Chapter 267

Chiwei pushed open the door of the cabin, looked at the black cloud at the tail of the fairy boat, which was condensed by a large amount of monster energy, and then jumped out of the fairy boat and flew towards the tail of the boat. The arms covered by the long sleeves were covered with red crystals, forming a wide and solid Crimson arm claws.

The moment Chi Wei left from the fairy boat, the puppets who had been staying in the fairy boat began to knock on the door, waking up the resting chief disciples of Xingluo Xianmen, asking them to get up and come out to see the unique scenery on the Great Plains.

"Four Jindan stage monsters, two Nascent Soul stage ones, and a Deity Transformation Elementary hidden in the black cloud?"

Chiwei glanced at the situation in the group of monsters, and turned into a crimson streamer and rushed directly into the black cloud. A large number of low-level monsters were smashed to pieces on the way, and all kinds of blood turned into red clouds to follow behind her.

The secret method she used was a crude version of the low-end secret method called "Blood Martial Skill" in the Hehuan Sect.

The real blood martial arts secret method is to use one's own blood and soul to smelt a "living magic weapon", and then grow spiritually by devouring the enemy's blood and blood.

If it is combined with the "He Hua Zi Zai Tian Mo Jing", it can achieve the effect of completely devouring the whole body, allowing the living magic sword to grow to a very strong level in a short time.

The martial art of blood is a bit like the routine of sword cultivators, but there are very few people who practice this method in the Acacia Sect, and the ratio of risk to reward is too low. Once the master can't suppress the evil nature of the magic sword, he will suffer the retribution of self-phagia .

But if the master can suppress the magic sword and devour the spirituality of a large number of monks, then the magic sword will become stronger with the master and even have the possibility of evolving into a fairy weapon.

And it is the most handy, a fairy weapon that completely suits one's own mind and can change ever-changingly like a virtuous wife.

The red crystal of Chiwei does not have this characteristic, and cannot grow with the owner. When she reaches the realm of the fairyland, the secret method she practiced needs to be discarded, because the strength of the red crystal secret method is so strong, and she wants to use it to defeat the same level or higher level. The Earth Immortal seemed to be joking.

But even with a lot of flaws, the magic secret method is still the magic secret method at the level of the earth immortal, and its power is still much stronger than the normal secret method!

"The method of fighting."

The blood mist following Chi Wei's body poured into Chi Wei's body and turned into a red halo floating behind her.


Chiwei backhanded and pulled out the red machete from behind, like cutting tofu, he slashed open the Nascent Soul stage giant eagle that was blocking life and death in front of her, and continued to rush towards the center of the black cloud with fierce eyes.

From the center of the red halo behind her, a crimson chain with a hook shot out, shooting through the giant eagle demon baby who was about to escape and fell to the center of the halo.

"Fellow Daoist, is it too much? It's just asking for money, why hurt people's lives?"

In the center of the black cloud, there was a bird-faced middle-aged man with two pairs of crow-like black wings on his back, a swollen neck and jaw, but an unusually thin body.

Seeing the strength Chiwei showed, it immediately gave up its plan to control the monsters to attack.

This business is not worth it.

But Chiwei has no intention of communicating. The monster in front of her is far weaker than her, and it is not a monster that inherits the blood of a powerful alien beast. It is just an ordinary monster named Harrier Eagle that is good at flying.

It only takes a lot of effort to capture it alive.

"Scarlet Cage!"

Chiwei raised her hand, and a large number of chains with sharp blades extended from the crimson halo behind her back, extending irregularly in all directions to form a special formation, which completely cut off the possibility of the restricted things escaping.

Harrier Eagle originally wanted to dodge and leave, but the red light curtain that diffused from Chi Wei's body disappeared in a flash, wrapping it in a cage that radiated a faint red light.

Once it gets close to the edge, the light curtain will generate a large number of various weapons to attack and kill it.

"Their hardness is extremely close to that of spirit weapons. You probably won't be able to produce spirit weapons because of your poverty."

