I am in good spirits

Chapter 256 Extra Chapter: Concubine Shiyan and Xiaobai

Chapter 256 Extra Story Concubine Shi Yan and Xiaobai ([-])
"That's how it is. Master Bai favors civility over martial arts. Because his ancestors were good at conquest and made a fortune, he committed a lot of murder. Now Master Bai is working hard to accumulate good fortune for his son and keep him safe."

In the Bai family's Shantang, Shi Feiyan sat at the square table and took out the drinks that were packed in the Boxilou. While eating peanuts, she bragged with the servants and maids of the Shantang, taking the opportunity to find out information about the Bai family.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a crime it must have been, that it needs such kindness to pray for blessings. I'm afraid ordinary magicians don't need it, right?" Shi Feiyan was amazed at the stories told by the servants while eating peanuts.

"Then I don't know. It's all about Feng Yu before the founding of the country. We heard about it." What Jia Ding said was also gossip among the big clans. Others said that the Bai family committed too much murder before. Talented people withered to pay off the debts they committed before.

"However, the Bai family is very friendly to people. We are the first-class philanthropic family in Feng Yu State who are willing to do good." Jia Ding said casually.

The crime committed by the Bai family was not bullying men and women. The people have no real sense of this, and because the time is too far away, they generally treat it as a legend, which is basically unreasonable.

"With such wealth, the Bai family is not afraid of being thieves? Or do you bring the wicked to borrow some?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was about to rise, Shi Feiyan finally wanted to show up, and asked what she cared about most. She was so poor that she went crazy and planned to ask the Bai family to borrow some.

"how is this possible?"

Jia Ding was stunned for a moment and said cheerfully: "Girl, I don't think you are like someone who often comes to Feng Yu. If you commit robbery, you will have to double the compensation and go to jail. If you hurt someone's life, you will have to pay for it. Bujia people It's true."

The infantrymen are the soldiers of the Fengyu Empire, especially referring to the terrifying patrol soldiers in full-body chain armor, who are specially responsible for arresting and punishing criminals.

Bujia people are more terrifying than ghosts, that thing has even caught ghosts and paraded them in the streets before, let alone human beings, even if you are not human, even if you are dead, you can't mess around in Feng Yuli.

"I understand."

An enlightened smile appeared on Shi Feiyan's face: "It's true that I don't understand much about Feng Yu when I come to Feng Yu for the first time, but the residents on the street are very friendly and willing to answer my doubts and puzzles. I have a very good impression of this place. it is good."

The Fengyu Empire has always been peaceful and peaceful, and all the citizens are in a peaceful and prosperous environment. Although there are many petty thefts, there has never been any shortage of food and clothing. Naturally, there are relatively few ruffians.

Except for the savage princesses who harmed all directions, all Fengyu people are very satisfied with this place, especially compared to the outside world who from time to time die because of monks fighting, the Fengyu Empire is like a fairyland on earth.



Shi Feiyan looked out of the cafeteria with a happy face, took out the map of Fengyu City from the storage ring, and walked on the street where the curfew was imposed, while looking for the location of the Bai family from the map.

After a round of chatter, she had basically found out about Feng Yucheng's information.

The so-called infantry soldiers are not monsters, they are all soldiers wearing magical weapons, their own cultivation is not strong, but they can obtain powerful hand-to-hand combat capabilities through magical weapons, and only under the feet of the emperor can the city be managed in an orderly manner.

Shi Feiyan feels that she is not capable of fighting, but the concealment of the Hehuan sect is the best in the world!

If there is no special detection method, or if the two cultivation bases are far apart, it is impossible to find out.

Because the Bai family valued civility over martial arts, apart from being an important official of the court with a large number of infantry patrols and the privilege of immediately calling for support when an intruder was found, there were no powerful monks in the clan land.

After a lot of careful analysis, Shi Feiyan felt that she was really good at it!
First of all, Mr. Bai can't move. He is an important official of the court. If he is moved, he will suffer. She should go in and tie up the young master of the Bai family and let him be her guide to the treasury.

Everything was calculated and the plan was perfect!
"This is."

Shi Feiyan looked complacent and stared blankly at the location of the Bai family on the map.

There is an irregular rectangle on the map, which covers one-twentieth of Fengyu City, and the whole area is occupied by blank space. If it weren't for the two ant-sized characters marking Baifu next to it, Shi Feiyan really thought that The map of Fengyu City that I borrowed was a fake.

A little more comparison, the blank area seems to be not much different from the palace, right?The permanent population of the palace is around 4 to [-] people, not counting the soldiers who took turns standing guard.

Can a home really be that big?Are you sure this place is not really a sect? !

Shi Feiyan fell into doubt, but she still decided to take a look at Bai's house to see if something so outrageous really happened.

He used the magic of Hua Zi Zai Tian, ​​and Shi Feiyan stripped her own sense of existence. After a night of trekking, she came to the Baijia area shown on the map, and she climbed over the wall and stood on the beam of the house to look in.

Shi Feiyan entered a lush forest, and turned her head to look at the busy traffic outside the street.

Shi Feiyan: "."

As far as your mother is out of line, it seems like two worlds are separated by a wall, so why can't you give me some if you have money to waste face and face?
Outside the wall, there is a lot of people coming and going, and peddlers can be seen all over the street, while inside the wall is a forest.

"I seem to know why the Bai family didn't recruit any monks to sit in the family. The place in the house is so big. When the thief finds the target, the Hongchen emperor sits at home and drinks tea and is full?"

"Such a large manor, how much money is wasted in maintenance fees for a year? Cut all the trees and sell them for profit?"

The house is so big that the Earth Immortal might not be able to finish scanning it with a single spiritual thought, which would be exposed as soon as the divine thought came out. The Hongchen Emperor is not joking, he can basically cross the space and come to Grand Master Bai's house in one step.

As long as there is no ghost, the Bai family is safe enough to burst.

"I'm convinced, I'm really convinced." Shi Feiyan raised her hand to rest her forehead and rubbed her forehead lightly: "What kind of person can design their own house like this? Are all of your family ancestral wooden art monks? Otherwise It’s too much to build such a big manor to guard against thieves! Aren’t you afraid that the thieves will starve to death on the way without even touching the door of your mansion?”

Shi Feiyan was really stupid when she saw this scene, she never thought that the family could be so big.

But because of this, she was even more determined to visit Bai's house. Even if she couldn't find the right owner or cut down his tree to sell in the house, it would not be a loss. Cutting down a few acres of precious trees and selling it could also subsidize the family a little!
There are also ornamental fish in the river, and if there is no valuable bird's nest, you can dig it out!
Shi Feiyan couldn't believe that she couldn't make money from the Bai family!
"In such a big river, aren't you afraid that the ornamental fish you raise will turn into monsters and come ashore to attack people?" Shi Feiyan jumped off the door beam and walked along an endless cobblestone to Bai's house. He also muttered about the extravagance and waste of life in the Bai family.

If all the money could be given to her, she would have won the entire Feng Yu City with her superb gambling skills!
(End of this chapter)

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