I am in good spirits

Chapter 257 Extra Chapter: Bai Jin's Childhood Life

Chapter 257 Extra Story Bai Jin's Childhood Life ([-])

Feng Yucheng Baijia Mansion.

"Report to the grand master, an intruder has been found in the house, and the wave of spells fed back from the human body, the person who came is likely to be the demon cultivator of the Demon Sect's Acacia Sect."

"Do you need your subordinates to capture him alive or report him?" A soldier in chain armor with red stripes half kneeling on the ground reported to a young man who was pruning branches.

"An intruder from the Hehuan Sect?"

Taishi Bai's hands froze when pruning the gardening plants. He scraped off a layer of bark on the buds with the scissors. He raised his hand and wiped the damaged bark on the tree with the wooden method. He threw away the scissors as if nothing had happened, and turned around. Seeing the soldiers breaking in from the outside, he sighed and said, "Just pretend you didn't see it. Adjust the formation again and lure the magic cultivator of the Hehuan Sect to the young master!"

The Bujia general raised his head sharply, and looked at Grand Master Bai with an incredulous expression on his face: "You, Grand Master Bai."

The Moxiu of Hehuanzong broke into the mansion, and it would be fine if he didn't send his subordinates to capture her alive and put her in prison, but he still wanted to lure her to the young young master?

The infantry general was stunned, and did not immediately carry out the grand master's order.

"Just order it down."

Grand Master Bai waved his hand and turned to leave, walked to the tea room where he was sitting quietly, without saying anything more.

He knew last night that Hehuanzong was going to come. Emperor Hongchen sent him a sound transmission in the middle of the night last night, saying that Zizaixian, the suzerain of Hehuanzong, asked him for someone to be his apprentice.

Grand Master Bai is not a fool, His Majesty has no possibility of chatting through sound transmission in the middle of the night, so it is only possible that Immortal Zizai came to beg for Bai Jin to be his apprentice!
Although Taishi Bai was mentally prepared, he did not expect that the monks of the Hehuan Sect would come so early, and he really came to take his son Bai Jin away as if he was going to the market early in the morning!
Feng Yu and the Seven Families of Good and Evil are friends, and monks from the seven families come to Feng Yu City from time to time to hold the Ceremony of Ascension to Immortals, bringing back talented children to be raised.

Therefore, it is not surprising for Feng Yu to go up to the emperor's relatives and go down to the common people of Pingming to come here to accept disciples.

It's just that Grand Master Bai is very helpless about this. Why does Bai Jin attract the eyes of Zaixian? His expectation for his son is very simple, either to find a job in the court to enjoy life like himself, or to join a famous and decent school to be kind and helpful to others For fun.

As a result, he turned around and returned to the magic gate, and his talent was so good that the giant of the magic way spoke in person.

The ancestors of the Bai family were all demon cultivators, and they didn't wash their hands until the previous generation was shocked by the punishment of heaven.

It is precisely because of being condemned by heaven that the generation up to Taishi Bai is doing good deeds to accumulate virtue and good deeds.

Mrs. Bai, who was watching the whole process in the tea room, saw her husband come back and couldn't help but ask, "Husband, are they here?"

"No, nothing happened, let's just pretend nothing happened." Grand Master Bai shook his head and said, "It's up to man to plan and heaven to make things happen. Heaven and man can say whatever they want. The old devil can't lose face unless Xiaobai Only if I personally refuse it will I be able to find His Majesty."

"Let's just pretend nothing happens and wait and see!"

Heaven and man are heaven and earth in the realm of comprehension, and they represent the multiple meanings of the word invincible. Only heaven and man of the same realm can stop them.

Now that Zizai Xiandu has spoken and Emperor Hongchen has no intention of dissuading him, it proves that there is no problem, let Xiaobai choose for himself!

In the evening the sun started to set.

"Outrageous, outrageous."

Shi Feiyan supported the big tree with one hand, panting and looked at a patchwork of buildings not far in front of her, which seemed to be like a village: "My imposing Jindan stage monk's foot strength can climb mountains and ridges to the point of panting, you guys The Bai family has a lot of money to burn their pockets? Buy such a large piece of land!"

