I am in good spirits

Chapter 262 Bai Jin's worries.

Chapter 262 Bai Jin's worries.

"How's Hiccup refurbished?"

When it was dawn, Bai Jin sent all his drunk companions back to the city lord's mansion for a rest, and he went to the fairy boat docked at the pier, ready to check the progress of the spirit monkeys' renovation of the fairy boat.

If it is a normal recreational boat, there is basically nothing that needs to be repaired. After all, the base price of more than 40 is placed there, and the firmness and hardness are guaranteed.

But Bai Jin is not an ordinary person, he allows his friends to perform martial arts in the fairy boat, such as fighting and practicing skills out of control are often staged in the fairy boat.At first, Bai Jin was afraid that everyone would not be able to let go, so he took the shovel and smashed a few big holes in the top floor of Xianzhou.

The fairy boat is just a vehicle for him. If he had to stop the fairy boat and do it outdoors when practicing spells or performing martial arts on weekdays, wouldn't it be uncomfortable to buy 40 or [-] Nascent Soul beasts with [-] spirit stones?

Renovate if you can, repair if you can't, sell second-hand if you can't repair, and throw it into the sea if you can't sell second-hand!
Bai Jin had such a mentality from the beginning, so the decorations inside the fairy boat would not be much better.

"It looks pretty hardworking."

Walking on the reflective deck, Bai Jin looked at a group of brushes with surprise on his face, squatted on the ground and stared dumbfounded at his spirit monkey: "Your handwork is really good."


Seeing Bai Jin walking all the way, scratches appeared on the polished mirror surface of the wooden floor, one of the spirit monkeys who seemed to be the leader let out a scream, rolled his eyes and fell straight back, completely passed out.

If you want to make a mirror effect on the wooden surface, you need multiple grinding, painting and grinding. In the end, you can't even use water grinding, but use silk to push oil repeatedly, so that the wood can reflect a mirror-like luster.

Now Xianzhou is at the last step of construction, after dust removal, a layer of protective tree wax can be applied before delivery.

The spirit monkey saw Bai Jin walk in carelessly, with almost scratches on the path, and couldn't bear the blow for a while, and passed out.

They have to be delivered before dawn, and the person who commissioned them to carry out the construction is a member of the Demon Cult, and now they are being disrupted by a stranger in front of them, wow, the whole family will die!

"Master Bai, why are you here?"

Chi Wei heard the movement downstairs, looked back and saw Bai Jin coming in from the outside, turned over and jumped from the top floor to the ground floor and quickly stepped forward to greet them: "Please give them another hour, the renovation can be completed gone."

As the supervisor, Chiwei watched the construction all the way and understood the speed of the monkeys' work very well. She estimated that the renovation would be almost completed in another hour.

"Well, I'm very satisfied with their working speed." Bai Jin nodded and said: "Let them do it first, I'm here to organize things, and I will only use the fairy boat in the afternoon or evening, it doesn't matter if you take it slowly."

Bai Jin walked towards Xianzhou's residential area, and asked Chi Wei curiously, "Did you put a knife on their necks? The renovation quality far exceeded my expectations."

The mirror effect was just casually mentioned, but Bai Jin never imagined that the Almighty Party B could really do it.

And in just 24 hours.

"They have been engaged in the renovation of fairy boats before, and they have a general understanding of the inner structure of fairy boats. Once the model is determined, they immediately go to the forest to cut wood and plan the boards, replace the damaged wooden boards inside the fairy boat, and clean the whole fairy boat. The rest of the time is spent It is used for waxing and polishing." Chi Wei briefly described the whole process of repairing the fairy boat.

Yuhai City is a commercial city, and there are many sons and daughters from rich families coming and going. The spirit monkeys have been exposed to similar jobs before, so they can renovate the Baijin Xianzhou so quickly.

"The racial talent of the spirit monkey is really fancy."

Bai Jin sat on the bench in his dormitory, poured out a large amount of Yaodan and Yaoyuan from the storage ring, raised his left hand to summon the incomplete soul, and let it devour the inheritance left by Linlong.

Although Linlong was not completely dead, everything that should explode on him exploded, and even the dragon ball that stored the resurrected basic dragon soul was in Bai Jin's hands.

The Dragon Balls are useless for the white brocade right now, so they are thrown into the storage room of the fairy boat at random.

The soul floated away from Bai Jin's body, grabbed the things on the ground and stuffed them into the big tearing mouth on his face, making a crisp and crisp chewing and breaking sound, no matter the Yaoyuan, Yaodan or Yaobaby were finally swallowed.

"Don't get too close to it, it will bite." Bai Jin glanced at Chi Wei who was staring at him, and kindly reminded her.

The mouth of the soul is not a joke, so far I have not seen anything that it can't bite, even the skull of the earth fairy can be crushed and eaten, if Chiwei is too close to the soul in the feeding state, Bai Jin is worried that the soul will go away Just bite her hard.

"It's unique."

Chiwei came back from the trance, looked at her with a face full of surprise that she was a foot away from the soul, subconsciously retreated to Bai Jin's side and said vigilantly.

It was the first time that Chi Wei and Hun Ling had met. Previously, it was all because of the reputation of the Acacia Sect that she was conquered, and there was no real battle with the name of a family that killed people, set fires, committed all crimes, and slaughtered people.

She was played by Tunyin throughout the whole process, and even her body was given to Tunyin for nothing.

Chiwei's recent experience has been miserable, and now even everyone is under Bai Jin's command as a secretary.

"It's good to get used to it, there are all kinds of surprises in the Hehuan Sect."

Eating the turbid spirit fruit white brocade, he responded to Chi Wei's compliments to the soul indifferently, how could he gain a foothold in the Acacia Sect without awakening some supernatural powers, even the famous monks in the Acacia Sect disdain to learn secret techniques.


Just as Bai Jin was feeding the soul, there was a knock on the door by the butler Che Che Puppet.

Che Che pushed open the door and came in, holding a metal compass in his hand and standing at the door, he said, "I have already planned the route to Fengyu Imperial City, do you want to check it? It will take 37 days to drive the whole journey."

"37 days?"

Bai Jin turned his head to look at the butler puppet, frowned involuntarily and said, "Is it that fast? I didn't even prepare myself mentally!"

The next destination is the Feng Yu Empire, which is also the training place that Bai Jin chose spiritually on the star map. It should be counted as his home field, after all, the Bai family still has a little status in Feng Yu.
But Bai Jin didn't really want to go back. He was in the mother's womb as soon as he passed through, but his memory had been in a state of dormancy all the time. He didn't fully wake up the memory of his previous life until the end of the Acacia Sect's desire suppression training.

He has forgotten more than half of his childhood memories, and he is extremely unfamiliar with everything in Feng Yu. He only knows that there is a place with deep water, and there is no fun that he likes to watch, and he can't do whatever he wants.

And there is also a savage fiancée, Bai Jin really has a headache now, he must find a way to divorce that bitch!
Feng Yu's son-in-law is not a fun thing. If something like a war happens, the son-in-law will be a death squad wearing a battle armor and standing on the front line in a daze.

Especially now that he is still the king of son-in-law: 'Humble son-in-law'!
"Do you need to modify the route? If you take a long route, it will take about one year and six months to recalculate the time."

"Just choose the nearest one! We'll leave in the afternoon." Bai Jin waved his hand to signal Che Che to come as before.

You can't escape, you can't avoid it, so why don't you inquire about the affairs of the Bai family in Fengyu area now, and take that sixteenth princess to the kiln when you go back, so that everyone can get together and break up when they meet and tear each other up.

(End of this chapter)

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