I am in good spirits

Chapter 254 Extra Chapter: The Crying Concubine Concubine Yan

Chapter 254
"Even if Master says we have something to do, at least let me get my chips back! My little money!"

Shi Feiyan, who was dragged out of the happy cafeteria by Mengqi, was full of displeasure and complained to her senior sister whom she had never met: "I work very hard to make money, and every table has to waste a lot of energy to calculate the number. If all the tables just now If I win all of them, I can earn at least two hundred spirit stones!"

"Master probably saw your appearance, so he specially asked me to take you on a mission."

Meng Qi glanced back, the concubine Shi Yan who was sitting on the floor playing tricks and being unwilling: "It's obviously in the Golden Core stage, but you still come here to bully a group of disciples who have just awakened, do you want to face it?"

"How big of a face do I have to be without money!" Shi Feiyan angrily scolded Meng Qi's nonsense, and snorted, "Since Master Zizai ordered us to carry out the mission, I won't bother with you about the mere two hundred spirit stones. My name is Shi Feiyan, what's your name?"

"Meng Qi."

Meng Qi took a deep look at Shi Feiyan.

Obviously he has already cultivated to the high level of Jindan, and he can be regarded as a well-known monk in the outside world. Not only does this guy not do daily tasks, but he also has the nerve to deceive the spirit stones of the outer disciples with confidence.

The disciples of the outer sect had just received the monthly payment, and when they turned around, they were completely cheated by the concubine Shi Yan.

She is really a stinky and shameless junior sister.

"It's too much to give me the report number." Shi Feiyan saw Meng Qi's disgusted face and let go, so she could only complain about Meng Qi with a small face: "Where are we going? Go to the Fourth Ring Road to clean up the flooded beasts or dredge the Heihe River?" , or head to the quicksand desert to dig out spirit stone deposits?"

The Daoist name of the Hehuan Sect is given by the master, but on weekdays, when making friends in the master's sect, they always report their real names, so Meng Qi's refusal to say her real name shows that her dislike for her is beyond words.

But Shi Feiyan doesn't care about these, anyway, there are no strange creatures in the Acacia Sect, and she has even seen monks who long for smelly feet. Work-study trip again.

There are three daily tasks in the Acacia Sect. One of them is that because there are often no people in the Acacia Sect, there may be monsters in the Fourth Ring area, and monks need to clean them up or squeeze them all out to get some dried meat back.

The second is to dredge the corpses of the black river monsters, so as to prevent the intersection of the river from being blocked and cause floods, and to dig mineral deposits and spirit stone veins in the quicksand desert.

Concubine Yan knew about the daily tasks, but she usually only dealt with the outer disciples on weekdays. Poverty made the outer disciples work harder, and made the outer disciples in the sect think about cultivation and making money all day long.

"It's a mission to deliver a letter. We are going to the Feng Yu Empire to deliver a letter for Master."

While walking towards the second ring road, Meng Qi explained the mission destination to Shi Feiyan.

".I see!"

Shi Feiyan's eyes lit up, and she changed from being half-dead to fierce, saying: "Since the journey is far away, why are we still waiting here, let's go!"

Hearing the four characters of Feng Yu Empire, Shi Feiyan suddenly felt that the opportunity to make money had come.

A country that can be called an empire shouldn't be some remote place, right?
So they should be very rich, right?
Concubine Yan was even more excited than Meng Qi when the situation was reversed. She almost hugged Meng Qi and ran to the second ring road, preparing to go to the post station through the small teleportation array in Zongmen, and then take the large teleportation array to the place adjacent to Fengyu area.

Because the Hehuan Sect covers a large area, the entire Duye Plain is occupied by the Hehuan Sect family. If they want to go out on weekdays, they basically fly to the north, or take a fairy boat that leaves once a day.

Only the disciples of the outer sect and the disciples on missions are allowed to transfer to other parts of the mainland in the quicksand desert post station through the small teleportation array inside the sect.

