I am in good spirits

Chapter 265 No, no, no... don't see evil!

Chapter 265 No, no, no. Do not see evil! (seeking subscription)
It's approaching evening.

"Brother Jin, what are you doing here?"

Bai Jin was lying on the teacher's chair, and was about to write down the dishes he wanted to eat tonight in his notebook. Then he looked at the two who were still practicing their moves just now, but now they were running away and chasing each other and asked strangely: "You guys Don't you want to order food?"

"That's right, brother Jin! I didn't say anything wrong? Why are you so careful to remember my hatred?"

Wei Benliang looked like he was about to cry, and looked back at Jinlin who was chasing after him with a scabbard: "Why don't we finish ordering first and then talk about the rest? My stomach is starting to growl now!"

"You didn't try your best, and you did your best within the allowable range when you practiced the moves, which is a respect for both parties." Jin Lin held the scabbard and bandaged his face showing anger: "You are humiliating me! "

"It's wrong"

"If you are wronged, fight me with all your strength!"

When Wei Benliang and Jin Lin were practicing each other, they did not use their full strength. Although it is said that Tuxiu's strength can only be displayed on the ground, but Jin Lin stabbed with Wufeng straight sword just now, and Wei Benliang just lay down. He fell to the ground and praised Jinlin for his invincibility.

The perfunctory intentions were all written on his face, and before he encouraged Bai Jinxi to add one more person to the fairy boat, it can be said that new and old hatreds were superimposed, completely blowing Jinlin, who was normally indifferent, into a rage.

It's not that Jinlin hates having one more person on the fairy boat, she actually hates having one more stranger!
If it was a companion from Xingluo Xianmen, she wouldn't say a word at all, like Chiwei, who was sent by Baijin's family, Jinlin was indifferent to it, and everyone was an acquaintance.

She hates strange, untrustworthy outsiders.

"You don't fight anymore!"

With a funny smile on his face, Bai Jin got up and stopped Jin Lin who wanted to continue to fight with Brother Wei, and said: "Chiwei informed us to take a dip in the bath, and we will report to the bath together after we order food."

"You don't have to wait for me. I'll go to the kitchen to replenish my strength before going."

Wei Benliang rushed downstairs in a hurry, only thinking about the heroic appearance of the cook when he was a puppet.

Chasing and fleeing with brother Jin exhausted a lot of physical strength, and he was afraid he would starve and lose weight if he went to the kitchen to mend.


Jin Lin exhaled the resentment in his heart, looked at Bai Jin who stood in front of him, and said, "I lost my composure just now, I was very angry at Brother Wei's extremely perfunctory attitude."

"It's not that you don't know that brother Wei is a human being. He has been hanged and beaten by his master for so many years, but now he can run out to eat and drink freely without caring about his cultivation." Bai Jin said with a smile.

Wei Benliang is actually half a big black guy. When he was in Xingluo Xianmen, he was immersed in Zhen Ruixing's hardened fist every day and was in a state of panic all day long. Every day when he woke up, he went on the scale in fear to see if his weight had increased sharply.

Once he gains weight and height without gaining weight, the master's weight loss stick will knock on his forehead.

Now that Zhen Ruixing is not in charge, Wei Benliang has begun to let go of his beautiful and depraved life.


While chatting about Wei Benliang's unlucky deeds, and how Zhen Ruixing threatened his brother on weekdays, Bai Jin and Jin Lin came to the bathing pool on the first floor, and as soon as they entered the door, they could see three large wooden barrels with a cover.

"This barrel should be mine"

Bai Jin approached the wooden barrel, glanced at the name on the wooden cover, and then looked at the names marked on the other two wooden barrels, and said, "Chiwei is pretty reliable in her work! Give us all Categorized."

"Brother Jin, one bucket per person, don't be greedy!"

"I don't think it should be drinkable," Jinlin complained lightly to Bai Jin, dragging the wooden barrel with his name on it with one hand and walking into the dressing room, ready to take off his coat and soak it in the medicine barrel.

"As my sister Chong said, a person is a creature, and the meaning of life is to try. Maybe you can get magical power by taking a sip."

