I am in good spirits

Chapter 268 Sealing Yu's Realm.

Chapter 268 Sealing Yu's Realm.

"Tsk tsk tsk brutal!"

Bai Jin dealt with the attacking Nascent Soul stage monsters, and returned to the top terrace of the fairy boat, which looked lively. The first deck is now very lively, rainy, snowy, clear, and water spirits are killing randomly. Brother Wei is not at the end of the day. against the enemy.

Brother Jin was as unlucky as ever, he was chased by a golden dan stage forest bird and spewed air bombs, Zhu Fu was surrounded by orange-yellow high-temperature fireballs chasing a man and a beast.

"Senior Sister Yu, help me!"

Wei Benliang's arms shone with a mud-yellow luster, and he used Dishifeng's secret skill 'Mountain-moving Curse'. Every time he touched the enemy, he could exert gravity, thus suppressing the enemy until he was unable to move until he was out of breath.

Coupled with Shangtuxiu's rough skin and thick flesh, Wei Benliang's resistance to the invasion is actually very easy, but the three foundation-building monsters who were originally on Yuxueqing's side seem to know that the vicious Shui Ling is not easy to mess with. As for the bandage man And two people covered in fire.
The one who was chased by the monsters at the Jindan stage couldn't die, and the one who dared to chase the monsters at the Jindan stage was obviously a human monk who was not easy to mess with. So, the monsters immediately turned their guns and prepared to kidnap the weakest one. Break through one by one and kidnap a whole boat to save the boss.

"Shui Ling! Go save Junior Brother Wei!"

Yuxueqing hid behind the bunker, manipulating the water mass formed by the trickle to kill the enemy.

She turned her head when she heard Wei Benliang's cry for help, and saw three little monsters flapping their wings fiercely, kicking Junior Brother Wei on the ground with fierce faces, and immediately called Shui Ling on the front line to come to the rescue.

The spirit of Renshui, whose body surface was a little yellow, was stunned for a moment when he received the order from Yuxueqing, and looked back at Yuxueqing who was hiding behind the bunker, and there was a humanized sigh on the round, watery face that had no face at all. .
In the next second, the figure of Shui Ling, who was originally only about 1.6 meters, immediately swelled up. Four arms appeared on the side of the ribs, and two arms were born on the back, totaling eight arms. A very obvious muscle tissue line shape.


The eight arms waved a bright knife light, and the Renshui knife slashed at the flesh and blood of the monster, directly eroding all the muscle tissue. In just a moment, all the monsters around Shui Ling's body were chopped into pieces.
Shui Lingtou didn't turn back to walk towards Wei Benliang. His tall body walked in the pool of blood on the deck, stepping on a series of scarlet footprints, looking at the three foundation-building monsters besieging Wei Benliang with strong malice and murderous intent.

It was getting angry and almost furious. It was originally enjoying the fun of chopping up monsters, but because of three stupid monsters making trouble, it could only hastily end the process of pretending to be weak and enjoying the slaughter, and appeared The body shape that has merged with Yin and Yang Shenshui.

The black long knife in Shui Ling's hand began to change, and the sharp blades converged and fused into a meat hammer.

Shui Ling kicked away one of them, and was beating Wei Benliang's foundation-building monster. He held up his warhammer, aimed at the other monster that looked like an elk but had wings, and kicked Wei Benliang's head with a heavy hammer. smash down.


With the sound of bones breaking, the red and white liquid splashed four meters away, and together with the reinforcement of the Xianzhou hull, a big hole was smashed out.The corpse of the long-winged deer fell to the ground with all four legs limp, and the scarlet liquid sprayed from its neck to a high place like a fountain, turning into red rain and falling on the deck.


Wei Benliang, whose face was splattered with red and white filth, lay on the ground and looked at the brutal water spirit standing in the red rain, rolled his eyes and passed out immediately.

Compared with the invading monsters, no matter how you look at it, the water spirit is more terrifying, right?Before Wei Benliang fell into a coma, a word appeared in his heart.

The blood of a monster was far from pacifying Shui Ling's desire for killing and cruelty. It quickly turned to look at other monsters that were still alive, and all the sharp blades in its palms were transformed into non-lethal blunt weapons.

It wants to smash the monsters to death one by one, peel off their muscle tissue from the inside out, pull out their bones and pull out the meridians in their bodies.

"It's incredible."

Bai Jin propped up a mana barrier to block the blood that almost splashed on his face, and looked at Shui Ling who was holding up the meat hammer to execute the monster with a full face of amazement: "In the future, we will hand over all the torture business to you!"

Every time Shui Ling fights, it can refresh the three views of all bystanders. Its method of killing the enemy cannot simply be called killing or killing, but it should be described as torture and beheading.

