I am in good spirits

Chapter 261 The Last Night

Chapter 261 The Last Night

New Yuhai City Wanhua Pavilion.

"By the way, why don't you follow along to join in the fun, aren't you afraid that your father will drop your height a notch?"

Bai Jin and his group walked and chatted, planning to go to Wanhua Pavilion to eat and drink, in order to repay Mr. Jin's kindness to treat guests. As a result, they met Hai Ling'er who had just returned from shopping not far away.

When Hai Linger learned that Bai Jin and his party were going to Wanhua Pavilion in great strength, she was shocked and stared at Zhu Fu and Yu Xueqing with wide eyes, expressing her feeling that she was not well.

Wanhua Pavilion has never welcomed female cultivators. Unless you plan to enter through the back door to apply for a job, female cultivators cannot enter the pavilions of Wanhua Pavilion at all.
She doesn't believe that Zhu Fu and Yu Xueqing can enter, this is a place that even she, the granddaughter of the city lord, cannot enter.

"If you can go, why can't I go?" Hai Ling'er stared at Bai Jin confidently.

"up to you."

Seeing Hai Ling'er's posture, Bai Jin knew that the guy in front of him was another bad learner, and her group was planning to eat inside, and she thought that walking inside the Wanhua Pavilion probably had an impure purpose.

"I really feel a little sorry for Gu." Bai Jin joked in his heart and said, "Among my friends, there is a concubine Shi Yan who robs property, and Hai Ling'er who breaks their girls' back comes .”

"My friends are all too weird, right? If this continues, the signboard of Wanhua Pavilion will be smashed."

The madams of Wanhua Pavilion are probably going to be confused. They should have seen a lot of people who want to rob or catch rape, but the customers who want to brainwash their girls are not against Meng Qi and they have never dealt with them. The young oiran is a good man and no longer murders for money.

The hundred and one who is forced to perform as a performer, and the oiran who forces the greedy little brother to perform talents.

Anyway, the Wanhua Pavilion where Shi Feiyan and Meng Qi passed by was basically flying like dogs, and now there is another fierce general in the "Down with the Wanhua Pavilion Alliance".


In front of Wanhua Pavilion, Hai Linger watched nervously as Bai Jin approached to negotiate with Wanhua Pavilion, wanting to see how he could persuade Wanhua Pavilion to let female cultivators enter.

But when the thug in front of the door saw Bai Jin coming, he turned around and shouted loudly: "Mom Sang! There are seven distinguished guests!"

There was a shout, and the girl who was playing music on the balcony on the second floor couldn't help but look sideways. The bustard who was conducting turned around and saw Bai Jin in front of the door, waving at him with a charming smile on his face to express his welcome.

In the world of comprehension, a thousand spirit stones cannot buy the beautiful smile of a fairy in the transformation stage, but if you spend a thousand spirit stones in the Wanhua Pavilion, the mother of the transformation stage will definitely show a bright smile when she sees you. It doesn't matter your cultivation base is high or low or you were born poor or humble.
This is the charming part of Wanhua Pavilion, which can let male cultivators or ordinary men see the charming smiles of fairies with high cultivation bases.

"Is that how you came in?"

Hai Ling'er stared blankly at the girl leading the way and leading everyone to the box in the small courtyard behind Wanhua Pavilion.

"Anyway, Bai Jin has a way." Zhu Fu replied casually, "I couldn't get in here before, but Bai Jin was able to persuade them to let us in. The dishes here are relatively stable and relatively safe, and we are usually unfamiliar with them." Wanhua Pavilion is the first choice in all places.”

When he was disgusted with the country before, Zhu Fu also went to Wanhua Pavilion to find the lost Bai Jin.

As a result, a bunch of people stopped Zhu Fujin as if they were dead, and the same was true for the All Souls Society, but as long as Bai Jin came forward to go to Wanhua Pavilion, it was like going home.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Looking at Hai Ling'er who was standing sideways and staring at him, Bai Jin said strangely: "It's not easy to enter Wanhua Pavilion. If you say you want to eat and drink in Wanhua Pavilion, they definitely don't want to break their own rules."

"But you dragged an Earth Immortal over and said you were going to demolish their pavilions, sell the female cultivators to the puppet hall, and sell the males to the mine for mining, they will consider the pros and cons and even treat you to a meal gone."

Bai Jin is not very clear about how other people got into Wanhua Pavilion, but he just got in!