In the world of comprehension, the teleportation array is relatively rare. It is expensive to use and expensive to use. Once the space ciphertext is cracked, other people can directly invade the location of the teleportation array through the teleportation array.

Large forces are generally very cautious in using teleportation arrays. The teleportation arrays are either arranged in the Jedi, or there are basically no Chiguoguos outside the forces to keep in their homes, and they all jump to the front of the large teleportation array through the small teleportation array.

Concubine Shi Yan seldom goes out because of this. If she wants to go out, she must either sit on a fairy boat for half a month, or fly out with Yujian turned into a streamer. The door has a mission to let you go out.

She can't afford the astronomical transmission fee, who's son from a rich family can afford that.

Before getting acquainted with Bai Jin, Shi Feiyan was quite normal about the value of money, and she didn't say that opening her mouth at every turn was a consumption concept that would cost thousands of spirit stones.

The transmission fee of just three thousand spirit stones can make Shi Feiyan feel so distressed that she can't breathe.


Through the transfer formation at the Quicksand Desert Station, Shi Feiyan and Meng Qi jumped to a neutral jump formation outside the Fengyu Empire, which was maintained by Jianbao Pavilion.

"It's not the fragrance of Lingshi!"

Shi Feiyan took a deep breath and sighed embarrassingly like a money fan.

"Lingshi has no smell. If there is a smell, there is only the smell of hand sweat and all kinds of food." Meng Qi almost couldn't help but say: "We are still more than 1000 miles away from Feng Yu, so save your face Throw it away, otherwise we may lose face when we enter the city."

"Right, I still want to save my face and go to the Boxi Building to kill the Quartet." Shi Feiyan nodded deeply: "Now just watch me, the gambling god of the Hehuan Sect, kill the emperor's relatives and relatives indiscriminately, and directly win a country and become the queen. !"




Fengyu Empire·Boxi Building.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo that that is my last money.

Concubine Shiyan tightly hugged the doorpost of Boxi Tower, crying and crying as she watched the croupier snatch the last money in her storage ring from her hand.

"You still owe me 50 taels." After the croupier confirmed that Shi Feiyan really had no money, he smiled and asked the maid to treat Shi Feiyan to a full meal: "We will treat you to dinner based on your consumption. Welcome down." next visit."

In just half a day, Shi Feiyan squandered all the fats and fats she had collected in the Hehuan Sect for many years.

Even the strings of copper coins that are usually used to pad the corners of the table were lost to Boxi Building just now.

All the tens of thousands of spirit stones were lost, which made Shi Feiyan dumbfounded.

The Fengyu Empire is a country of laws, where breaking the law requires paying a large fine to get out, breaking the law will start with 30 years in prison, and killing someone or causing their family to be destroyed is directly punishable by capital punishment.

It is normal for the Boxi Building to have a business license, and because a tour guide explained to Shi Feiyan that she would be sentenced to death if she went out of the Boxi Building.Shi Feiyan went bankrupt under the serious gambling situation between the two.
She is not the God of Gamblers of the Hehuan Sect now, she is now the poor god who only has storage rings all over her body.

It's also fortunate that Feng Yu taught the law, otherwise Shi Feiyan would probably have to bear an unknown amount of debt.

Then Mengqi didn't need to persuade her, she could go to Wanhua Pavilion to work and pay off her debts with a full face of resentment.

“Full but cold.”

After being invited out after a full meal in the Boxi building, Shi Feiyan sat down on the stone chair by the roadside with a face full of disappointment, looking up at the vast starry sky: "...I forgot to ask Mengqi for her voice transmission jade slip breath."

"Senior Sister Mengqi, are you asleep? Junior Sister Feiyan loses her fortune and is lying on the side of the street unable to sleep. Where are you, Senior Sister Mengqi? I'm afraid of the dark"


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(End of this chapter)

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