I am in good spirits

Chapter 255 Extra Chapter: Red Dust Emperor

Chapter 255 Extra Story Red Dust Emperor ([-])

"Wuliang Ami. The benefactor, Feng Yucheng, has imposed a curfew from going out at night. If you are seen by the infantry, you may be fined 500 taels of silver."

A young monk passed by on the street and saw Shi Feiyan who was looking up at the sky with a frustrated face, and reminded him kindly with a quick understanding expression: "Although the little monk can't provide you with a place to stay, you can go from here to Walk about a mile ahead, there is the Bai Family's Shantang, you can stay there temporarily."

The curfew in Feng Yucheng is extremely strict. It starts gradually from midnight to midnight. If you are still wandering in the streets outside at three o'clock, you will be caught and fined.

The little monk is a teacher of the General Studies School. He must pass the road in front of the Boxi Building after get off work. He has seen too many people who lost their pants because of losing sitting here in a daze.

Therefore, as soon as she saw Shi Feiyan's frustrated face, she immediately understood what happened to her, and reminded her out of kindness.

"You have."

"The little monk Wuliang Ami is an ascetic monk. The benefactor is like borrowing a comb from me. The little monk has no intentions." The little monk waved his hands with a smile on his face and said, "I am often borrowed money when I pass by here on weekdays, so every time the salary is paid, the little monk comes first. All the time is donated, and the room and board are all provided by the school."

"Benefactor Ami, take care, the armored people in the city are not joking, you'd better leave quickly!"

The little monk has experience in borrowing money from others. Instead of being borrowed honestly every time and let the stubborn gamblers squander it, it is better to donate directly to those in need to add clothes and blankets Good life.

He belongs to the spell defeating the spell, as long as I am poorer than you, you can't ask me to borrow money, and you don't have to worry about being honest and helping the evildoers or breaking the precepts and telling lies.

The little monk left after finishing speaking. The tradition of their Cidu Temple is that it is better to teach a person to fish than to give him a fish.

All that needs to be said has been said, believe it or not, the benefactor.

"I haven't even spoken yet!"

Shi Feiyan put her hands on her hips, watching Yanlong who ran out of the little monk, she said indignantly: "What is borrowing money? Who do you think my Shi Feiyan is? I usually"

She originally wanted to say that she was justified and robbed, but thinking of the current position, she silently swallowed all the words she was going to say.

Before coming here, Mengqi and her have been warned, try not to cause trouble in the Fengyu Empire. There is a powerful Heavenly Emperor living in the imperial city.

The title of Emperor Hongchen is composed of three words, that is, blood-red, mundane, and emperor.

If you cause trouble here, if the relationship is not strong, you will be fined and fined to lose your pants, and if you are serious, you will ask your parents to take care of you. Meng Qi does not want to experience the feeling of social death here.

Robbery is not allowed here, but if you have the ability to coax people to give you money to spend, then there is no problem.

Feng Yu said it was a country of laws, but in fact, as long as he didn't do things that hurt others and beat, smash, loot and burn, it was basically no different from an ordinary country.

Compared with the self-cultivation world which takes its own morality as the standard, Feng Yu quantifies morality into clear laws, no longer vague words and divides punishment into three grades.

From fines to executions, there is always one that is suitable for offenders.

"The Bai family's philanthropic hall?"

Shi Feiyan came to the place the monk said, planning to spend the night temporarily and then go to find Meng Qi who entered the palace tomorrow morning.

But when Concubine Shiyan came to Shantang, she looked at the resplendent manor and fell into deep thought: "The lacquer painting on the brick screen at the door is estimated to be worth over a thousand taels, this Bai family is really not ordinary rich!"

"Of course, Master Bai is well-known throughout the Fengyu area for his kindness and charity!"

The servant at the door saw Concubine Shi Yan standing in front of the door, and heard her murmuring, he raised his head proudly and said, "Especially after Young Master Bai was born, Master Bai didn't even bat an eye when he gave money to accumulate virtue for the young master." of!"


Shi Feiyan's eyes are shining. Isn't she a girl who lives on the street and wants to live in a philanthropic hall? Doesn't she meet Master Bai's standards of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue?

"Brother, keep talking about the Bai family! I have the most love for the good people, and I like to listen to short stories!"


Shi Feiyan was full of coquettish manipulations, and she and the Bai family servants inquired about the Bai family's information.