"Master Bai really likes to joke, who in Yuhai City doesn't know the master and slave family would dare!"

The old bustard came forward with a pot of wine, smiled and said, "No one can refuse your presence!"

Young Master Bai in front of him can be said to be a hanging man. The first time he came back to Yuhai City, he was led to run all over the street by Sui Mingxing, and the second time he killed a famous earth fairy to sacrifice to the sky. He has a very good relationship with the earth fairy of the Bai family.

The madam is very well-informed in this business, and she doesn't want to conflict with such an obsessed person. When he comes to Wanhua Pavilion, he can play whatever he likes, as long as the price is reasonable.

"I'm here to offer a toast to all of you. I hope everyone can have a good time here." Mom Sang took Bai Jin's arm and led him to the box, smiling and turning back to raise the wine pot to toast everyone.

"Look at her look that can't wait to be upside down." Zhu Fu glanced at the old bustard with disgust on his face.

The old bustard in front of her was full of flattery from inside to outside, she almost had the words "want to lick Bai Jin" etched on her face.

"Brother Bai doesn't like it, he won't break the rules." Jin Lin justified Bai Jin lightly.

Although the old bustard in front of him was very beautiful, Wanhua Pavilion always belonged to the Demon Sect. Although it belonged to the Outer Sect, if there was too much communication, returning to the Sect would inevitably lead to ascetic punishment.

Jinlin is not worried that Bai Jin will come here randomly. In her inherent impression, Brother Bai is not a superficial person. Good-looking skins are all the same, and only those who pursue interesting souls can be called both refined and popular.

"I'm afraid she puts money into Bai Jin's arms and ruins the reputation of our Xingluo Xianmen!" Zhu Fu said clearly that what she was worried about was not Bai Jin's random behavior, but she was worried about the old bustard's random behavior.

"Probably not?" Yuxueqing asked in surprise.

"We are all in Wanhua Pavilion, what else is impossible?" Hai Ling'er looked at the sexy oiran who came and went with great interest, and a little bit of scrutiny came out of her eye-opening.

As a female nun, she likes beautiful clothes, and she is very interested in the clothes of the oirans. The style of refusal and welcome also reveals a sense of sophistication. Hai Linger is also very interested in this.

Bai Jin's assertion to her only hit a point, she didn't only like weak-tempered female monks, Hai Ling'er was just particularly strict with male monks
If a male cultivator wants to be in her eyes, the minimum requirement is that his cultivation base and self-cultivation quality are higher than hers among his peers.

Soft ones like Yuxueqing, poking her cuteness directly to arouse her desire for protection, if she can meet an excellent male cultivator, she actually doesn't mind the red makeup and skirt like strong wine.

In a simple translation, she might pounce on it, just like when it was rainy, snowy and sunny, she went up to talk directly.



"Are you drinking that much?"

Hai Ling'er looked around at the wine jars piled up all around, and Jin Lin, who was drunk and lying flat under the table, leaned against Bai Jin's side Zhu Fu in a strange posture, and asked with surprise on her face.

"Is there something wrong with the two of you?"

Bai Jin also glanced around, looking at Yu Xueqing and Hai Linger who were still able to toast with him.

He knew whether Yu Xueqing was drunk or not, but for this reason he specially ordered high-quality Lingmi refined wine, just to see Yu Xueqing's appearance when drunk.

Thinking of the usually soft Yuxueqing, and the infinite possibilities that could be displayed in a drunk state, Bai Jin's heart was itching all the time, wanting to see if the drunken Yuxueqing would become like her juicy temperament.

It turned out to be a pity, they didn't intend to get drunk from the time of dinner to the morning rain and snow, and even Hai Ling'er was exactly the same, the two of them only had a slight blush on their cheeks.

The three people who were not drunk looked at each other, and the two of them who had evil intentions were even more silent. Yuxueqing held up a big bowl full of doubts and said, "Do you have some more to drink? The three-cylinder we ordered just now shouldn't be refundable, right?"

"Cannot be refunded, but can be stored."

Bai Jin waved his hand to show that he couldn't drink anymore, and said: "The wine is stored here! If we have a chance to meet and sit together in the future, take it out and get drunk."

"The three cylinders of wine will be placed here as a good wish!"

Drink you big-headed ghost, my stomach is so full from drinking!Bai Jin secretly slandered in her heart.


Ask for votes.

 Before I worked for two days and slept for one day, I was stunned. Last night I fell asleep while writing.

(End of this chapter)

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