I am in good spirits

Chapter 269 Feng Yu Main City

Chapter 269 Feng Yu Main City
"No, no, brother Jin, let's accompany you to Qizong for a walk first! I'm not in a hurry at all."

The fairy boat slowly sailed into the territory of the Fengyu Empire, originally planning to find a city to land, find someone to inquire about the location of the nearby large Jianbao Pavilion, and then jump to Qizong through the teleportation array to do two things.

The first thing is the 'Ocean Demon War Fairy Boat', and the second thing is to identify the material properties of the outer iron pot for Jinlin.

As a result, Jinlin suddenly said, since no one knows where the large Jianbao Pavilion is, it's better to go to Brother Bai's house to visit his uncle and aunt, and it's not too late to ask where the large Jianbao Pavilion is.

What Jin Lin said was so reasonable that it won the unanimous consent of all the friends.

After all, it's not too far from Bai Jin's house, so it's too impolite not to pay a visit when you're all here, right?

But Bai Jin hasn't greeted his family yet, and he doesn't know if Shi Feiyan has explained for him.

In the eyes of his parents, he is a rising little magic star in the Acacia Sect. Qiang Wudi worships under the old devil Zizai's sect, and is deeply loved and loved by the brothers and sisters of the demon sect.

How did he change from a genius demon cultivator of the Hehuan Sect to a gardener of the Xingluo Immortal Sect in such a short time?

Who can stand it!

Bai Jin feels that he needs to cooperate with his parents, so he must not say a word as soon as he enters the door: "Hey~ our little genius from the Demon Sect has returned home?"

He was afraid that his friends would not be able to bear it.

"Che Che. Turn around and go to the main city of Feng Yu!" Bai Jin gave an order with a forced smile on his face, and his hands hidden under the tea table almost exploded the soul-chasing compass.

Smelly Gambling Dog, hurry up and message me back!If you don't hurry up and cover me, I'm afraid something big will happen!

It's a pity that the soul-chasing compass ignores the distance and the ability to send messages seems to be interfered by a strange force. Now Bai Jin can only see her location through the compass, but the information transmission is blocked by the strange force, so she can't reach Shi Feiyan and Meng Qi for the time being. in the compass.

"Forget it."

Bai Jin put the soul-chasing compass back into the storage ring, took out the Thousand Miles Sound Transmitting Jade Slip that he had been wearing all the time, and edited an explanation of his recent experience in it, as long as it reached the receiving range of the set recipient, the message would be automatically sent to the receiver. Sent to the Jade Jane in the hands of the parents.

After doing all this, Bai Jin began to ponder if there was anything in him that would reveal his identity.

After thinking about it, Bai Jin felt that her identity should be perfectly hidden, but she needed to fabricate a new identity for Chiwei later.

As for the identity of Baijin Hehuanzong's disciple, he was not worried about being exposed at all. He knew that his parents were the only ones who worshiped in Hehuanzong.

Isn't it a very reasonable thing to seek immortal fate and worship in Xingluo Xianmen?

"Infinite Ami."

Just when Bai Jin was deep in thought, everyone else was discussing with great interest what gifts to bring to the meeting.

A clear and clear boy's voice came, and a monk wearing a pure white shawl and cassock, red lips, white teeth, white skin, fair skin and almost alluring appearance appeared on the first floor of the fairy boat, and gently chanted the Buddha's name to remind everyone of the arrival of outsiders.

"Little monk Kong'an has met all fellow Taoists."

Kong An raised his head and glanced at the top floor, and his gaze stayed on Bai Jin, Jin Lin and Yu Xueqing. All the intense scarlet hostility on the entire fairy boat was almost emanating from these three people.

In particular, the scarlet color on the white-faced scholar's body had almost begun to turn black. It was definitely not the evil that could be accumulated by simply slaughtering tens of thousands of people, it was simply more vicious than those of those battle-tested generals.

But when Kongan saw the badges hanging from them, he roughly knew what kind of star network hanging man was in front of him, and he also had a little understanding of the scarlet stains on their bodies. In jail.

