Chapter 266

"Hey Hong Hong, listen up, we're going to take a detour from Feng Yu to the Qi Sect next time, if you don't want to be locked in the glass box for display, you should hide your head well!"

Bai Jin stood up from the medicated bath tub, walked to the bathroom room where Chi Wei had just said that she was beating ghosts, and said to the empty and smoky bath room: "Otherwise... you will never see your favorite armored brother again! "

Through Chiwei's description and description, Bai Jin probably guessed what was going on in his fairy boat.

The body of that phantom should be the artifact spirit of the Wanhua Zhiyan wide-sleeved fairy skirt that completely disappeared after the bombing of the All Souls Society.

The reason why it lurks in the fairy boat is actually simple. Before the punishment of heaven, everyone got into the skirts, but Bai Jin was still a little worried, so he specially wrapped a layer of demon armor on the outside of Liuxian's skirt.

Liu Xianqun should have noticed that the person holding the armored brother is in the Xingluo Xianmen group, so she quietly lurks in the fairy boat and waits for the appearance of the soul.

But it's a pity that it can't wait. Every time Bai Jin releases his soul, he either swallows his sense of existence, or locks and restricts him in the dormitory before releasing his soul to feed him food.


In the empty bath, there was no sound other than the echo of Bai Jin's words and the sound of dripping water.

After Bai Jin finished speaking, she didn't bother with it anymore, turned around and went to the shower area to wash off the residue of medicinal materials, wrapped up a bath towel, sat in the bathtub, closed her eyes and enjoyed the spiritual spring bath.

It doesn't matter whether Liuxian skirt appears or not, Bai Jin actually doesn't care at all, after all, it is a wide-sleeved Liuxian skirt-style dress, and he can't wear it at all.

If it were a spiritual weapon such as a weapon, he would probably stop the fairy boat and start dismantling the boards now.

The reason why he specially reminded it was purely because he wanted to have fun watching the Qi Sect.If the people from Qizong really brought back Liuxianqun, then Bai Jin could only say that seeing them making money was really more uncomfortable than losing money himself.

"Brother Bai. Are you there?"

When Bai Jin was lying floating in the bath, Jin Lin in the dressing room suddenly asked.


"It may have been soaked in water for too long and it leaked electricity. I'm numb, now only one mouth is exposed, and my body is still slowly sliding into the medicine barrel."

Even though he was about to fall into the medicated bath bucket and drown, Jinlin's tone still didn't fluctuate much, and he asked for help from Bai Jin who might be nearby.

Drowning can't kill a foundation-building monk. At most, she drank clear water in the medicated bath while waiting for her body to recover from the paralyzed state.

It doesn't really matter whether you drink or not, as long as no one is looking at Jinlin, she won't feel uncomfortable. Anyway, she has experienced a lot of bad luck in the sea, and she doesn't care about it once or twice.

As long as she is not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

"Brother Jin. Are you too unlucky?"

Bai Jin looked at the big black egg that was sinking in the medicine bucket, staring at the big black egg outside the bucket, and reached into the medicine bucket with one hand to lift the bandage around his neck, saving him from the embarrassing situation where he might have to drink bath water Rescued and said: "I told you to eat two more bowls of Lingmi on weekdays."

"If you had Brother Wei's physique, why wouldn't you be able to get up after falling into the medicine bucket?"

Jinlin: "Brother Bai, you think too highly of me, just put me on the chair and take a while, thank you."



The fairy boat soared at a height of [-] meters, circumvented Xiwu Kingdom where Wanhua Valley is located, and also avoided the North Void Realm, which was forbidden to enter by the bold red letter, and came to the sky above a prairie that could almost be called a no-man's land .

"Stop tapping hard to the left."

Bai Jin was lying on the bench looking at the classics, studying the customs and habits of her hometown, while Chi Wei was standing behind the back of the bench with a face full of apprehension, slightly loosening the collar to reveal two red crystal lock.