On the other side, Meng Qi was also led by the eunuchs to the residence of Emperor Hongchen in the palace.

"Miss Mengqi, Your Majesty is inside, we can only lead you here."

A father-in-law, who was covered in muscles and bulged out of the eunuch's red robe and had scars on his face, turned his head and pointed forward with his hand, and said in a soft voice.

Going forward is the palace of Emperor Hongchen, not to mention eunuchs who have committed unforgivable crimes, even the daughters of Emperor Hongchen are rarely summoned to the palace.


Meng Qi ignored the eunuch's words, and looked at everything in front of her in shock.

When she completed the pass and entered the palace, the night star river was hanging high in the sky, and it took at least two hours to toss along the way. However, the palace where the Red Dust Emperor lives is still as bright as day, with white jade bricks paved all over the ground and a large area of ​​blue. Applying the color pigments, the eyes seem to come to the sunny beach.

The mixed blue and white ground, combined with the endless emptiness above, creates a sense of holiness and solemnity spontaneously exuding a strong sense of oppression.

Meng Qi let out a foul breath, left the group of eunuchs with fierce looks, and went to the place where Emperor Hongchen was alone, and personally handed over the secret letter to Emperor Hongchen according to the old man Zizai's instructions.

It's different. It's completely different. Hongchen Emperor's feeling is completely different from that of Immortal Zizai.

Zizaixian is like an ordinary person on weekdays, if it weren't for the beauty of the male and female, it would not be conspicuous if left by the side of the road.

But Mengqi didn't even see Hongchen Emperor, and felt a powerful aura full of blood. The holiness around her seemed to be shrouded in a layer of blood, full of coquettish, evil and tempting to fall into the nether world forever.

But that aura was not aimed at anyone, it quietly filled the entire daytime world.

Meng Qi didn't know how long she had walked forward, it seemed like a long time passed and it seemed like a moment, when she came back to her senses, the sound of clear springs flowing in her ears, and a large number of red spears were randomly inserted into the ground.

A crescent-shaped lake appeared in front of her, and the waning moon was almost connected from head to tail, leaving only a passage for people to walk to the center of the crescent lake.

There was a stone chair at the end of the road, and a man with a radiant figure was lying on it with his eyes closed, wearing a suit of imperial robes of different shades of red.

He slowly opened his eyes, and said in a gentle voice, "Is there something for Immortal Zizai to ask you to come to me? There are still three years before the rotation date?"

"I have seen His Majesty the Emperor of the Red Dust."

Mengqi presented Zizai Xian's autographed letter with both hands, and did not make any unnecessary movements. Her trip was to represent Zizai Xian as an envoy to Feng Yu Empire, and every move was related to Zizai's face.

This is also the reason why she left Shi Feiyan aside and came to meet Hongchen Emperor alone.

Bringing that embarrassing thing in front of Hongchen Emperor, Immortal Zizai probably would have no face to attend the gathering between heaven and earth in the future.

Emperor Hongchen sat up straight from his seat, and a pitch-black envelope appeared in his hand.

After tearing open the black envelope with Immortal Zizai's seal, Hongchen Emperor began to read the words on it.

There is not much content in the envelope, and the general meaning is that Immortal Zizai asked him for someone, hoping that Emperor Hongchen would give convenience to his two disciples, and that he might disrupt the memory of the residents of the Feng Yu Empire in the near future and hide the identity of his new disciple. Birthday information.

After reading the contents of the letter, Emperor Hongchen lay down on the stone chair again and said calmly: "Tell him to agree, don't make any noise."

"As for the matter of receiving people, it is originally within the scope of the contract between the Seven Families of Good and Evil and Feng Yu, so there is no need to explain it to me repeatedly. You step down!"

After Hongchen Emperor's words fell, Meng Qi's figure appeared in the garden corridor outside the palace, and the eunuchs with vicious looks did not leave and waited here.

"Miss Mengqi, it's getting dark, and the curfew outside the imperial city has begun, why don't you stay here for one night?"

"En." Meng Qi nodded lightly, a sentence from Emperor Hongchen swayed in her mind.

The Seven Families of Good and Evil made a contract with us to seal Yu. She felt as if she knew something extraordinary.

The four pillars of the righteous way and the three magic gates seemed to have secretly reached an agreement related to Feng Yu.

 A group of friends who are beautiful in women's clothing recommended it on the Internet, so I can help you with Amway.


(End of this chapter)

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