Demon cultivators can’t even see their killing methods. It’s ruthless, especially after Yu Xueqing passed out with overdrawn mana, Shui Ling is even more ferocious and brutal. He can kill as many people as he likes.
Now Bai Jin can't understand at all, how the usually soft and glutinous weather girl recruited such a cruel, cold-blooded and ruthless spirit of kindness like water.

She might not be the Asura recruited from the Styx!

There was a shout from the stern of the ship, Jinlin tightly held a large iron pan that shone with golden light in both hands, and slammed the Samadhi True Fire Burning Body Bird Demon on the head, hitting it so high that it fell into a coma In the state of death, it turned into a raging fire ball and fell to the outside of the fairy boat.


Jinlin squatted on the ground panting heavily, and the intact iron pot fell beside her: "We won!"

"If it lasts a little longer, I will burn it and make it into a crispy chicken and hang it on the bow!"

Zhu Fu, who was a little bit embarrassed, looked at the place where the golden core bird demon fell with disdain on his face: "It's good luck!"


Bai Jin yelled, and waved to Zhu Fu and Jin Lin: "Come up and have a rest." He glanced at the bow of the ship and said, "Let Senior Sister Yu and Brother Wei take care of the other low-level demons." Now, only Miss Chiwei is still fighting."

Even though he said that, Bai Jin knew that there was basically no need to pay attention to the battle over there. He had already controlled the soul to attack the old bird of transformation spirit earlier, and successfully weakened the mana in his body by half.

If Chiwei can't win like this, and can still be defeated by Yaoying, then Bai Jin has to think about brainwashing Chiwei and changing her suit to add points.

The skill tree can be crooked, so why not cut down the old tree and plant a new skill tree as soon as possible?
Waiting for Master Tianjie to take you away?

"Cheche, let the puppets clean the bow of the boat, the floor is so sticky that it affects the mood."

Bai Jin helped Jin Lin and Zhu Fu to the chairs, took a look at the situation at the bow, and then turned to the puppet steward who was waiting for his order to find some puppets to clean up the filth on the bow.

"That's right. By the way, grab Brother Wei and wash it in the shower room before bringing it up. Remember to collect the monsters that haven't leaked from the monsters."

The bow of the ship is like the scene of a horror movie, and basically only the scene constructed by red and white is in sight.

In the huge bow area, only Yu Xueqing, who had passed out early due to mana overdraw, was clean and tidy. Other places, including Wei Benliang, were covered in unsightly filth.

"Master Bai"

Not too long later, Chi Wei got out of the scarlet cage restraint formation, two demon babies of monsters were hanging upside down in the red halo behind her, and she was still holding the dead eagle with thousands of holes in her hand , Return to Xianzhou and respectfully submit the spoils of this trip to Bai Jin.

“Great harvest”

Bai Jin looked at the two demon babies on the table, the three foundation-building demon essences collected by the puppets, and four complete Qi-refining-stage demon essences: "What a big pie!"

A carcass of a demonic beast in the transformation stage, together with several high-quality demon yuan and demon infants, was placed in the Jianbao Pavilion and sold for a conservative estimate of nearly 20 spirit stones.

I was driving well, but suddenly a big pie fell from the sky.

"Come on, everyone, don't go to bed first, let's talk about what pills everyone wants to eat tomorrow. Those broken demon yuan will be scattered in a few days if you don't take it away." Bai Jin looked at the friends with great interest. Said: "It's still added as an additive in the medicine bath bucket as a supplement."

"I'll talk about it tomorrow if I'm sleepy."

Zhu Fu who was lying on the bench muttered something, turned around and continued to sleep in.



In a small mountain village on the edge of Feng Yu's territory.

"Everyone look here, follow me to read"

An extremely handsome and almost demonic monk stood in front of a blackboard made of hardened loess, holding a charcoal pencil and writing articles for literacy on it, and looked at a group of children in the mountain village in front of him with a gentle smile.

"I warn you not to be naughty. Sir, what I am teaching you now is the foundation of making money. In the future, whether you squat in the mountains to eat bran and swallow vegetables or go to the city to touch girls, it will all be in my three-month teaching, sir."

The seductive monk looked at the children who were still skinny, and although he kept a gentle smile on his face, the words in his mouth gradually became harsh and realistic.

Although the children didn't understand much, the mothers who were quietly watching the general education began to scold their children loudly, telling them to be obedient.

In a short while, a group of children whose buttocks were swollen by their mothers were lying on the stone chairs obediently, looking at the teacher on the simple podium with expressions of resentment on their faces.

"Well, he is a good student of sir."

The monk nodded with a satisfied smile, and when he was about to give them a lesson, he frowned slightly and looked up at the sky, whispering: "What is so bloody and hostile?"

He didn't smell any bloody smell, but his eyes saw a mass of red smell floating from the sky.

Ordinary people can't see the red mist. Only the eminent monks who have opened their eyes can perceive the various special auras emitted by the human body.


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(End of this chapter)

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