Chi Wei's left hand was covered with red crystals, and she held an extended machete in her right hand. Seeing Harrier Eagle's faint opening, she taunted: "If you can catch me without a fight, I can still give you a chance to live, as long as you go to the fairy boat with me See Master Bai inside"

"Otherwise, I will accept your demon baby."

"It's too much deceiving!"

Harrier Hawk snorted coldly, spread its four wings, and suddenly a large number of water droplets appeared in the scarlet cage.

Harrier Eagle is good at speed and possesses the ability to control water, although it is not ranked among the monster clan whose prestige is based on blood.

But there is still something about combat power.


On the fairy boat.

"Where are there so many monsters?"

Zhu Fu's eyes widened, and he looked at the hundreds of flying monsters around the fairy boat with disbelief.

"Where did they come from, I'll take care of the big one, and you can handle the rest." Bai Jin glanced at the red barrier in the distance, and then at the fierce and unusual one that was rushing towards the fairy boat. Nascent Soul Monster Beast sighed slowly: "I know how to bully children."

Judging from the expression of the monster in the Nascent Soul Stage, it is not difficult for Bai Jin to deduce the meaning of her slaughter towards the fairy boat.

It is estimated that they intend to take some hostages to threaten the Chiwei who are killing indiscriminately among the monsters.

The number of flying monsters is probably more than a hundred, except for the remaining two Jindan stage and one Nascent Soul stage, there are three or five Foundation Establishment stage and a dozen Qi Refining stage, and the rest are relatively vicious birds of prey. Monster name.

Bai Jin thought that Chiwei could solve it, but he seemed a little too high on the inheritance of the secret method of the Blood Demon Sect.


Bai Jin raised his right hand to draw out the half-body soul, fluttering up to the crazy girls who rushed towards him, raised the demon gauntlets that were invisible to outsiders, and blocked the heavy punches that hit his face, with a serious face Said: "You are too dangerous, I can't let you get close to the past."

"So... let's bloom! Monster girl."

When the gauntlet holding the monster girl's fist was strong, in addition to embedding the plant seeds into her flesh and blood, it also directly crushed the fist she swung.

After doing all this, Bai Jin took a step back to avoid the sneak attack of another golden core monster.


When the Nascent Soul monster injured by Bai Jin saw the seven-colored brilliance on the back of his right hand, he suddenly felt bad. When he broke his arm to survive, the seven-colored flowers had already penetrated the flesh and began to bloom.

In the next second, the Nascent Soul stage monster turned into flying ash, leaving only a withered flower slowly falling in midair.

"What sorcery?"

The white crane demon next to him at the Jindan stage saw the leading hummingbird turn into fly ash in an instant, stared at Bai Jin, who was also at the Jindan stage, and couldn't help but retreat.

"This is the law of righteousness in the world!"

Bai Jin smiled and said: "If you insist on demonic law, out of good intentions, I don't suggest you to retreat any further. Its temper is much more irritable than mine."

After finishing speaking, Bai Jin turned around and left back to the fairy boat to sit and watch the play of his friends, and ignored the other monsters that were still flying in the sky.

The white crane demon was stunned and subconsciously turned around, but it didn't see anything behind it.

But it quickly understood the meaning of Bai Jin's words. The invisible palm, which was much larger than its body, grabbed its body and squeezed it hard, and the scarlet liquid burst out along with the mana.


The figure of the white crane demon disappeared into the air, only the sound of chewing was floating in the void
The soul that has become a complete body goes upstream, and walks slowly towards the place where Chiwei and the eagle are fighting. From time to time, he reaches out to hold a monster beside him and stuffs it into his mouth, swallowing all his body and magic power into his belly, and then floats out The soul that was about to return to heaven and earth was devoured by the hollow in the chest.


Ask for votes.

 Let me make a joke, just now the writers in the group sent me some screenshots of comments on some unknown webpages, saying that this book is corrupt.

  emmm they suspect that I am gay, I am trying to explain to them the misunderstanding, I clearly wrote about the harem, okay?
  Speechless is really speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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