I am in good spirits

Chapter 258 Extra Chapter: Shi Feiyan's Happy Life

Chapter 258 The Happy Life of Concubine Shiyan (End) (Teacher Luo Tears Cup)
"Finally found you little pervert for me, sister Feiyan will show you some nice ones later!"

Shi Feiyan stood on the big tree in the Baijin Bieyuan, gritted her teeth and looked through the window at Baijin, who was leisurely attending class indoors.

Because of the wrong guess in the previous round, she walked around the Bai family village twice before finding Bai Jin who was sitting in the small courtyard and was taking general education!
She obviously passed by here twice, but she didn't see the indoor white brocade both times. In addition to the time in the dining room, as a Golden Core cultivator, she missed three times in a row. She couldn't even catch a kid in a skirt. The moment Yan saw Bai Jin, she immediately shuddered.

"Sister is staring at you, I don't believe you can sneak out from under my nose!" Shi Feiyan angrily picked a fruit from the tree, opened her mouth and bit it down to fill her stomach.

Driving around other people's houses all day made her really hungry, and she was growling to rebel.

Either she eats to transform her spiritual energy, or she starts breathing to fill the void in her body, but she vowed to stare at the little pervert and catch him to make a fortune, so how could she close her eyes and breathe out spiritual energy at this moment.

Shi Feiyan just sat on the big tree all the time, eating the sour fruit one bite at a time, waiting for the husband to leave from the Baijin small courtyard, and the maids washed him up and sent him back to the dormitory and left.

"Ahhh. It's finally my turn to go to work." Shi Feiyan yawned, with a lewd smile on her face, she jumped down from the big tree and bypassed the step armor man at the door, quietly touched the window and turned over into the white brocade. in the bedroom.

With the bright moonlight, Shi Feiyan could clearly see the things in the dormitory at a glance.

"Where is the villain? Where did that guy go?"

Concubine Shi Yan turned her head with a smile and looked at Bai Jin who was sleeping on the bed, but when she turned her head to look over, there was no sign of Bai Jin on the bed, only a single target had been lifted and no one was seen.

What Shi Feiyan didn't notice was that when she fell from the tree gracefully just now, Bai Jin frowned slightly and got up from the bed to the table to drink water, but there was no water in the kettle and she had to go to the backyard to fetch water.

He went out with the teacup without thinking much, and Shi Feiyan just climbed over the wall and came in at this time, because she didn't see Bai Jin because the wall blocked her view.

The first time the two met they were perfectly staggered.

"What about people? What about the little pervert?"

Shi Feiyan walked around the courtyard, but still did not find Bai Jin squatting in the firewood room, drinking warm water.

She didn't believe that she drove past the dormitories one by one, but Bai Jin left from the firewood room after drinking water, and naturally went into the toilet and sat on the toilet. Because he was a child, he had a special footboard, otherwise he would His height doesn't allow him to use an adult's toilet very well.

Concubine Shiyan lay on the ground and looked around, trying to find the little pervert who disappeared without a trace, but in the end, she still couldn't find anything, and she was dumbfounded.

The infantrymen are still guarding the door, which obviously means that Bai Jin has not left, but if he is still here... then what about the little pervert in the skirt?

Concubine Shiyan thought about it, finally gritted her teeth, and instantly released her spiritual consciousness in a small area, hoping to find the disappeared Bai Jin in this short moment, and if she was not found, she would leave and run away with all her strength.

The concealment of the divine consciousness is basically ineffective. You are so obvious that the fluctuation of the soul is emitted, and the monks with stronger cultivation bases can detect it.
It doesn't matter if it's money or not, it's already a matter of the face of the Jindan stage monks!

The consciousness was released for a moment, Shi Feiyan standing in the front yard instantly saw Bai Jin sitting on the toilet, her eyes widened immediately, she had seen the toilet!Why didn't I see that little pervert just now!
"You little pervert, wait for me!"

Shi Feiyan restrained her consciousness, turned around and ran away, the veins on her forehead were bulging, her face was ferocious, and she wanted to kill someone.

She jumped a little while holding on to the door of the toilet with one hand, ready to flip into the cubicle and stage a little pervert with one hand!
It turned out that the cubicle door was not locked, Shi Feiyan put her hands on it and instantly lost her balance, and slammed into the innermost wall of the latrine.
The latrine was empty, and the brocade was gone again.


Concubine Shiyan fell down on the toilet, and immediately couldn't help crying out.

What the hell!I was still here ten seconds ago, and when I turned off my spiritual knowledge, the person disappeared, woo woo woo.

Just after changing seats in the toilet without water, Bai Jin came to the next room and was about to urinate again. Suddenly, he heard the whining sound of a woman crying, and asked subconsciously.


The moment Bai Jin opened her mouth, Shi Feiyan's golden core stage monk quality instantly reacted and punched the partition, ready to capture the person who found her immediately to prevent him from having the opportunity to continue speaking.

This was the purest subconscious instinctive reaction, and Shi Feiyan, who was so wronged that she cried out, hadn't reacted yet.

The sudden change made Bai Jin subconsciously take a step back from the front of the toilet to break the wall in front of him.