Bai Jin also dragged his own bucket in, and urged Jin Lin to take a sip of the medicated bath soup in an extremely wicked way.

Judging from the medicinal materials, the medicinal bath will definitely not kill people, but hundreds of medicinal materials boiled in a pot, the taste should not be described in words, Bai Jin is a little curious about its real taste, but he doesn't want to take a sip.

"Stop, don't listen, leave!"

Jin Lin unbuttoned his girdle, revealing his body covered with layers of tight bandages under his coat, casually threw the coat on the bench in the dressing room, turned over and jumped into the medicine bucket, took out the elixir from the storage ring In the mouth.


Seeing that Jin Lin was not bewitched by him, Bai Jin could only cut his teeth and prepare to find another chance to fool him in the future.

"What a weird bucket of stuff."

Bai Jin took off only his trousers, looked at the dark green and jet-black medicine bath in the bucket, and showed distaste on his face, showing that he was reluctant to climb into the bucket: "Brother Jin, what is the medicine bath in your bucket?" Glossy? My barrel of oil is shiny and green"

Jinlin was not with Bai Jinpo, she entered the medicine bucket and began to meditate and breathe, absorbing the medicine in the bucket.


Bai Jin sat cross-legged in the bucket of medicine, only exposed his head to the outside and began to breathe, absorbing the medicine in the bucket.


"Hush! Don't make a sound."

In the Xianzhou bathing pool, a strange scene happened in the corner where the change of clothes was originally placed. Chi Wei, who was supposed to greet Bai Jin and Jin Lin in person, was hanging in mid-air with her arms wrapped around her red waistband.

A slightly illusory figure, sneakily lying on the door of the bathroom and peeping into the locker room, completely ignoring the stunned Chiwei next to her.

"Where's the strong armored brother? Strange."

Wanhualiu Xianqun lay by the door, looked carefully into the dressing room, but didn't find her good brother, and immediately stomped on the floor with her cheeks puffing up: "Why haven't you seen him yet? It's really weird!"

"Forget it. If you lurk for a while longer, good brothers like that are rare. And you, don't run into the bath all day. I've occupied this place. If you dare to reveal my whereabouts, I'll stab you to death!"

The phantom of the fairy skirt disappeared without words, and Chi Wei, who was attacked by the spiritual weapon, was let down, staring blankly at what happened just now.

In fact, she didn't quite know what happened. She was preparing to welcome Bai Jin just now, but a red waistband dropped her into the air, and that phantom ran to peep at Bai Jin and Jinlin's medicated bath with a face full of excitement. .

Judging from the proficiency of that ghost, it should not be the first time she has done these sneaky things.

I don't know how many times Chi Wei has done it before, but now the only thing she can be sure of is that the fairy boat is haunted!

When no one knew, there was a powerful ghost lurking in the fairy boat!


Chiwei stood up from the ground, took a look at the messy clothes on her body, pretended nothing had happened, and walked outside. When passing by the locker room, she quietly sent a voice transmission to Bai Jin: "Master Bai, I found the clothes in our fairy boat. There's an unexpected guest."

"Have you ever died in a fairy boat before? There is an unidentified ghost wandering around in the fairy boat, as if looking for a good brother?"

Chi Wei ignored the ghost's warning, and immediately gave Bai Jin a small report as soon as she turned around.

Compared with the elders of the Hehuan Sect, what is the mere threat of ghosts?
She will always love Hehuanzong and be loyal to Young Master Bai!
"What? My fairy boat has a soul ring"

Bai Jin interrupted and opened his eyes, and turned his head to look at Chi Wei who was shocked: "The profiteer of Qizong actually sold his life. Oh no, last time I killed the old Taoist of the Puppet Palace in the fairy boat, Got the soul ring."

"That's not right, you said my fairy boat is haunted?"

"Yes, she tied me up and hung in the air just now, and peeped at you when you showered and changed clothes"

"Female ghost? Red all over?"

"Eh? Master Bai, do you know her?"

Bai Jin: "."

When Ning said this, I seemed to understand a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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