The blood-red chains are providing back pressure service to Bai Jin who is lying on the bench.

A secret method for killing people has become a multi-functional massage secret method under Bai Jin's earnest teaching.

Now Chiwei is not only a secretary and a gardener, but also a complex of Xianzhou housekeeper and masseuse, allowing Bai Jin to get out of all kinds of trivial matters.

Chiwei followed Bai Jin's instructions to massage without looking sideways, and did not dare to act coquettishly and cute in the slightest, in order to obtain the "Secret Art of Blood Martial Arts" from Bai Jin.

She did not forget to swallow the tigress warning, if she was not present, if she dared to do anything that crossed the line to Bai Jin, she would be nothing!

Chiwei was panicked to death now, afraid that Tunyin would jump out from the dark corner of the fairy boat and fold herself up.


Bai Jin didn't care about Chi Wei's panic, she still rested leisurely on her arm, using the ability to control the book to float beside her to show the content to herself, and almost fell asleep on her stomach when she was about to read it.

Although there are not many things Xianzhou can do in his daily life, Bai Jin is not too idle. As the strongest junior, he has to guide his seniors to practice in the morning, water the flowers after beating up four people, and close his eyes at noon to rest his mind In the afternoon, I will study the pharmacology books in the Longevity Lock.

Those books were all left to him by Sui Mingxing. In addition, Bai Jin also improved the medicine fairy's prescription.

The medicated bath prescription prescribed by the medical fairy to the little friends is more effective than the other. In less than a month, both Yu Xueqing and Wei Benliang have successfully advanced to the rank, and Zhu Fu and Jin brother are already in the Jindanqi gate. wandered before.

But Bai Jin didn't feel anything about it, and didn't benefit from the medicine fairy's prescription.

Then he suddenly thought of one thing, although his wood skills cultivation base is very strong, but his essence is not a single wood skills monk, the medicine fairy doctor specially prepared for himself is aimed at a single wood skills monk !
Bai Jin followed the idea of ​​medicine fairies, and remixed a prescription for himself with all the five elements. Combined with the turbid spiritual fruit provided by the soul, he is not too far away from the Nascent Soul Stage.

Now he can even vaguely perceive that the reminder sound of the law that all monks will hear before crossing the catastrophe came vaguely to make him prepare to cross the catastrophe
Once the prompt sound is extremely clear, it means that within three days of Heavenly Tribulation, you will be bombarded with the Heavenly Spirit Gai!

Chi Wei, who was originally restless, seemed to sense what was happening, and the two red chains that provided massage services snapped.

"Master Bai, we were attacked. A group of winged beasts gathered outside the fairy boat, as if they were going to ask us for tolls."

The fairy boat is good for everything, you can go racing in the sea, and you can drive fast regardless of road obstacles in the sky. It can also provide a comfortable residence for monks. You don’t need to spend your own mana on the road, and you can buy a lot of time to improve your cultivation.

But the shortcomings are also obvious. Amusement-type fairy boats like Bai Jin basically don't have a strong defense array, and they are very easy to be damaged if they are attacked.

There are many monsters who have the ability to control the sky, or are born with the ability to fly, and they like to rob rich fools who drive recreational boats.

The cruising speed of the amusement-type fairy boat is just the flight of a Jindan stage monk with a sword. What kind of a rich fool can spend more than 40 spirit stones on it?
They like these rich fools the most.

To solve this kind of problem, Qizong's only suggestion is to add money to buy a customized war fairy boat. There is nothing that the war fairy boat knot can't solve. If there is a spirit weapon level fairy boat, it can be crushed!

"Are there any powerful monsters? If not, take their leaders and feed me their souls. Other monsters rush to the deck for my brothers and sisters to play with."

Bai Jin yawned and said, "It doesn't matter if the fairy boat is damaged, anyway, it's not far from Feng Yu, it's faster if you carry us on your back."

"Okay, Young Master Bai." Chi Wei responded to her black-hearted young master with black lines all over her head.


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(End of this chapter)

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