I am in good spirits

Chapter 259 The Golden Scales Are In The Pool

Chapter 259 The Golden Scales Are In The Pool

Half a month has passed since attending the funeral of the old city lord, and Bai Jin is temporarily living in the city lord's mansion in Yuhai City for repairs.

In the morning, I have nothing to do to compete with my friends and practice swords. In the afternoon, after fishing, I help Tunyin as a supervisor to see how the new Baifu is built. In the evening, I focus on magic skills and feeding the soul. Make sure it stays upside down and can punch Nascent Soul monks.

"What is Brother Jin playing?"

Bai Jin came out of the dormitory with a happy face. The jade dream grass he had planted before had sprouted. The most difficult part of cultivating spiritual plants is the beginning. As long as they germinate, spiritual plants are famous for their tenacity.

As soon as he left the door of the dormitory, Bai Jin saw Jinlin sitting cross-legged in the courtyard, with his arms folded and his head tilted, looking at a silver cauldron on the ground in front of him.

"Brother Bai."

Jin Lin turned back to answer Bai Jin, and said distressedly: "I got a chance before researching it, and I got it in All Souls Society so far I haven't researched a reason."

The silver cauldron is the space fluctuation in the later period of the Heaven's Punishment event of the All Souls Society. The meteorite iron that fell from the different space smashed towards Jinlin's head along with the meteorite.

The cauldron that Jinlin obtained was extremely strong, and it was a special forged composite metal. Even a well-informed man could not tell the ingredients contained in it. He could only confirm that it was a part of something in a different space. Judging by the gap on the edge of the pot, the things that matched it have most likely been destroyed.

Zhizhi suggested that the golden scales should be used as materials and melted to forge weapons. Its strength is extraordinary.
Smelting is easy to say, but before smelting a weapon, you must first figure out what properties the original material of the forging pot is, otherwise the materials with conflicting properties will be directly scrapped.

Jinlin has recently been researching the material properties of the silver cauldron.

"What do you study it for? Just study it for the group of Qizong. They are all professional. When the time comes, they will directly create a brand new weapon for you."

Bai Jin squatted beside Jin Lin, gathered dead branches from his palms, and tapped Jin Lin's blame: "Why worry yourself about things that can be solved with a little money."

Jinlin was silent for a while, and said frankly: "...just a little unwilling."

After Yuxueqing got the opportunity, her combat effectiveness was in a situation of soaring in situ. The water of the heavenly stems and the earthly branches and the eight-armed mincing knife technique gave the water spirit an epic level of strengthening.

When a monk at the early stage of Jindan encounters Shuiling, it is estimated that he can be chopped into meat sauce within 3 minutes. It is extremely terrifying.

Jin Lin was the first to get his own chance, but apart from being blown out of his head twice and getting a silver cauldron, he didn't have any strength improvement.

Yu Xueqing went through the Battle of Yuhai City, and her fighting power jumped from the cheerleading team to Jin Lin and Zhu Fu's heads, approaching Bai Jin, a high-level Golden Core cultivator, and became the second strongest monk in the team.

She is only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and Jin Lin and Zhu Fu are already at the stage of high-level people who are close to breaking through the golden core.

Heavenly stems and water erode all things, and earth veins water is too strong to swallow and contain. It is not an item that monks can touch at this stage. As the weather girl's cultivation level increases, she can attract and assimilate more divine water.

At that time, she will also be like the old city lord, who can attract infinite heavenly stems and Renshui to corrode one side with just raising her hand.

Jinlin wasn't jealous of anything, but was extremely dissatisfied with his own strength, so he sat alone in the courtyard to study the opportunity he had obtained, hoping to comprehend something from it or study its attributes.

"Why don't you be reconciled to look away? There are also monks who are ten-year-old golden pills, fifteen-year-old gods, and thirty-year-old reincarnations!"

Bai Jin waved his hands nonchalantly, and said, "When we arrive in Fengyu area, we will just take the teleportation formation to go to Qizong."

It is extremely far away from Yuhai City to Fengyu, and it will take half a month for Bai Jin to drive the fairy boat to travel, but it is much more convenient to go to other areas in Fengyu's territory.

There are a large number of teleportation formations in the Fengyu area. Although Bai Jin doesn't remember the trivial things in the past, he used to hear the maids and servants at home saying that there are some fairy gates teleporting here to hold the Ascension Conference.