The wild that was sprinkled intermittently, as he suddenly turned around and drew an arc, all of it was poured on the salty pig's hand that suddenly got up
The protruding white arm froze suddenly, and Bai Jin looked at the hand that almost pinched his collar in horror.

The atmosphere in the latrine fell silent instantly, but the infantrymen outside were not just for display. There was a stern shout, and they ran towards the backyard in uniform footsteps.

"What happened, young master?"

"Nothing happened, just now when I stepped on the toilet pedal, I accidentally slipped and hit the partition"

Bai Jin came out of the backyard with a pale face. In the field of vision that the Bujia people couldn't see, a concubine Shi Yan who looked like a reincarnated evil spirit was strangling his neck.

"Then young master, be careful."

The leader of the infantrymen holding a spear saw the abnormal creases on the young master's collar, and immediately realized that someone had held the young master hostage, but a voice from the commander suddenly came from the bottom of his heart telling him not to act, and to wait and see what happened.

Although he didn't know why, but the order was forbidden, since the commander had spoken, he didn't dare to act rashly, so he could only slowly retreat from the backyard to the front yard to hide as if it couldn't happen.

"Now for robbery, if the number of spirit stones I rob is less than five. No, if there are less than [-] spirit stones, if there is one less, I will snap my fingers at your brother, and you perverts will die!"

After Shi Feiyan let go of the white brocade, she immediately tore off her wet right sleeve, grabbed the little white brocade that was trying to escape, and said with a friendly grin.

"I'm not a cute little eagle girl." Bai Jin subconsciously retorted.

As soon as these words came out, both of them were stunned and did not understand what Da Diao Mengmei meant.

Shi Feiyan didn't have a deep meaning to this, and just regarded it as a slang term of the Feng Yu Empire.

Bai Jin didn't explore anything either. Some strange words often popped up in his mind, and they were phrases that could only be uttered subconsciously. If he wanted to continue to study, he would find that he couldn't remember anything.

"Don't hit me if I give you money."

Being pinched by the collar and unable to touch the ground with his feet, Bai Jin, who was dangling in mid-air, was intimidated by the pervert whose eyes were gradually lowering in front of him, and could not help but smile reluctantly: "...can you help me tie my jin Bring it? The pants are really about to fall off."

The incident happened suddenly and he was kidnapped so suddenly, Bai Jin didn't have time to put on his pants at all, and thanks to the pervert in front of him holding up his pants at the back, otherwise he would have completed the achievement of walking the bird under the moon just now in public.

"What is walking a bird under the moon? No Bilian?"

A new set of vocabulary suddenly popped up in his mind, Bai Jin's expression froze, and then he became lazy and lost his mind. He looked at Shi Feiyan and said, "My monthly odds and ends are all in the earrings. Don't hit me."

For a child who is nearly six years old, he really has no choice but to temporarily stabilize the perverted and vicious girl in front of him, and then take the opportunity to call for help!
"Who likes your broken pocket money, the gold that brought me to your house. Wait, you said monthly money?!"

Although Concubine Shiyan said that she didn't care, she still opened the storage earrings honestly, and was so shocked by the white shimmering spirit stones inside that she was speechless.

"How much is your monthly bill?"

Concubine Shiyan retracted her mind in a trance, and lifted the young master to her face, showing the smile that a girl with a spring in her heart would show in front of her crush: "Say it to my sister, I will help you later, oh no!" It’s fine to pull it into your pants, and my sister will wash it for you.”

What is Lingshi?
In front of the vast Lingshi mountain in the earrings, Shi Feiyan has forgotten all the sorrows and sentiments, and directly becomes the most loyal maid of the young master of the Bai family.
She doesn't know how many spirit stones there are in it, but it is dozens of times higher than the small mound she earned in the Hehuan Sect. It is initially conservatively estimated that there should be about [-] pieces
Shi Feiyan never imagined that a child could be so rich, and it was said that it was his monthly money.
What is monthly bill?It's just the pocket money that adults give children every month.

At this moment, Shi Feiyan felt that what she was holding was not some brat, but the future, a vast future full of aura and infinite future!

"Young master, you are startled, come here, big sister will wipe your body and tell you a story later to lull you to sleep."

Shi Feiyan pinched the white brocade under her arm, showing a smile full of beautiful fantasies about the future.

But she never imagined that the future she thought of at the moment was a monster with a poisonous tongue, and even the wicked person who would call her around in the future and almost beat her with a whip.



The Bai family a month later.

As soon as the monthly allowance was issued, Shi Feiyan held Bai Jin up and down and prepared to follow the old rules. The pocket money he received was divided into [-]/[-] by everyone.

"Are you a human? I'm afraid you're not a dog!"

Sitting in front of the round table, Bai Jin looked at the witch who was pawing like a dog in the Lingshi hill, and said with a puzzled face, "What are you doing with those spirit stones? Why are they consumed so fast? I usually hold them in my arms." Slowly sucking the spiritual energy in it can last half a year."

"Even if it's in vain, there are only a hundred or so a day."