"But. I'll have my share soon!" Shi Feiyan put her face on her hips proudly, and looked at the building in front of her with a lewd smile.

She didn't go well all the way, and thanks to the infantry patrol team following her, otherwise she didn't know how long she would be lost if she got lost, let alone the Bai family's mansion.

The most difficult search task has been completed, so it's not up to her to decide what to do next?
Bujia people can't see her!

"First go over there to see the extravagant and depraved lives of the local tyrants and evil gentry, then steal their purses, tie up the young master Bai in their family, and kick open the treasury to mess around"

Shi Feiyan walked out of the forest with a full face of wonder, and entered the Bai family mansion along the stone bridge by the river, and began to touch one by one to see what was going on inside.

Although the Bai family looks like a village, the people who really live here are only the Bai Taishi family, as well as the patrolmen, servants, and maids who are in charge of patrolling, and there are no other outsiders here.

Most of the pavilions are functional, such as kitchens, study rooms, or dojos. What Shi Feiyan is looking for is the dormitory of the Bai family, not the kind of Datongpu dormitory for servants or maids.

She doesn't bother to take other people's hard-earned money. If she wants to take it, she can enjoy it with the local tyrants and evil gentry!
"Should it be them?"

Shi Feiyan followed the maids who served the dishes, and came to a building with servants guarding the door. She lay on the door and saw a table that looked like a couple and a handsome young man with earrings. girl.

What caught Shi Feiyan's attention even more was that there was a group of female performers dancing with their pipas half-hidden.

Their dance is very strange, there is no accompaniment and no cover-up. They just wear cool clothes and dance barefoot on the skin of the snare drum on the ground, making different high and low drum sounds to form the accompaniment.

"As expected of a performance with nearly a thousand spirit stones, the music is pleasing to the eye and the mind."

The servants and maids were all discussing in low voices, and Qiqi stood outside the door watching the performance inside, sighing and envious of the high income of the dancers from time to time.

"That's it? I can do it by me! Why don't you just wear something cool and jump on the drum, and I can crush the drum and the ground with your feet!"

Shi Feiyan stared at the dancers with dumbfounded eyes. These ten girls can earn thousands of dollars just by bouncing around. Did you make a mistake?
"Damn rich man. I'll put a knife around your young master's neck to borrow money later!" Shi Feiyan muttered enviously in her heart: "But... did I touch the place? The servant of Shantang Didn't you say that the Bai family is a couple and a young master?"

"I saw the husband and wife, where is the young master? There is only a little girl here."

Shi Feiyan glanced at the girl thinking about it, then turned around and began to search up and down the Bai family village.

Those who didn't have a job ate at home, and Shi Feiyan easily ran through the building. Except for the uniformed servants and maids, she didn't see anything that could be called a young master.

"Shouldn't it be."

The skeptical Shi Feiyan who was looking for suddenly recalled one thing.

Back then, the owner of the Shantang told her that the Bai family had committed a lot of crimes before, so they had been doing good deeds to pray for the young master of the Bai family, and the young master of the Bai family had never appeared in public, even the royal relatives Our banquet never appeared.

The combination of these things made Shi Feiyan think of a possibility.

It is the so-called cheap raising, which is a unique means of praying for blessings in folk metaphysics. By dressing up and wearing a special unclean mask, it is used to degrade one's own children to achieve the purpose of asceticism.

Ordinary people's words are generally useless, God has no time to stare at you, a mortal, are you an extremely evil monk who is going to sacrifice the whole world in the future?

But if you wear the magic weapon to conceal the secrets of heaven, then completely disguise yourself and make a double, and attach your soul breath to the double, it can really form a certain degree of replacement effect.

Combining the blessings mentioned by the servant before, and the terrific murders that the Bai family suffered before, it is really possible that the girl with the earring just now is the young master of the Bai family who completely disguised herself to hide her destiny!

Judging from the ability of the Bai family to distribute money, it is not impossible for the young master to be protected by this substitute.

"Hey! You've been deceived! What kind of skirt does a young master wear? Can't you pretend to be a boy to cover up the secret and pretend to save your life?" Shi Feiyan was deeply speechless after her eyes were opened.


There is another chapter outside the story, and then the main text.

(End of this chapter)

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