He knew where Feng Yu's teleportation array was. The Qi Sect was originally a neutral force, and he didn't shy away from setting up a teleportation array near the sect's gate. Therefore, as long as he saw the teleportation array, it was actually very simple to go to the Qi Sect.

"Weapons, let's move back a little bit!"

Bai Yongshou came out of the dormitory next to Bai Jin, put his hands on the collars to arrange his clothes, looked at the two people sitting in the courtyard and said with a smile: "The most important thing you should do now is to improve your cultivation, think about it carefully , Did your master or Bai Sui Mingxing tell you anything?"

Bai Yongshou came out of the dormitory, smiled and walked towards Bai Jin and Jinlin. Ye Lin pretended to be nonchalant and quietly walked out of the dormitory to the outside of the city lord's mansion.


Jinlin, who was a little depressed after being called out of the blue, froze for a moment, not quite clear why Senior Bai Yongshou wanted to say such nonsense.

Of course she knows the way to become stronger, which is to increase her cultivation base and realm with all her strength, but wouldn't the opportunities she obtained be completely useless in that case?

"Don't you know? There is an unknown supernatural power in your body that is awakening, and there is that child Zhufu just like you."

Bai Yongshou squatted on the ground, looked at Jinlin's silver cauldron with great interest, and said: "It is very difficult to use weapons to improve your overall strength. Now you want to quickly increase your combat power, the best and fastest The best way is to awaken the dormant supernatural powers in the body."

"Is there still this?"

Bai Jin looked at Jin Lin with a face full of surprise, clasped his fists in a funny way and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't expect my Brother Jin to be a second-generation fairy!"

There are three ways to awaken supernatural powers, either the ancestors once had a rich and powerful cultivation base through blood inheritance, or the cultivation method is special like the Acacia sect, or the genius who was born with great talents, with great talents, and both vertically and vertically.

"I have no idea."

Jin Lin was completely stunned, totally unaware that he had some kind of innate supernatural powers in him.

"Huh? Didn't the medical fairy tell you?" Bai Yongshou looked at Jin Lin with a face full of surprise: "She told me."

What was wrong with the golden scales was discovered by the medical fairy. At that time, it happened to be the time of the physical examination, and she prescribes a medicinal bath prescription for the cute little juniors and juniors.

It was during the physical examination that the medical fairy discovered the strange array arranged by Master Sui Mingxing, so she could conclude that Jin Lin was awakening a certain kind of magical power.

Fairy Doctor didn't know the name of the formation, but she figured out the working principle of the formation. It is a compound healing formation with powerful self-healing, powerful analgesic, limiting depression, and filling spiritual power.

Combined with Jin Lin's body full of lightning, it is hard for the medical fairy not to suspect that Master Sui Mingxing has planned to seal the sky thunder into Jin Lin's body directly, so that her whole body and flesh can adapt and accommodate the power of thunder.

This can't help but make the medical fairy sigh, she is worthy of being her master. Or maybe this is Mu Xiu's common problem, thinking about getting something to graft all day long.

I am like this, Sui Mingxing is like this, even Bai Jin, who has not been a beginner for a long time, likes to play with grafting plants.

"Brother Bai, come and see the above prescription for me."

After Bai Yongshou's reminder, Jin Lin took out a particularly long prescription from the storage ring, and handed it to Bai Jin, who knew medical skills, to check the contents.

The medical fairy did a physical examination for everyone, and prepared exclusive medicinal baths for them according to their physique. However, because of the attack of Linlong and the destruction of Yuhai City, all the shops such as Jianbao Pavilion were gone. It is impossible to have all the medicinal materials.

In addition to helping Hai Ling'er rebuild Yuhai City, everyone has nothing to do with the fairy doctor's prescription for the time being.

Now being reminded by senior Bai Yongshou, Jinlin suddenly remembered the prescription that he had longer than others.

". Kazakh people."

Looking at the hundreds of words of the prescription, a black line appeared on Bai Jin's forehead: "Show me, I can't understand it either!"

There are tens of thousands of medicinal materials in the cultivation world, and now he is only proficient in treating physical injuries, and the pill is far behind.

"But I'll try my best! I have the Encyclopedia of Spiritual Plants and the Code of Mountains and Seas of Strange Beasts here. Let's flip through the books to find the efficacy of the medicine."


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(End of this chapter)

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