It doesn't matter if the spirit stone is not spirit stone, his father will give him a hill of spirit stone every month, telling him to think about what he can do with the spirit stone, and he can try to do whatever he wants to do.

It doesn't matter if he eats, drinks, and has fun, even if he spends time in the Boxi Building, he can do whatever he wants, as there are plenty of spirit stones.

But because Bai Jin's biggest range of activities is in the village, he can't leave the stone bridge, so he doesn't have any idea about the spirit stone on his body.

As for why he couldn't leave, he didn't know much. His father said that there was a curse on the stone bridge that made people unlucky. All underage children would become unlucky when they passed by. The vicious dog that jumped out of the alley took a bite.

Bai Jin tried to step out of the stone bridge with one foot, but a giant salamander jumped out of the river, posed in a boxing pose, and made a provocative sound at the four-year-old Bai Jin, which alarmed the patrolling infantry and made Bai Jin a pot of fresh and smooth fish soup. .

The sinews of giant salamanders were pulled out to make bowstrings, and all the fish pumped from the river were given away for charity for free.

Because Bai Jin had never been out of the house, he didn't know why the spirit stone of Shifei Yan could be consumed so quickly. He was very curious.

He can play up to two hundred spirit stones a day, but the witch in front of him consumes [-] to [-] spirit stones a day. Could it be that the difference in cultivation can drive the amount of spirit stones consumed?
"Don't worry about adults' affairs and children, it will greatly stimulate your mind."

Shi Feiyan restrained her unbridled smile, crawled out of the Lingshi, and said with a serious face: "Here, I just brought you back from outside."

As she spoke, she took out some food that Bai Jin had never seen before from the storage ring, including slightly burnt pancakes, candied haws, and dough dripping with water.


Smelling the enticing aroma, Bai Jin spoke a lie of unknown meaning, picked up the candied haws that he ate once before, took a bite and tasted the sourness and sweetness: "Do you have dental floss? Give me a piece of maltose to stick to my teeth. gone."

"Speak something that monks can understand, don't say strange lies."

Shi Feiyan doesn't care about Bai Jin's words, this young master is perfect in everything, especially the earrings he wears are the shining pearls of perfection, but Bai Jin often says strange things that everyone doesn't understand.

Although I don't understand it, I can roughly understand the meaning.

"By the way, how about what I told you before? Our Hehuan Sect is the strongest sect on the surface. We are invincible in singles at the same level. Now big sister can pull you into the inner door through the back door!" Teacher Feiyan looked at Bai Jin and asked with a smile.

She likes Bai Jin very much, and the young master Zai is simply the most handsome and beautiful child he has ever seen, especially when he learned that Bai Jin was the only child in the decline of the Bai family. The grand master shouted with his arms: "Elder-in-law, I am your future daughter-in-law!"

Shi Feiyan told Meng Qi about this idea, and she agreed without thinking about it for a moment, and told herself to work harder to trick the boy from the Bai family out.

Mengqi's attitude changed back and forth, which reminded Shi Feiyan of the rumors about her. She seemed to be kicked out of the house and almost died of starvation on the street because she met a scumbag man with a dog.
Shi Feiyan suspected that this lady came to grab food.

"Young master is not well, the master and wife are about to fight in the dining room again, you should go and have a look!"

Bai Jin and Shi Feiyan were eating candied haws, chatting about cultivating immortals one after another, but suddenly there was a hurried call from the maid outside the door, hoping that the young master could go to the dining room to persuade the master and madam.


Bai Jin responded, with a slightly interested expression on his expressionless face, he ran to the dining room and sat down on the high threshold, watching his parents' quarrel with his hands on his knees.

"I've said that Xiaobai should be wearing a battle armor to plan strategies on the battlefield and give power to the people. This is the ancestral property of our old Bai family, and the court is suitable for him to develop." Grand Master Bai argued with his wife, patting the table.

"Cultivating immortals is the right way, proving the way of heaven and man, being free and unrestrained, and having an infinite lifespan. How can eternity be comparable to eternity?" Bai Mu was standing on a lacquer chair and discussing gracefully with her husband at eye level.

While arguing, the two talked to Bai Jin about the benefits of joining Feng Yu's court, or how joining the righteous way can honor their ancestors.

Of course, the husband and wife were not really arguing, they just used this form to seduce Bai Jin and let him choose the decent or imperial court that both husband and wife could accept.

As long as he doesn't go around and go back to the magic gate, Grand Master Bai can even accept Xiaobai as the rabbit master.

Grand Master Bai of the Demon Sect is really afraid of being the last one, out of a dozen of his brothers and sisters, he is the only one left, and it took more than a hundred years of medicine for him to hold back Bai Jin.

If the blood inheritance is cut off, what is the use of the wealth accumulated by the ancestors for generations? Wouldn't it be easy for him to be a white master and go home to plow the fields and become a cow or a horse?

"Here, the watermelon juice I just made in the kitchen."

Shi Feiyan sat beside Bai Jin, inserted a bamboo straw into the cup, handed over the watermelon juice, and watched the couple quarrel.

"Oh." Bai Jin nodded and sighed, "Filial piety!"


(End of this chapter)

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