Xingluo Xianmen. It's normal to kill some magic cultivators, and it's reasonable to kill all the demon cultivators. It's a routine operation to extract the magic cultivator's soul and use it as lamp oil.

"My little monk is a gentleman from the mountain village below. Seeing your fairy boat stranded in mid-air, do you encounter problems? Do you need little monk to help fellow Taoists?"

After confirming the identity of the group in front of him, Kong An asked Bai Jin and his group with a friendly smile.

"It's okay, I was re-planning the route just now, and I didn't encounter any problems."

Bai Jin glanced at Monk Kong An and waved his hand to indicate that nothing happened and he didn't need his help.

There is a Cidu Temple in the Fengyu area. The monks who come out of it are very enthusiastic. They don’t know the name of the white brocade of Buddhism they practice, but the general meaning and action are not only crossing themselves but also crossing others. They think that everyone can pass Diligent and progressive.

In short, they are a group of people who love to preach, and a group of good people who advocate saving the world and altruism.

Cidu Temple is well-known in the world of self-cultivation. On weekdays, it practiced the sect's teachings without competing with the world. It often went to the world of mortals to give free general education to children from poor families, and also taught them some self-defense methods.

Therefore, Bai Jin wasn't surprised when he saw Monk Kong'an. After all, Cidu Temple was stationed in Fengyu's territory, and it's common sense that there are more monks here.

"If you bother me so much, I will take my leave first."

Monk Kong'an nodded, turned and jumped off the fairy boat, and glided straight to the small mountain village.


The sudden appearance of the little monk was just an episode and did not disturb everyone's interest.

Bai Jin also casually gave his friends a popular science about Cidu Temple in the cultivation world.

Basically, the monks who call Wuliang Ami are all warm-hearted and kind people who love to preach.

Like the old buddies who come from a decent family, you can ask them for help, the monks in Cidu Temple will not ask you to pay anything.

But Momen gets annoyed when they see them, pestering you every day to persuade you to turn back to goodness, and it's extremely long-winded.

I have come here to be a demon cultivator, how good do you think my life was before?If it weren't for the diagram magic way, which can quickly become bigger and stronger, and create another glories, who would be a magic cultivator?

"Haven't you arrived at the main city of Feng Yu?"

Zhu Fu leaned on the railing of the top terrace, looked back at Bai Jin again and asked.

"It should be thousands of miles away." Bai Jin lay sideways on the bench and read the worldly novels, then glanced at Zhu Fu and said, "Don't worry, Feng Yu's territory is nearly 2 million It’s more than one hectare, and we’re pretty close in two hours now.”

"If you enter from the south, you may not even be able to see the edge if you don't fly for seven hours."

"Li Dapu." After Zhu Fu complained, he stared at Bai Jin and said, "Suddenly I seem to understand why you are so rich."

In such a big country, Bai Jin's father is the grand master who is the head of the three masters, and he is actually married to the royal family, the biggest rich man. No wonder he is poor.

"Is Fengyu City the one?"

Jinlin raised his head to look outside the fairy boat, barely seeing the outline of a giant city, raised his finger to show Zhu Fu the area over there, and called Bai Jin back to make sure.

"Chiwei, look at the upper left corner, is there any mountain-like terrain?" Bai Jin didn't bother to move, so he asked the person with the best eyesight in the fairy boat to take a look.

"I can vaguely see the uplift of the terrain, and the clearest thing I can see is that there seems to be a big lake there."

"A lake? That's right. We're near the main city of Fengyu." Bai Jin took out the jade slips and probed his spiritual sense inside to check to make sure that the message had been sent.

"I said hello to the family and asked them to prepare our meals in the evening."

Bai Jin got up and stretched, walked to the bow of the boat, looked at the hazy shadow and said, "Tonight I will take you there to experience the prosperity of Fengyu City Night Market!"

Although he was extremely unfamiliar with Feng Yucheng, Bai Jin still confidently boasted to his friends.

There are only a few things that come and go in the city, anyway, as long as you pretend to be very familiar, and then take them around as the host, that's all you need.

What is your chance?You can't come back to the prenatal education as Zhu Fu said, can you?Bai Jin looked at the city that was getting closer and closer and murmured in his heart.


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(End of this chapter)

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