I am in good spirits

Chapter 260 Departure, go to Fengyu area!

Chapter 260 Departure, go to Fengyu area!

"Amberx, Earth Vein Sunflower, and Red Flame Anther. The Dan in the vase melts with a lick."

Bai Jin was sitting in the courtyard, flipping through the book to check the medicine fairy's prescriptions for Jin Lin. The first part of the medicinal bath made of hundreds of medicinal materials is ordinary medicinal materials for strengthening the body, and the middle part involves the five elements in the fire refining soil into gold, yin and yang soil. It is related to Samadhi True Fire, and the middle medicinal bath formula is to moisten the metallicity of the golden scale itself.

According to the order in which the medicinal materials were put into the pot, Bai Jin successfully deduced the meaning of the former and middle-end drugs, but at the end about the awakening of Jin Lin's supernatural powers, he couldn't understand at all. Some of the drugs were not even medicinal materials, but made by the medical fairy The finished medicinal pill.

The alchemy method of the medical fairy is exactly the same as that of the life star, so Bai Jin can deduce the final effect of the medicinal materials, but some of the prescriptions for awakening supernatural powers are obviously created by the medical fairy. It is not just written out of medicinal materials.

"Brother Jin, I can only tell you that Dan Fang is absolutely not poisonous."

Bai Jin threw away the book in his hand, lay on the ground regardless of his image, exhaled foul air and said, "The back of the prescription is too complicated and I can't decipher it for you, think about it, did Uncle Qixing tell you anything? "

The back of the prescription is full of finished pills, only the method of use is written, not to mention that the white brocade can't crack it, even if the star of life comes to crack it, the medicine will destroy the original flavor and the reason of the alchemy technique, it is more bitter than Coptis chinensis The elixirs are made into sweet elixirs.

There is no way to reverse the raw materials and craftsmanship of the elixir by eating, you must have the elixir.

"Think about whether Uncle Venus has told you about supernatural powers, or whether any of your ancestors have had any rich guys."

Sitting on the courtyard floor all afternoon, it was not because Bai Jin was bored, but because he wanted to find out what the medical fairy said about the awakened supernatural powers in Jin Lin's body, and whether there was something wrong.

Because Jin Lin knew her situation very well, and her ancestors didn't have any wealthy ancestors, logically speaking, there was no possibility for her to awaken her supernatural powers now.


Jin Lin shook his head and said, "Master, didn't you tell me that my family is not a cultivator's family, but an ordinary family in the world of mortals. If you have cultivation, you won't die tragically in the aftermath of the monk's battle."

There are no monks in her family, and if she hadn't happened to meet Qi Xingxing who was out to slay demons, she would have died in the aftermath of the battle of monks that spread to the entire city.

Jinlin is completely dumbfounded now. If Senior Bai Yongshou hadn't reminded her, she wouldn't have known that the 'shaving wood bandage' on her body had so many miraculous effects, and she had always thought it was an ordinary healing magic weapon.

"Brother Bai, what a trouble, I'll invite Wanhua Pavilion tonight."

Jinlin stood up from the ground, and said, "Let's soak in the medicinal bath first! Since the medical fairy said that there is a awakening supernatural power in my body, I believe she will not be aimless."

Since he couldn't find out the reason for the birth of supernatural powers in his body, Jinlin was too embarrassed to bother Brother Bai any longer. He sat in the courtyard hard and read a lot of books for himself, and didn't even drink a sip of water all afternoon.

This made Jinlin feel very embarrassed, so he invited Bai Jin as he liked, and also brought his friends to a high-end inn for a good meal.

Put aside the matter of supernatural powers for the time being, it is impossible to guess its source before it is awakened.

"Oh? Your little friend is also very sensible! As soon as he opened his mouth, it was Wanhua Pavilion."

Tunyin, who was hidden in Bai Yongshou's leather case, sent a voice transmission to Bai Jin with a teasing expression on his face: "Birds of a feather flock together!"

As soon as Wanhua Pavilion is mentioned, Tunyin immediately thinks of Bai Jin's love for Wanhua Pavilion.

"Please don't think eating is so filthy." Bai Jin glanced sideways, and replied via voice transmission: "Wanhuage is a chain brand after all. It is trustworthy in terms of word of mouth and integrity. I come out to eat and drink, not I want to compete wits and bravery with black shops, and because of the high consumption, the customers are more elegant and quiet.”

Generally, whoever likes to go to the roadside stalls will go, Bai Jin doesn't want to eat unknown poison while eating.

There are quite a few black shops in the cultivation world. It is not uncommon to sell orthodox monks to demon cultivators for exploitation, or to sell demonic monks to righteous monks to make achievements. Puppet Hall belongs to black shops and VIPs in the black market.

The feces of the kidnapping case were put on their heads, at least three to four out of ten.


"Did you come back so soon? Didn't you say that cleaning and maintaining the fairy boat is troublesome?"

In the evening, Zhu Fu and Yu Xueqing returned from purchasing medicinal materials from the outside world. When they returned to the small courtyard, they saw Bai Jin and Jin Lin hooking their shoulders together, and Bai Yongshou sat in the pavilion drinking tea with a full face.

In this regard, Zhu Fu slowly asked a series of question marks.

The new Yuhai City is almost rebuilt, and they are also preparing to embark on the journey of experience again, heading to the next experience place, the Fengyu area.

Everyone agreed last night that Zhu Fu and Yu Xueqing will be responsible for purchasing medicinal materials and some daily necessities, Wei Benliang will purchase food needed for the trip, and Bai Jin and Jin Lin will be responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of the fairy boat.

So Zhu Fu is very confused about this, shouldn't you two be repairing the fairy boat?Why did you come back to the city lord's mansion so quickly, hooking your shoulders and drinking tea?

She also deliberately speeded up the purchase, and wanted to come back early to help Bai Jin and the others repair the fairy boat.

"Xianzhou? I met a group of spirit monkeys for a fee before, and I handed over the cleaning work to them. Chiwei watched for me! If the wooden floor can't be used as a mirror, just rip off their hair."

Bai Jin looked back at Zhu Fu, and said with a smile: "The fairy boat has been refilled with spirit stones and repaired its appearance. As for other trivial matters, just leave it to the spirit monkey. By the way, you guys also come over to have a cup of tea and take a break. Brother Wei will come back later. Afterwards, when we arrive at Wanhua Pavilion for dinner, brother Jin treats us!"

The amusement-type fairy boat has built-in cleaning formations, but areas such as the power room and bathing pool basically need to be cleaned by themselves. There are a large number of composite formations in the power room, which are not suitable for cleaning formations.

The more complex the power room is, the higher the cost of the formation, and the probability of error will also increase. The bath is purely not cleaned, and no matter how clean the clean formation is, there will still be slight water stains.

In a word, cheap is not good. The cheapest amusement boat can’t be fully automated. If you want to get a comfortable experience, it is recommended to add money to the most expensive customized model.

Like some kind of self-repair function, it derives the same ability as the fairy boat that belongs to the mountain spirit. The amusement-type fairy boat that Bai Jin bought doesn't have it at all, but the demon battleship that is rushing in Qizong has these things.

"By the way, where is Brother Wei?"

Bai Jin slumped on the bench in the gazebo, looking at the starry night sky and looking sideways at Zhu Fu who was burning the mosquitoes: "We seem to have passed the time for the table. I'm afraid that the bustard will give up our table."

"I think he should be eating extravagantly, after all Junior Brother Wei is in charge of purchasing food," Zhu Fu said with a dark face.


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(End of this chapter)

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