them have returned to the innate aura close to the essence of the practice, thus obtaining a body that is almost immortal.

This is why it is difficult for Earth Immortals to reproduce. How can they reproduce if their cultivation attributes are different?
Tunyin can't judge what's going on in his stomach through physiological phenomena.

"A good wife and mother is completely unimaginable."

Seeing the serious expression on Tunyin's face, and the radiance of motherhood all over his body, Bai Jin couldn't help but shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, what we took before was not the Yin Yang Entering Soul Pill. Replaced the pill inside."

Seeing Tunyin being so serious, Bai Jin immediately explained that he didn't continue to play with the elder sister.

Now is not the time to play tricks, Tunyin looks like she really wants to give birth, if she doesn't explain clearly now and let her realize that she may not see the outside world for half a year to start.

If I don't make up for her with a small Wangtianjiao, I'm afraid Kong Tunyin happily won't let him go.

"Really, are you sure you didn't fool me?" Tun Yin looked at Bai Jin suspiciously.

"Here are all the yin and yang soul-entering pills here." Bai Jin took out a glass box from the storage ring, and showed Tun Yin the pills that were not missing: "I won't make fun of the trust between us, Now it's out of the realm of jokes."

"Although I don't like your stimulation very much, the feeling between us cannot be faked. I don't like a tricky joke that hurts our relationship as a teacher, friend and companion."

Tun Yin saw Bai Jin, who was more serious than herself, and out of trust in Xiao Bai, she began to check all parts of her body internally and externally.


After a while, Tun Yin's face suddenly became extremely ugly, gloomy like a dark cloud, he suddenly raised his head and stared at Bai Jin with animal pupils, feeling oppressive like a colorful tiger roaring in the mountains and forests.

Beside her, Chiwei trembled all over. She kept silent to reduce her sense of existence from the beginning to the end, trying not to spy on the relationship between the two big devils who had a strange relationship.

But it never occurred to him that something happened suddenly.

"I really didn't see that the embryos are all your masterpieces!"

Tun Yin's face turned from gloomy to sunny with a smile on his face, he rubbed Bai Jin's cheeks with his hands and said: "I'm not scared, I'm going to trick you now, it's not too much! It makes me worry all day and night, Senior Sister!"

"And Xiaobai, you are dishonest. You said nothing, but in the end you lied to me, Senior Sister! Punish yourself with three cups of medicinal wine, isn't it too much?"

"Thank you, it's too much, too much." Bai Jin said.

(End of this chapter)

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