I am in good spirits

Chapter 264 Daily Life in the Immortal Boat

Chapter 264 Daily Life in the Immortal Boat
"What 37 days?"

Zhu Fu looked at Bai Jin with a face full of shock, and said in surprise: "Is Feng Yu so far away from us? It's completely invisible from the previous map!"

"Normally, there is no such thing. Unless you want to kill Xiwu Country and Beixu Realm, otherwise you can only take a detour to avoid those top masters." Bai Jin looked at Zhu Fu and said.

The Xiwu Kingdom is the base camp of Wanhua Valley, and the entire country is their territory, while the Beixu Realm is an isolated country ruled by alien races, and they hold deep hostility towards all outsiders.

It's nothing to go to the Xiwu country. If you die, you will throw money crazily and be squeezed out of your waist, but for Zhu Fu and Yu Xueqing, that place is not a good place. I am afraid that the goddess of Wanhua Valley will force them to teach them how to go.

Forget about the Northern Void Realm, the map given by Tunyin clearly states that no entry is allowed, and even one more note is not written for Bai Jin, for fear that he will find something interesting and run over to join in the fun.

The Xingluo Xianmen was originally located in the east of the mainland, and Feng Yu was right in the middle of the mainland.

Therefore, the 37-day journey is not outrageous. If you insist, you can only blame Xianzhou for not being strong enough!
What if it is a speed-type fairy boat, or a custom-made war-type fairy boat?
"It's a long journey." Zhu Fu sighed: "I really want to go to the Fengyu area in the next second, relying on your family's contacts to quickly find the opportunity and go to the next area."

All Spirits Society, Yuhai City, Fengyu area, and then to Zhu Fu's training place 'Yulong Glacier'.

She couldn't wait to get through Feng Yu, and then take a look at what was in the 'Yulong Glacier', and even seduced herself, a Huoxiu, from a long distance.

"As the saying goes, relying on everyone to run, relying on the mountain to fall. You still have to rely on yourself for things like chance." Bai Jin glanced at Yu Xueqing who was eating sugar paintings with a strange face: "Our previous guesses were all wrong, who can tell?" The chance to get Senior Sister is to give Shui Ling full armor?"

Before coming to Yuhai City, everyone had checked what kind of array the weather girl's opportunity might be, or something like a powerful water magic power, but who would have thought that the final benefit would be Yuxueqing's water spirit.

The medicine bath benefits given by the medical fairy are not counted, and Yuxueqing has not gained anything. If she insists on counting, she probably has two pets that can poison people to death?

"Brother Bai, what do you lack?" Jin Lin looked at Bai Jin and said lightly, "I lack a handy weapon, so I harvested a piece of useless material. Senior Sister Yu lacks the means to protect herself. Now she is both offensive and defensive."

When Jinlin was talking, he still couldn't help but want to complain about his chances, which was terribly shabby compared to Yuxueqing's harvest of heaven, earth, yin and yang water.

"What am I missing?"

After Bai Jin asked himself a question, he pondered for a while, then he spread his hands helplessly and said, "I don't lack anything."

He is not short of money and things, he is supported by the Bai family and Hehuanzong, and he is not short of exercises. Immortal Zizai gave him a book of all five elements, which can freely transform his own aura among the attributes of the five elements Attributes.

Moreover, he also possesses the two holy scriptures of the Acacia Sect, namely, the method of transforming Zizai Heavenly Demon and Lingjue Freedom of Mind. Full of praise.

Bai Jin thinks that he doesn't lack for anything, and he basically has everything he needs to know about wealth and marriage.

He really didn't know what else he was missing?
"Brother Bai, you don't need a partner right now?"

Wei Benliang, a foodie who seldom speaks, saw Brother Bai's helpless expression, so he couldn't help but make a suggestion.

As soon as Brother Wei said this, the atmosphere around the rectangular tea table suddenly became subtle and weird.


Zhu Fu pondered for a while, then couldn't help laughing out loud, waved his hands exaggeratedly and said: "Who doesn't know Bai Jin's awkward character, how can a fairy see him? His chance, I reckon it's someone Can correct his awkward temper."

Bai Jin seems to be very good in life, but this guy likes to gloat, he likes to make jokes about other people's bad luck or tragedy, and he has a relatively cold personality.

For example, there is a big hole in the road ahead, Bai Jin can only choose to spread some grass and sprinkle some soil, and as if nothing happened, he gathers his friends to sit with him and drink tea, and quietly waits for the unlucky person to fall into the big hole.

Then he was laughing and having fun with his friends, if the person who fell into the pit jumped out to settle accounts with him, he would definitely use force to force that person to jump in again!
Bai Jin would never choose to tell other people that there is a big hole in the road ahead. The reason why Zhu Fu said that he has an awkward personality is that he doesn't listen to others at all. Others must listen to him. If they don't listen, then you must Take my word for it.

It's better among friends, if a stranger talks to him, I'm afraid he will plant it as a spiritual plant and water it in the soil.

"What's wrong with my personality? Bai's heart is pure and flawless like jade." Bai Jin waved his hands with disgust on his face: "I don't even think you are impatient, and you still say I'm awkward!"

"Where is your temper not awkward?"

"Don't listen, don't listen, Wang Ba recites the scriptures."

"Swear again! Kill you!"


Zhu Fu's intuition is particularly accurate in judging people, and Bai Jin's character is not really awkward, it's just because of the influence of "Spiritual Awareness Freedom of Mind".He is now at the second level of mental law: everything is allowed, extreme passion and indulgence.

He is like a staff member behind the stage, and scenes of lively and extraordinary dramas are performed on the stage.

If the drama can be performed normally, of course it will not touch Bai Jin, but if the lively drama is accidentally disturbed, he will definitely intervene strongly to make it more noisy.

Under the premise of ensuring his own safety and maintaining a certain degree of controllability, Bai Jin will subconsciously make a big fuss about one thing.

In his mentality, there is very little peace of mind, unless he encounters a star of longevity or a ruthless fairy who cannot be provoked.

Otherwise, it will be as busy as it is, and the atmosphere will be too cold if things are too big!

Chi Wei came up from the stairs, looking at the rising star of the Demon Sect with a strange face, arguing with the other four chief disciples of the Xingluo Xianmen.

"Wish girl, rain girl"

Chiwei calmed down the strange sense of disobedience in her heart, and reminded the two fairies: "The medicine bath is ready, please go to the bath with me to change clothes."

"Young masters' medicinal baths are still cooking in the kitchen. When they are ready, the servants will come to inform you gentlemen."

After repeated verifications and partial tests on the medicinal bath list of Yixianzi, everyone consciously went to Jianbao Pavilion to purchase a large amount of medicinal materials, and prepared to enjoy the medicinal bath formulated by top doctors.

Even Bai Jin was no exception. Jinlin spent a lot of money when purchasing medicinal materials. He bought all the medicinal materials that were old, and he was not afraid of getting a good one.

"Hey, your medicine"

Bai Jin, who was arguing with Zhu Fu, had a dry mouth, and as if remembering something, took out a bottle of elixir made by Fairy Medicine and threw it to Zhu Fu who was walking downstairs.

Her prescription is somewhat similar to that of Jinlin, both of which have special encrypted elixir, which should be a secret medicine that can help her awaken her supernatural powers.

Bai Jin had seen this strange scene of a woman sneezing and spraying out glowing red magma when she had her menstruation and happened to catch a cold.

If she doesn't have supernatural powers to protect her body, she will go to hell.


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(End of this chapter)

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